The Orville

Writen by YouShouldKnow on May 20, 2019

Don't be fooled by the trailer, this is not a comedy show. Sure, it's a little off-beat and more reminiscent of Firefly than Star Trek. It doesn't reinvent anything though and rather uses a lot of things present in similar shows. The crew is interesting and so are their missions. The images are quite breath-taking and of course the story has new elements to it, but it is the same "righteous" and "just" series with a health dose of self-reflection. But two cliches do stand out: cocky alien males, and very mechanical and condescending androids, What they really did wrong though was mess with time-travel for more than an episode. It has been nearly every show's downfall and this is no exception. Season 2 is as far as I recommend going unless they pull a rabbit out of their hat and completely stop messing with time.