Game of Thrones

Writen by JustEntertainment on June 20, 2022

Starts out exciting and engaging with complicated and likable characters leading the way for the viewer. Lots of sex, lots of nudity, plenty of dragons and magic and gory battles. But as the story goes on, most of the likable characters die off or become emasculated, so you're oddly left rooting for those who were once the loathsome the antagonists to put the "good chicks," whoever they are, out of their misery. From season 3-ish the series takes a wild turn stray of the original book series, the fault of the creator who couldn't keep up with the writing. Did it turn out for the better in the series, or not? That's up for the viewer to decide, that is, if one cares about the leftover matriarchy enough to find out. No spoilers, but the end seemed to leave fans of the series rather underwhelmed.