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Season 1
The show revolves around five college friends and their daily comical lives. Ragini "Rags" Juneja is a teenager and the daughter of the Bollywood megastar Sushmita Juneja. At her new college, Redfield Academy, she meets Zenia Khan, Zeeshan Khan aka Zee (Zenia's twin brother), Vir Mehra, and Ritu Shah: a gang of inseparable childhood friends. She doesn't want anyone to know that she is the daughter of a famous actress and wants to make friends on her own, not for who her parents are. She lies to them and says that her mom is a kindergarten teacher and that she is not a good singer, despite her being excellent at it. Her friends eventually find out her secrets and, while initially angry, they eventually forgive her.
Season 2
The events of the second season take place during summer vacations. Zee works at a bookstore of which Mr. Mandal is temporarily in charge. Ritu is shown to be in Ahmedabad. Zee and Zenia's mother is introduced. The season starts off with Zee discovering a magic potion which makes the last thoughts of the characters come true. When Ritu returns, Ragini, Zee, Zenia, and Veer have a wonderful adventure with the magic potion. But when they visit Ragini in Thailand, the magic potion turns out to be a ghost who wants to take revenge on the gang because of a mistake Zee made. Zee eventually defeats him, and they celebrate Ragini's birthday happily. They all breathe a sigh of relief thinking that the magic potion which had caused them so much trouble was gone, but it is actually back in Zee's bag. The series ends with a triumphant episode and it says that the five will be best friends forever.