
Writen by sykobanana on March 29, 2021

So many missed opportunities in this series makes for a disappointing watch, although the series does end on a higher note. The premise is sound - a powerful mutant (oh, we're not allowed to use that word) - sorry, witch, is grieving for her love and reverts to what she thinks is the idealised family - based on TV sitcoms. Here you could do so much - an episode per decade (nup, some are randomly skipped), add in creepy themes (this is started, but never really done well), expound on the puppet-master theme, explore grieving, or having a family as a Supe, or trying to be normal. You could mash up the Truman Show with Pleasantville and the Incredibles with a touch of the Stepford Wives (and even have them caused by the antagonist of the series to either try to gain a friend, or to unnerve and outdo Wanda - seriously, is the antagonist just evil with no human desires?). But we got this average slump of a series which wants to be more...a whole lot more. Plusses - Olsen and Bettany are on form and seem to relish the increased screen time for the characters - their magic show is a highlight of the droll early episodes. The minor cast are great too with Caulfield and Hahn being highlights. Remarkably, Dennings is held back which (compared to her last showing in the Dark World) we are all thankful for. And the set design and score are masterful showing true homage to the shows that came before. Negatives - Besides the aforementioned lost opportunities, there is an added plot about the military which was not needed (could have just had this set in Wanda's head and expounded more on the creepiness of this concept). Canned laughter is over used to the extreme - none of the shows referenced used it that much, and this is not even a plot point to signify that something is wrong with the world. Characters appear and disappear and are not followed up on, nor is there explanation given as to why (eg Quicksilver). And consequences have no place here. In such a hyped up show, I was expecting more than this droll output which fails to shine despite the best intentions of Bettany, Olsen and the cast. My hopes for something outstandingly creepy or scary from the next Dr Strange movie are now definitely lessened.