The Sandman

Writen by DallasBob on December 29, 2022

Very good special effects (for Streaming/TV viewing), and good story line with good characters. (wait for it...) TOO BAD, it's attached thoroughly to a sinisterly liberal wagon. If you don't know what I mean, just think of everything that ruins a show for someone who is NOT gay, overweight w/colored hair, body piercings, unconcealable tattoos, and insufferably annoying. I made it to the episode where the Sandman got his ruby back, but then I had to let the show go. That re-writing John Constatine into a self-serving closed minded assho-- I mean, gay woman in her late twenties, was abysmal. The diner scene was just as god-awful in writing, if not theme. I wasn't even happy when the Sandman finally got his ruby back; just relieved I no longer had to keep watching the show. It really is a shame how ludicrously far the writing in Hollywood as fallen behind or under intersectional politics & woke agenda. smh