The Boys

Writen by MovieGuys on June 15, 2024

The Boys started off well enough but any potential it might have had as entertainment, backed by legitimate social commentary, has been quickly astro-turfed by the agenda pedlars. This series positively oozes woke. If there's a politically loaded pitch to be made, in my opinion, there's a good chance you'll find it here. What I personally found even more odious, in the current season (4) is the belittling of those who question the mainstream. Yes, to question the established narrative is to be a rube, a fool, a bumpkin, a nobody, who waves a flag and blows an air horn. Of course, ironically the mainstream, especially the mainstream media, have never been more doubted. Small wonder they have taken to dosing peoples entertainment in a clumsily transparent attempt, to lure the "sheep' back into the pen. Suffice to say, lots of wasted potential here. Decent acting, some excellent idea's, all buried beneath thick cheesy layers of mainstream conformism. Ironically, the complete antithesis of the so called reactionary individualism, allegedly inherent, in the series key characters. In summary, when ersatz counter culture is a counter for legitimate counter culture. This series started out well but now its subverting nothing. Its just another pitch, for mainstream woke conformism. The fact they need to sell "this hard", for me at least, offers a degree of insight into how many people are actually buying in....