The Johnstown Flood

Writen by Cinema_Snobb on February 05, 2024

"The Johnstown Flood" was one of the biggest hits of the Silent Era. But for years it was considered near lost. There was one copy left and it was in bad condition. Well...the beauty of film restoration is apparent here. In 2023 the restoration of the film was complete and it is beautiful. Based on a true story from 1999 in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. George O'Brien plays Tom, a logger who becomes concerned that the dam that overlooks the town is unsafe and cannot handle the upcoming Spring runoffs and rain. He takes the issue to the logging company owners, but they ignore him since they have a big contract for lumber that is due soon. A little love triangle also springs up with George and the logging owner's daughter and a sweet local names Anna, played by Janet Gaynor. But as a wedding approaches the dam reaches its peak. For 1926 the effects are stunning, and the direction and story is quite sophisticated. George O'Brien and Janet Gaynor are two the Silent Era's greatest stars and they are wonderful together.