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All Season 1 Episode

1. Venthalla


Owen has his super ball confiscated and locked up in Chef's office. Duncan, seeing an opportunity to get help escaping the daycare, leads an away team into the vents to recover Owen's ball.

2. Duck Duck Juice


After daring each other to drink Chef's Pegasus Rainbow Latte, Izzy and Jude are jacked up like crazy and Duncan and Courtney take a road trip to try and replace the drink before Chef finds out it's gone.

3. Cluckwork Orange


After befriending a chicken with a bad attitude at a petting zoo, Jude is followed back to school by the chicken. He defends the bird's behavior until he can defend it no longer.

4. Free Chili


When Owen hides a walkie talkie inside his chili dog, Harold believes it's an alien here to destroy Earth.

5. The Date


When Chef is happy he orders pizza for the kids, Owen & Jude get the idea to create a fake secret admirer for Chef.

6. Aquarium for a Dream


Gwen tries to convince Chef to tell the class the truth about their pet goldfish.

7. Cuttin' Corners


Duncan, Leshawna and Jude all want corner pieces of Izzy's Birthday Cake... but are they prepared to go to any length to get one?

8. Sharing is Caring


Courtney refuses to share her valuable collectors-item toy with her classmates.

9. Ant We All Just Get Along


Owen and Beth try to save an ant hill that Courtney and Leshawna want to destroy.

10. Germ Factory


After seeing Leshawna enjoying a sick day at home with ice cream and TV, Duncan convinces the other kids to try and get sick too.

11. Cone in 60 Seconds


After Owen gets ripped off at the ice cream truck, the kids unite to right that wrong.

12. The Bad Guy Busters


Izzy wants to play a superhero game and is willing to do whatever it takes to get the others to see it through.

13. That's a Wrap


Duncan goes on a mission to scare Courtney during a field trip to the museum.

14. Tiger Fail


Gwen refuses to be pressured into choosing an ice cream flavor that she does not want.

15. A Ninjustice to Harold


Harold's world is turned upside down when Beth becomes the class ninja.

16. Having the Timeout of Our Lives


Owen forms a special bond with Duncan after having loads of fun with him during their timeouts.

17. Hic Hic Hooray


Bridgette gets the hiccups and becomes desperate to get rid of them.

18. Bananas & Cheese


Duncan is determined to stop the musical duo Bananas & Cheese from coming to the daycare.

19. Inglorious Toddlers


Owen fears he's about to lose his BFF Noah to a gifted military school.

20. Not Without My Fudgy Lumps


Noah tries to rescue the chocolates Owen forgot outside.

21. Paint That a Shame


Leshawna creates a paint balloon fight to decide who gets to come with her to an amusement park.

22. Snots Landing


Beth gets Courtney's diorama furniture stuck up her nose and Courtney needs it back before the diorama contest judge arrives.

23. Know it All


Courtney must go all day without correcting her friends which is hard because they do everything wrong!

24. A Licking Time Bomb


Owen and Noah unwittingly become cookie moguls and must hide the secret ingredient, which is Owen's spit from licking the sprinkles off the cookies.

25. From Badge to Worse


In order to earn her final Girl Campers badge Courtney must earn Gwen's friendship.

26. Toys Will Be Toys


Courtney becomes a toy tester but forgets that the most important thing is to have fun.

27. All Up in Your Drill


Duncan stages a small coup to oust Courtney as their official class firefighter so that he can wear the shiny firefighter helmet - until he smells smoke in the classroom and begs her to take her job back.

28. Snow Way Out


Owen wants everyone to love his new snowsuit and envy him, but it's just not working out that way.

29. Stay Goth, Poodle Girl, Stay Goth


Gwen accidentally brings a pink stuffed pony she loves to daycare and spends the day denying it's hers.

30. Gum and Gummer


Beth gets her gum stuck in Leshawna's hair and has to get it out - without Leshawna finding out it's there.

31. Invasion of the Booger Snatchers


Harold believes that the picture day photographer is somehow turning the kids into well behaved zombies.

32. Wristy Business


Beth and Leshawna try to one-up each other with fake injuries as they compete for the attention and sympathy of the other kids at daycare.

33. Melter Skelter


When Chef tells Beth he won't buy the new super amazing toy she wants because they already have plenty to play with, she goes on a mission to get rid of their toys.

34. The Never Gwending Story


When Chef loses the last page of the story-time book, Gwen takes over and creates a monster that all the kids start to believe in.

35. There Are No Hoppy Endings


Chef struggles to maintain his sanity when the kids continue to blame a stuffed rabbit named Hoppy for everything they do wrong.

36. Too Much of a Goo'd Thing


Beth refuses to believe that the adorable goo creature she's created out of slime is consuming the kids until she and Gwen are the only two left in class.

37. The Price of Advice


After a paper origami fortune teller tells Izzy she's the world's best advice giver, she's determined to prove it.

38. Mother of All Cards


Chef attempts to trick the kids into making his mother gifts after he forgets Mother's Day.

39. Duncan Disorderly


Duncan escapes during a community walk only to discover he has to babysit Cody and Bridgette.

40. Soother or Later


Duncan finally manages to break out only to realize he's forgotten his pacifier and needs to break back into the school to get it.

41. Camping is In Tents


A class camping trip turns into a treasure hunt while Harold is determined to catch Bigfoot and keep everyone safe.

42. Mutt Ado About Owen


After accidentally hypnotizing Owen into being a dog, Harold thinks he must reverse the hypnosis to avoid going to jail.

43. Simons Are Forever


Duncan and Leshawna try to take advantage of Izzy's love for the game of Simon Says.

44. Stop! Hamster Time


Owen takes over the job of caring for the class hamster and learns that he's evil.

45. Driving Miss Crazy


Duncan leads Beth to believe she's broken his battery-powered bike and makes her chauffeur him around in a wagon for the day as punishment.

46. Weiner Takes All


After forgetting to book a Hot Diggity Doggity Dog mascot on National Hotdog Day, Chef tries to pass off an Australian man dressed as a kangaroo as a substitute.

47. Apoca-lice Now


When Chef brokers a truce with lice by selecting three kids to "host" them on their heads, Courtney instigates a kid vs. lice war.

48. Gnome More Mister Nice Guy


When the daycare gets taken over by evil gnomes, Duncan finds himself on the wrong team.

49. Look Who's Clocking


When Harold's warnings not to mess with the clock go ignored, the kids are forced to save themselves when Duncan tears a hole in the fabric of time.

50. Harold Swatter and the Goblet of Flies


After finding what he believes to be a magic wand, Owen accidentally turns Harold into a housefly.

51. Stink. Stank. Stunk.


When a skunk comes seeking its annual revenge on Chef, Duncan sees it as an opportunity to get a vacation from daycare.

52. Episode 52
