Inspector Gadget's Field Trip

Writen by Slimonite on November 04, 2022

This has to be the most bizarre entry in the entire Inspector Gadget franchise, it's an educational series. I think that Gadget around this time became more or more about Cultural History and they just decided to make a full-on educational program. It's really hard to talk about it the traditional way because there's no narrative, but I'm gonna try to judge it as an educational show. The fact that it's educational isn't the problem, if anything I think it's a neat idea for a show to teach young kids about different cultures around the world. The problem is that they needed a hook to keep the kids' attention, because what kind of kid actually has an attention span for this kind of stuff, so they just used Inspector Gadget to be that hook. You could replace Inspector Gadget in this show with any character in fiction and it would not make a single difference. But I guess that was just inevitable that the problem would come up. Also, the animation was really rough in a lot of areas and there's a lot of reuse. Plus I wasn't too big on the comedy and the one-liners Gadget cracks and more interested in learning more about other cultures which there were a few I didn't know at first. Overall it's a pretty decent Educational program, but if I wanted to learn more about Cultural History, I'd watch something that doesn't have Inspector Gadget in it. Also are we not gonna talk about the fact that this show reveals that Gadget's real last name is "Gadgeta"?