The Life of Muhammad

Writen by GenerationofSwine on January 11, 2023

I'm sorry, this isn't really accurate and it takes a lot of things as fact that are still being debated. And full disclosure, I do feel that Petra and the debate around that shouldn't be taken as such a controversy in academia. The fact is, we don't know. The fact is that, if the same amount of evidence came about with Jesus and Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, it wouldn't have the controversy behind it. it would be debated and investigated as always. But, for some reason Academia doesn't question the Koran anywhere near as much as it does other texts, and this doesn't question it either. And, honestly, there is not much history in Mecca. It didn't appear on the map when Muhammad lived, or before. It wasn't on a trade route. It wasn't an important city then and it could never, ever field the crops described in the Koran. This film doesn't question that, it takes it as, well, as gospel. I don't know if Islam started in Mecca, but I know that the archeology isn't there. I don't know if the Petra theory is correct, but I do know that it fits better. I can't say either way. And, honestly, I refuse to say either way. However, this doesn't really question the history enough, it only really pays the questions lip service. And as such, I think it does a disservice.