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All Season 3 Episode

1. Expansions


A bombshell is dropped by Cheryl and Simon is suprised by Ruth.

2. Learning The Game


Michaels future as a proffessional athlete is put in jepordy after Vic takles him in a game. Alison and Stephan stay out all night ans a business plan is prepared by Simon.

3. Flesh And Blood


Two brothers who have spent the best part of their lives fighting finally make up after one of them suffers a stroke. Simon and Ruth have some devestating news.

4. Letting Go


A bombshell hits Stephan and Sandra doesn't know whether or not she made the correct decision.

5. Moving On


One of Jacqui's patients money goes missing and she is the prime suspect leaving her struggling to cope alone as Stephan is at university.

6. Home


Peggy proves a natural italian speaker. Sandra has a trying day at work as a carer at the local nursing home.

7. Reach For The Stars


A team building weekend in the lake district is organised by Henry for the men. The girls have a night out but the evening turns out to be anything but fun when Alison and Jacqui finallly meet.

8. New Moon Arising


Under the light of a new moon Stephan romance Jacqui. Ruth searches for the mother of an abandoned baby.

9. Not My Brother


An unpopular propsal is made by Vic who suggests merging the two rugby teams. Alfie is now fully recovered but Ruth can't except that. Tom Lewis suspects his wife is having an affair and attacks the man that he thinks is her lover.

10. A Special Language


Ruth and Simon have a row about money which ends in Ruth throwing Simon out. A teachers family as well as Peggy and Stephan are hit hard when he attepmts a suicide.

11. A Higher Duty


The newly merged rugby team fights among themselves leaving Vics dreams of success shattered. Simon and Ruths relationship is the worst it's ever been while Stephan and Jacqui are together once more.

12. Runaway


A tramp comes to Skelthwaite awakening long forgotten memories for a newly married couple and Walter leaving Peggy feeling responsible.

13. Union


The stress of home and work life proves too much for Simon. Ruth makes a difficult decision about her future. Dick finally lets go of the past and Gary Kettles death.

14. The Letter


A baby is born into the Snow family. Keith makes business out of the cold frost which is assailing Skelthwaite and Peggy and Ruth are haunted by ghosts from the past.