Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Yeah, I am still bitter that they canceled this. I mean BITTER, I really got into this. it was entertaining and it felt like it was only just taking off and CANCELED!!!! That breaks this heart, I wanted at least 4 seasons and a movie. But, I guess the good things never last. I am going to blame marketing for this, given that I remember hearing about them making a series...and then I didn't even realize what channel it was on until almost the end of the second and final season. So that could be why, but who knows. The good news is that Sarah Connor completely and totally disavows T3. The story starts with T2 ending the movie canon and believe me we are all greatful for that. The fact is that Lena Headey pulls off tough really well in this, almost better than...I feel so dirty saying this...but almost better than Linda Hamilton. At least, I liked Headey more in the role. She seemed to balance the mother and the soldier a lot better than Hamilton did--though she had scarce opportunity to do it in the movies. Summer Glau is the new good Terminator and, for those of you that haven't seen it, she is threatening in this. She is small and thin and really very ominous in her role and given her size, being as believably threatening as she was is just pure talent. There is no way someone with her figure could pull that off without really knowing how to act. And the cool thing about this is that John Connor--Thomas Dekker--isn't the savior of humanity yet and that was a big draw because even though the movie focuses on his mother, had the series lasted longer we could have seen how he developed into the man that saves humanity form the machines and I really would have loved to see that. Alas all we have are two awesome seasons and a lot of angry fans and even though it is incomplete, it is something that is worth watching, it's fantastically entertaining and everyone does a great job. It's worth your time, despite the disappointment of an early demise.