The Mist

Writen by slayrrr666 on March 11, 2017

Following a devastating storm, a small town in Maine finds that the eerie mist swarming into the neighborhood holds a deadly secret inside that attacks anyone around them and forces a small band of survivors trapped inside a supermarket to hold off the creatures. This one here is an incredibly frustrating King work. A lot of what makes this one so uneven is due to there being a lot to really like about it, a few points to love about it and then there were elements to utterly loathe about it. The film is at it's best with the way the mounting hysteria over the situation with them trapped within the supermarket and how the groups resolve their problems and start new ones which was pretty good and makes for a realistic feeling to the story, detailing how it all breaks down and what the group resorts to in order to keep their sanity. Likewise, that in turn leads into the films' best efforts in the first few attacks with the unknown creatures inside the mist killing off the victims as they refuse to believe what's out there and rush foolishly into the area which makes for a series of fun times out in the cargo hold and the different attempts to reach safety outside and then encountering the different creatures and their powers were all good points. The flying insects and them trying to keep them out as the different creatures break in resulting in a series of great encounters trying to clear them out of the store, and the insane battle in the pharmacy during the pitch-black interior is a rather stark and creepy experience fighting off the array of creatures that gives this one a ton of impressive points. The final few battles and escapes to get out, the blood and gore and the way that the creatures are dealt with are all loved points here as that all leads into the stellar finale which is an absolutely unforeseen and shocking in what goes on as there are some rather disturbing parts in this section. Along with the fine creature effects, these here are the good parts to really love about it although it does have a few issues to be had here. The film's biggest problem is the mere appearance of the religious babble that gets spewed in here which is so wrongheaded and rather off-putting it just makes the viewer feel like not watching it all that often. Yet another big issue here is the length and how overlong it feels, with the rather overlong sections in the middle really making it feel it's length somewhat. While there's plenty to like here, these do hold it back. Rated R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence and intense themes of children-in-danger.