Three Girls

Writen by Reno on September 03, 2017

**Innocent kids, blinded officials and the PIGS.** Another excellent BBC drama. A three-part television series, and each one runs for an hour. It was based on the real event of the 2000s. Focused on three young British teen girls to tell us how these innocents became victim to paedophile pigs. The story is about these three, but it exploited to reveal the entire scenario which stretches back for many years earlier. So this is not your normal television programme, I mean an entertainment programme. It's sole purpose it to tell the world what these pisslamic bastards are upto. A new way of waging war against another ethnic at their home. The world without this terror organisation would be a much better place. The first episode is all about setting up the platform. It opened with a brief police investigation scene and followed the flashback. A smart girl Holly, who developed a new friendship, not knowing where it's all going to lead. Like any teenagers, she has drawn towards the free alcohols and having fun with the girls. But soon she comes to realise the serious consequence of it. Now how she reacts to it and her fate that changes forever. It was one of those episodes where you will be confused to rate. Not that I felt it was badly made, but the truth it unfolded was very uncomfortable to watch. It has some scenes that make our blood boil. I was in the mood to smash my screen. Then just imagine what these girls went through, and particularly their helpless parents. It is more an internal security fail, especially on children and the organisations that should be monitoring such thing frequently on the warning given by officials lower than them, like a sexual health worker who became the whistleblower in this tale. The second episode was much better, on the story aspect. Because this where it begins to take the right path. After passing a couple of years without a justice, then slowly picks up the heat and the spotlights the crime. This is where a new character introduced, the lady detective who leads the investigation from a fresh perspective. A team was formed, persuaded the victims and gathered all the details. But the case takes up shape from those three girls' testimonies. A challenging time for everyone involved in it. From there, where it all goes is the final episode to disclose. > ❝It's not brain surgery. We treat them as human beings, and we say we're sorry.❞ The final part commences. This is the courtroom drama, but not entirely. You can expect here some twists, though not the cinematic twists, just how the trial goes on with the twisting questions. It was a different courtroom drama than I anticipated. Maybe because of the sensitive case. But I felt like it was a real life trial. There's no such thing called spoiler when it comes to this drama. We know how it all ends, despite waiting to witness the conclusion. Moreover, this event opened the other doors in the similar cases and brought a new order in the social service. Not easy to come out of its contents to give some credits to the actors. Because that's how good they were. There are lots of emotions involved, as well as pains. If you are a light-hearted, then it'll be a challenging to follow, particularly the first episode as I earlier mentioned. And the rest of the series was very good. Not unpredictable, though it went to accomplish what it wanted to disclose in a most realistic way. It should have been a documentary film, but such genre does not reach a wider audience. Still, this mini-series looks like a semi- documentary. Each and every scene were powerful. From stage to stage in the developments, step by step in the different angles, the whole truth was revealed. There are lots of films in the similar context, I'm sure you had seen at least a couple of them, but nothing was as real as this one while depicting the events. A well made series and a must see. Highly recommended! _9/10_