Squid Game
extremely disappointing idea theft So once there was "The most dangerous game" (you see "game" in the title?) where shipwreckes survivors are hunted by Count Zaroff and if they survive they're free. Then on the "survive or win" we have Cube, Saw, Death race, Hunger games, Battle royale (already the most ripped off in Squid Game, As the gods will (also extremely ripped off in Squid Game). So here the theme is the bleak today's world where a father can't keep a job and gain money for his family. So an invite comes for a game where you can gain big money. But soon contestants die. My interest died at this point. But to have an opinion, I watched it til the end. There was a big reveal, wow that was the best they could do? So to be precise in the ripoffs. Battle Royale, teenagers are sent to an island and the sole survivor is freed. This is a GAME, there's rules, a duration, an objective. Same for SG, rules, objective, duration. As the gods will we have teenagers visited by a strange head sculpture that takes them hostage and makes them participate in various KIDS games where most will die. Does it describe Squid Game? Especially the "kids" games turned to horror adult death traps. The directing and acting are average at best. I got fed upo with the father fast with his stunned face he does all the time. Some design of the games is OK, but also close to As the gods will. I put 1/10 for obvious steal of an already oversused idea (yeah Hunger Games was of the most horrible movies I've sen in my life).