The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power
Galadriel is a monster. At least in this mini series. For those unacquainted with the world of hobbits and elves and evil orcs in the works of Tolkien, Galadriel is a super talented elf of the highest order with mystic abilities in the Lord of the Rings and the Silmarillion. She is a very charming and thoughtful character in Tolkien's books. Here, she is a monster. Obviously, the intent is to goad people into thinking a monster can turn into a non monster. But only the most naive fools buy into it. There is no motivation for Galadriel in her efforts here, but there isn't any motivation for most of the characters. The only way Galadriel's evil makes sense is if she was captured by the evil super being (a sort of second to the Devil) Sauron, and Sauron, a shape changer, took her place. However, that didn't happen. It would have possibly saved this series to give some credible motivation. Instead, we get the most contrived events possible. That's why this is called a "horribly written piece".