Good Omens

Writen by MovieGuys on July 30, 2023

The Omens are not good for the second season of this series. Whilst the first season was funny, satirical, wryly insightful and witty, season two falls from grace. Predictably, "the message" is shoved in your face in episode one and doesn't go away. Alternative lifestyles/sexuality, feminism, diversity, blah blah blah. When it gets round to the actual story its a timid and muted affair, that's at times hysterical in a bad way and in my view, wholly unfunny. Not even the talents of David Tennant and co can lift this out of the pit of mediocrity and lecturing pettiness, its hurled itself into. I managed two episodes before calling it a day. In summary, its beyond me how materiel with so much promise can be made so uninspiring and dull but there you have it. In short, I found it oscillated between being lecturing, hysterical, tedious, timid and above all, thoroughly unfunny.