Galaxy of Terror

Writen by CinemaSerf on June 07, 2023

The first ten minutes of this really do have you reaching for the fast forward button, but once it settles down and we get past the characters/plot establishment sequences, it turns into an half-decent sci-fi murder mystery. The crew of a spaceship are sent on a rescue mission. When they arrive at the site, they discover that the other crew have been brutally slaughtered and, trapped by an electro-magnetic storm, they now have to look to their own self-preservation. B.D. Clark manages - actually quite an achievement - to generate a bit of suspense aided by Barry Scrader's slightly over-the-top score, but the acting is pretty dreadful. Erin Moran (whom I'm sure was in "Happy Days") and Edward Albert really draw attention to the low-budget sets and effects; and the story is all pretty routine