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  • A Quest for Meaning DVD

  • A Quest for Meaning Q&A - Marc & Nathanael

  • "Economists are like dentists" by Patrick Viveret

  • "More than just an alternative lifestyle" by Pierre Rabhi

  • "The inner space" by Cassandra Vieten

  • "Humans are part of a whole" by Bruce Lipton

  • "The Symptom" by Satish Kumar

  • "Elegant simplicity" by Satish Kumar

  • "The purpose of economy" by Vandana Shiva

  • "Swim against the current or get out of the water" by Samdhong Rinpoche

  • "Our Revolution Begins With Food" by Vandana Shiva

  • Le sens de l'économie : Vandana Shiva (bonus)

  • A Quest for Meaning - trailer