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All Season 3 Episode

1. Peaceable Enemies


Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over the tablet. During their scuffle, they knock over an army crate, which falls into the middle of the bamboo forest surrounding the cabin. Alerted by the noise, a peace missionary panda comes out of the forest and tries to calm down the worked-up adversaries. But will the limitless strategies of Grizzy and the Lemmings get the better of the panda's patience?

2. The Legend Of The Lemmings


The Lemmings create a shadow puppet show where seven papercut Lemmings confront a bear over a jar of Yummy chocolate spread. The Lemmings in the audience are super enthusiastic, but Grizzy is outraged by the treatment inflicted upon the bear. He decides to intervene and equips the paper bear with an armor and saber! The Lemmings retort with ninja effigies of themselves and mount an attack to recover the coveted jar of Yummy spread.

3. Dragons & Bears


As Grizzy relaxes in the massage chair, a cloud drifts in front of the sun, immediately stopping the electricity supply in the log cabin. The voltage drops continue, even though the sky seems clear now. Grizzy looks out the window and a dragon appears on the horizon! Once over his initial fright, the bear realizes that it's only a kite flown by the Lemmings – using the electricity they have rerouted from the cabin!

4. Bamboo Warfare


Grizzy dismantles the toboggan built by the Lemmings in the log cabin and reemploys the bamboo sticks to build a jacuzzi. When the Lemmings discover the bear's piece of work, they imagine a giant waterpark dominated by an immense waterslide. Anticipating the Lemmings' desire, Grizzy tries to barricade himself inside, but the rodents manage to eject him from the cabin. The bear comes back, protected by a super bamboo armor…

5. Bear In The Clouds


The Lemmings organize a drone race throughout the cabin. Grizzy, who was on the verge of falling asleep, interrupts the competition but must contend with the rodents' reprisals. Thrown out of the cabin, the bear falls into a temple dedicated to the Monkey King. He appropriates the statue's powers, operating a magic cloud by remote control. Grizzy settles in on the cloud and wins the race before the Lemmings. But a cloud that flies that fast can only arouse excitement…

6. Umbrella Tactics


To trick Grizzy's vigilance and steal the TV, the Lemmings, disguised as traditional Chinese dancers, perform a number that leaves the bear flabbergasted. The rodents take advantage of their diversion to carry off the TV set on their airborne craft made of Chinese umbrellas. But before they can escape with their bounty, Grizzy recovers the screen. Ever as determined, the Lemmings come back after upgrading their vessel.

7. Neither Yin, Nor Yang


Annoyed by a noisy high-speed chase between the Lemmings and a raccoon, Grizzy abruptly stops the game. The players fall into empty space and land in a clearing. The impact of their crash-landing cracks a black and white tile representing Yin and Yang and a strange light pours over the raccoon. Depending on his mood, the color of his fur changes, and his excitement or calm become contagious to all those around him!

8. Mechatronics Bear


On the way back from a fishing outing, Grizzy unwittingly brings back an electrode that controls a robot. Once activated, the gadget puts itself in the service of the bear, satisfying his each and every need. The envious Lemmings plot to take possession of this new metallic ally. They manage to evict the bear, who does not intend to take this lying down… especially when he discovers a pair of robotic arms hidden in a module that fell out of the robot!

9. Tai Chi Lemmings


After a game that ends abruptly, the Lemmings fall onto the roof of a temple where they discover drawings of Tai Chi movements. When carried out, the exercises generate a ball of energy! The Lemmings test out the sequence of movements on… Grizzy, until he is evicted from the cabin and falls onto the temple in turn. His fall unveils a new sequence of movements on a fresco that could create an even stronger energy flow!

10. Lemming Fortune


When Grizzy propels the Lemmings out of the log cabin perched on the Great Wall of China, the critters land on a small traditional house in a bamboo forest where they discover a box filled with fortune cookies. One Lemming gets super lucky after eating one. Armed with their magic cookies, the Lemmings set out to confront Grizzy. But each cookie represents a power… or a curse!

11. Tough Medicine


The Lemmings love sesame nougat but Grizzy, who adores this treat too, steals their box. Quite upset, the rodents search for more, in vain. Instead, they discover the art of energy points in an old Chinese medicine book. Determined to recover their sweets regardless of the cost, the Lemmings activate Grizzy's vital points, and the bear finds himself completely blocked. Thanks to the book, Grizzy frees himself and learns to master energies in turn.

12. Domestic Shaolin


After being thrown out of the log cabin by Grizzy, the Lemmings find a dragon statue with a mysterious stone in a temple. Touching the stone makes a fleeting tattoo appear on their bellies, temporarily endowing them with the mastery of Shaolin Kung Fu. The Lemmings return to the cabin and uproot Grizzy with ease! But Grizzy has not said his last word and manages to get hold of the magic stone.

13. Fireworks Cabin


At nightfall, just as Grizzy starts to doze off, a racket comes from outside the cabin: the Lemmings are sliding along the Great Wall in a crate, propelled by firework rockets. Cleverly avoiding the bear's strategies to stop them, the Lemmings accidentally set off a mechanism in a tower. A secret room filled with cannons and catapults opens, just waiting to be used by the powder monkey apprentices…

14. Parasailing Fishing


Grizzy gets a nice big bite on the end of his fishing line. While he concentrates hard to strike his catch, the Lemmings divert the fish to tow them on a kite. Grizzy tries to sabotage their improvised kitesurfing game to recover what's rightfully his, until a shark's fin appears on the horizon!

15. Yummy Pirates


The cupboards of the log cabin are hopelessly empty and Grizzy's belly is rumbling. Through his binoculars, he observes the overexcited Lemmings slipping all sorts of small metal objects into the slot of… a Yummy vending machine!?! The bear joins them on the pontoon. If only they could find some coins to make the machine work. Maybe the solution is to find the booty indicated on the treasure map they unearthed on the beach?

16. Sea Excursion


After accidentally breaking his favorite sofa, Grizzy spots a cozy fishing cabin on a neighboring island. He requisitions the Lemmings' canoe to get there but discovers that the new cabin is dilapidated and lacking all comfort. The poor bear had been deluded by a poster. However, a fabulous yacht is moored nearby. It catches both his attention and that of the Lemmings, who have just disembarked on the island!

17. Sand Lemmings


The Lemmings have fun taking potshots at sand statues depicting Grizzy. Outraged, he catapults them far into the distance. Grizzy takes advantage of their absence to erect a monumental sculpture of himself. But just as he takes a selfie in front of the sculpture, Grizzy realizes that the Lemmings have laid hands on… a pirate cannon!

18. Non-Peaceful Coaching


After being hit over the head, the Lemmings become hypnotized by a fitness poster and belive they are now sports coaches. They are determined to forcefully train Grizzy, who would much rather lounge around than do push-ups and squats. But the Lemmings' new personality makes them particularly overbearing.

19. Bear In Troubled Waters


Nothing seems to be biting Grizzy's fishing rod and the bear is in despair. Suddenly he spots a fabulous swordfish swimming in the lagoon. The bear is already licking his chops, when he sees the Lemmings straddling the fish in a rodeo game. From inside the cabin using a mooring post, Grizzy manages to snare the swordfish and is about to pull it in, but the Lemmings are riding it toward the high seas. Each party tugs hard. And the cabin starts to slide…

20. Earthquake-Proof Bear


The Lemmings discover that several drops of Tabasco sauce poured into a rock fault releases powerful sprays of steam that propel them high into the sky on a pot lid. Except that the entire volcanic island shudders each time the drops are poured. Grizzy, who has decided to take a nap in his hammock, confiscates the bottle before realizing that the Lemmings have an entire stock!

21. The Spirit Of Competition


The Lemmings have decided to organize a race with two sand yachts they found on the beach. The only thing missing is a worthy adversary. They put Grizzy, who was taking a nap, on one of the yachts without waking him up. And the race is off. Grizzy wakes up in shock onboard his sand yacht.

22. Odd-Job Crab


Grizzy has run out of ideas to open his coconut until he sees the Lemmings' new friend the crab open one with a simple snip of the claw. He confiscates the crustacean and uses it to take the tops off his coconuts. As they fight over the crab, the characters discover a remote-control device in a secret grotto that operates a giant crab. Grizzy takes over the controls, but the Lemmings want to play with the joystick too!

23. Diving In The Wild


Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over the last jar of Yummy chocolate spread in the cabin, and it ends up sinking in the lagoon. The bear makes a diving suit from various home facilities, while the Lemmings share a diving tank to put a wrench in their adversary's flippers! But the local wildlife comes to greet them.

24. Choco-Coco


Grizzy wakes up after a nap, starving, but the last jar of Yummy chocolate spread is empty. The cupboards are barren, except for a package of chocolate powder. Grizzy has the idea of mixing it with coconut milk. It's absolutely delicious! But the Lemmings, who are every bit as gluttonous, want their share of the choco-coco drink!

25. Ordeal Of Comfort


A helicopter takes off from the beach, leaving behind installations for a TV game, namely lots of food supplies – which are locked up. To access the keys and the food, participants must win team tests under the surveillance of a drone. The Lemmings are the yellow team. The red team is composed of Grizzy, an oar, and a flabbergasted crab!

26. Spinning Lemmings


The Lemmings have improvised a funfair-worthy attraction in the living room. Awake, Grizzy throws their centrifuge out and the Lemmings land in the nearby science station and accidentally wakes up… a mammoth! A bond is born between them, and the Lemmings involve the mastodon in their game. This new giant friend makes it possible to transform the entire cabin into a big wheel. Grizzy, who wanted to sleep peacefully, wakes up in panic ...

27. Surprise Deglaciation


The Lemmings notice a block of ice in front of the hut, which contains a frozen animal. This is a prehistoric saber-toothed raccoon. Softened, the Lemmings release him and want to domesticate him like a kitten. But the raccoon, when he plays, is a real tornado. Upon awakening, Grizzy discovers the cabin upside down. He's furious. But the wild raccoon intervenes in front of the bear when the latter wants to dislodge the rodents ...

28. Thermal Lemmings


Grizzy and the Lemmings accidentally find a container full of gourds of food. Mainly vegetables, they do not find favor with the eyes of the bear who are interested in high-tech material at the bottom of the crate. Behind her back, the Lemmings, on the other hand, found a gourd of Yummy. They run off with it. But how do you escape Grizzy equipped with his sophisticated gear?

29. Substitute Egg


In a trunk, Grizzy and the Lemmings find a large chocolate egg that contains a surprise. Everyone licks their chops with envy. In their argument and by accident, they send the coveted egg to a group of neighboring penguins. He is adopted by a pair of birds who begin to brood on him, as if they were his own offspring. Unimpressed, Grizzy and the Lemmings seek to seize it, but the entire bird colony intervenes.

30. Lemming Constellation


The Lemmings are setting up a nightclub, with loud music and a mirror ball, in an igloo they have built not far from the cabin. The noise keeps Grizzy from sleeping. The bear confiscates the disco ball and throws the Lemmings away from him. They land in an ice cave where they discover a console that allows you to light up the stars in the sky and control the Northern Lights ... The sky begins to flash. The Lemmings transform the ice floes into an open-air nightclub!

31. Polar Super Star


Facing an audience of penguins and walruses, the Lemmings put on a show of acrobatic high jumps. Two Lemmings teams compete for the winner's award. By accident, Grizzy participates, but quickly gets caught up in the game, causing applause to explode! Intoxicated by his victory, the bear has no modest success! But the Lemmings also want their place on the front of the stage!

32. My Friend The Penguin


While Grizzy is fishing, a penguin approaches and finds that his bucket is empty. He decides to help him and brings him many fish. The bear, impressed, brings him back to the cabin and quickly a bond develops between the two. This pleasant and friendly new companion arouses the curiosity of Lemmings. They attract the penguin and replace it with a slightly beta one, behind Grizzy's back, who will quickly notice the deception.

33. Thermal Shock!


Grizzy settles down on the couch by the fire, when the Lemmings tumble into the middle of the living room riding a makeshift mount with the vacuum cleaner. Irritated, the bear throws their mechanical steed into the exploding chimney. Freezing cold enters the cabin. Seeking warmth, Grizzy decides to move into the greenhouse at the nearby science station, which is air-conditioned by a drone. But the bear doesn't know he's bringing in his luggage ... the Lemmings!

34. Primitive Activities


The Lemmings have found a new playmate: a walrus! The rodents ride it across the entire hut and then slide it onto the roof, before starting over. Grizzy intervenes and manages to eject the animal to the bottom of a mysterious ice cave. In its center, a dolmen on which is a bone. Anyone who touches it is made docile and its appearance becomes prehistoric. The Lemmings hatch a plan in which Grizzy would bend to their will ...

35. Outboard Cabin


Grizzy finds a conch decorated with Maori symbols that can control whales.

36. Parental Overload


Grizzy and the Lemmings happen upon a crying polar bear cub. They combine their talents to sooth it.

37. The Attraction of Lemmings


A meteorite falls not far from the cabin. While the Lemmings are sledding outside on a metal pot lid, their sled is abruptly drawn to the extraterrestrial boulder.

38. Extreme Dominos


Grizzy gets his hands on a machine that can create giant blocks of ice.

39. Cabin On Ice


When Grizzy goes fishing, the Lemmings jump on the opportunity to transform the cabin into a giant ice slide. Upon his return, the bear puts an end to the rodents’ bobsleigh party and gets ready to savor his day's catch. But the Lemmings steal his fish and draw the bear outside the cabin. Grizzy must try to recover his lunch while protecting his territory from a rodent invasion.

40. Mini Troubles


When they land on a sorcerer's hut, the Lemmings take possession of a magic scepter that has the ability to temporarily shrink objects. Now microscopic-sized, the rodents return to the cabin to get their paws on chocolate spread.

41. For Peanuts


Grizzy wakes up starving but the cupboards are empty. While the Lemmings play nearby with an elephant, the bear swipes their peanut reserves. Not at all pleased, the rodents decide to recover their bag of nuts.

42. Within Snout's Reach


Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over a pack of crunch. The crunches fall to the ground and just then a pig enters the cabin and eats the whole package. They find another pack of crunch above the cabin, but Grizzy and the Lemmings get it to pigs, too. The pig sniffs and goes to another food source. Grizzy and the Lemmings realize that he is a sniffer and decide to follow him.

43. Safari Express


To win a trophy full of Yummy candies, Grizzy and the Lemmings enter a photo contest with safari in an animal reserve. In this competition they need to photograph some wild animals, Grizzy and the Lemmings are determined to do it, but when it comes to the blue-necked super-speedy ostrich, it's not as easy as they think.

44. False Children


Grizzy and the Lemmings were fighting over the Yummy jar. Grizzy grabs the jar and decides to eat it at a picnic spot not far from the cabin. Throws the Lemmings with a sand-soaked zorbing ball. An ostrich thinks this sandy ball is its own egg. That's why it thinks the Lemmings are his own nestlings. But will this event perhaps give the Lemmings an advantage?

45. Game Of Stone


Grizzy and the Lemmings are ejected out of the hut and land on a small hill nearby, where they find a golden throne. Whoever sits on it will be king. Taking all African life under his command will benefit both Grizzy and the Lemmings. For the Lemmings, the elephant is a source of entertainment! Grizzy, on the other hand, wants to take advantage of this for comfort and pleasure. The armchair war begins!

46. Tam-Tam Lemming


Grizzy is brutally awakened by four Lemmings who are giving a grand percussion concert near the cabin, while the rest of the group dances to the rhythm. The grumpy bear puts an end to the festivities.

47. Ice Madness!


In the midst of a heat wave, Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over the fridge. The rodents want to transform themselves into ice cubes to glide across their super curling ice slide, while Grizzy wishes merely to lie down inside the nice, cool appliance. After literally breaking the fridge in two, the Lemmings discover a container of refrigerant and create a new giant curling sheet in the savannah. But Grizzy has not given up the idea of resting in a cool spot!

48. In Your Dreams


The Lemmings turn the cabin into a fun skating rink with their new skates. Grizzy gets annoyed by this and takes the skates and runs away. Wanting the skates back, the Lemmings go after Grizzy. During the chase, they fall into the wizard's hut. Here the Lemmings find a historical helmet where you can control dreams any way you want. Grizzy realizes this and wants to try.

49. Return Of The Beloved Being


Grizzy steals from the Lemmings a magical statuette that has the power to make certain objects appear in reality. All you have to do is pin the photo of whatever you want. Too bad for the rodent snowmobile! Grizzy replaces the photo of the vehicle with the portrait of the bear he fell in love with and remained in Canada. As soon as they arrive, the bear disappears, due to a cunning rodent. It's the start of a bitter argument ...

50. Masked Powers


Annoyed by the Lemmings' new magnetic train game, Grizzy throws the group away from the cabin. The rodents land in a nearby wizard's hut. A mysterious mask falls on one of them and grants him the power of telekinesis. The Lemmings are exulting! They return to the cabin and, with this magical power, fly all the furniture they sit on to complete their life-size flying train part!

51. Roaring Lemmings


Grizzy runs after the Lemmings who have loaded a jar of Yummy into their Rc car. At the gas station, the bear manages to destroy the vehicle and recover the spread. The rodents then find small carts and chase Grizzy to the edge of the cabin. They bring it down and intercept the coveted pot. Powerless, the bear sets off in pursuit of them, until they cross the road of a tanker full of Yummy ...

52. Super-Voltaic Cabin


Grizzy watches a documentary, but the Lemmings want to dance in the garage, nightclub style. TV versus music, the energy war has begun!

53. 1 + 1 = 1


A confrontation between Grizzy and the Lemmings leads to a room in the castle tower. The bear accidentally sets off a mechanism and discovers a large medieval magic trunk. When placed inside, the trunk can blend two objects.

54. Jelly Lemmings


When the Lemmings spoil Grizzy's meal with their new game, the bear evicts them far from the cabin. They crash onto a faraway picnic table. All except one, who bounces off some jelly pudding which was left behind.

55. Javelin Lemmings


The Lemmings are holding a log throwing competition that stops short when Grizzy sends them soaring into the distance. The rodents land upon an ancient Celtic site where they happen upon a magic bracelet that increases strength.

56. Franken-Grizzy


Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over the TV remote control. The argument leads the bear to the summit of the castle tower during a storm. In a secret room, he glimpses a human form by the light of a lightning bolt.

57. Lemming on Canvas


Grizzy wants to paint himself on the next painting and swipes the artwork along with the rodents' paint kit. The furious Lemmings are determined to recover their material. It's a dispute that could be qualified as... artsy.

58. Musical Discord


The Lemmings improvise a trampoline with bagpipes, only each jump is accompanied by a deafening outburst. Grizzy steps in and hurls the object far from the castle. The rodents catch up with it on a mystical nearby isle.

59. A Bear in the Sheepfold


Grizzy puts a stop to the Lemmings' furious rodeo game on a sheep. Annoyed, they decide to banish the bear to the bottom of the castle dungeons while he's taking a nap. In his prison, Grizzy finds a magic shepherd's crook.

60. Jelly World


Grizzy banishes the Lemmings.

61. Pet Sheep


The Lemmings disguise themselves outside the castle and take polaroid snapshots of themselves.

62. Sheep Joust


Grizzy is pulled from his dreams by the noise made by the Lemmings, perched on sheep, and who oppose each other in jousting. The cunning bear gets rid of rodents by driving their mounts away with food. Angered, the Lemmings hatch a plan to keep the bear away from the castle during his nap and keep him from coming back. Furious at being thus banished, the bear, armed with a catapult, prepares to retaliate...

63. Foodie Phantoms


Grizzy pursues the Lemmings throughout the castle to recover the jelly cake they stole from him.

64. Bookfair


Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over a giant jelly cake and discover a secret passage.

65. The Bear, the Frog, and the Mosquito


The Lemmings have fun bouncing on the backs of green frogs while Grizzy hunts mosquitoes.

66. Musical Battle


Grizzy comes home and discovers the Lemmings dancing.

67. Day and Night


The Lemmings make an obstacle course.

68. Tilted Lemmings


The Lemmings have got their hands on an old pinball machine which they are installing in the cabin. Their frenzied game interrupts Grizzy's nap, which threatens to break the machine. The bear gets locked in the garage by the rodents, but he finds a way to escape and get rid of the game and all of its players. Dropped into the jungle, the Lemmings stumble upon a rubber tree. By discovering its rebounding power, they have the idea of making a giant pinball machine in the middle of the trees...

69. Recreational Botany


During a fight, Grizzy and the Lemmings discover a Mayan temple in the middle of the jungle. Inside, they trigger a magical reaction that causes duplicates of themselves to appear at a different age: a child Grizzy and old Lemmings.

70. Generation Conflict


Grizzy tries to interest the young bear in the salmon documentary, while the Lemmings want to introduce their ancestors to the dance. But the age difference is heavily felt...

71. Breathless


The Lemmings take off with the last jar of Yummy chocolate spread. Grizzy catches up with them, but they drop the jar, and it lands in a nearby sacred temple. While trying to get inside, they accidentally activate a mechanism.

72. Ancient Brainteaser


The Lemmings take off with the last jar of Yummy chocolate spread. Grizzy catches up with them, but they drop the jar, and it lands in a nearby sacred temple. While trying to get inside, they accidentally activate a mechanism.

73. Couch Wrestling


The Lemmings organize wrestling combats on the living room couch. Grizzy, weary of the clamor, stops the match. The displeased Lemmings retaliate, but during their fight the cabin's wood floor caves in.

74. Goldrush


After a spat over a jar of Yummy, Grizzy and the Lemmings find gold leaf-wrapped chocolate bits scattered in the jungle. Delicious! On the backs of a bat and a tapir, the rodents and the bear fight over the harvest of candy.

75. Theft Reactions


Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over the last spoonful of Yummy. Their brawl is interrupted when they happen upon a full crate of chocolate spread in the garage. The rodents snatch the crate and take off on a drone.

76. High Tension Fireflies


At night, the solar panels do power Grizzy's TV.

77. Skull Of Discord


After stealing Grizzy's jar of Yummy chocolate spread, the Lemmings propel the bear far from the log cabin. Grizzy lands in a temple where he finds a crystal skull which gives you the power to sow discord within a group.

78. Unpractical Cabin


Grizzy chases the Lemmings throughout the castle to swipe the delicious jelly cake they were about to eat. He locks them inside a closet and makes off with the dessert. In the closet, the rodents discover a card to teleport.