All Available Episode

All 2018 Episode

1. RE7 - End of Zoe


Kyle and Miles step into the shoes of their new best friend Joe Baker and quickly find out that he has now weapons to speak of, nothing but his fists. After they discover this our duo realizes one thing. Joe isn't trapped in the swamp with gators, the molded, and swamp thing; they're trapped in the swamp with Joe.



Kyle and Miles are back with "Brick House" Baker and a simple question, DO U KNOW DA WAE?

3. Doki Doki Literature Club


Kyle and Miles join a literature club full of adorable waifus. Should just be your typical harem anime type visual novel right? ......Right?

4. DDLC - Embrace the Sploosh


Kyle and Miles are deeply invested in this game if only to become deeply invested in waifu Yuri but our boys slowly realize that showing one girl affection might affect their other potential waifus in a negative way.

5. No Longer Okie Doki


% Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. NSFL.

6. The Cream of the Crop


After last week our boys are anything but ready for what the rest off this game has in store for them but you know who is ready? SHES THE CREAM OF THE CROP, OH YEAH, SHE HAS THE BAKING SKILLS TO PAY THE BILLS, FOR HER THE SKY'S THE LIMIT, WHO'S READY? NATSUKI'S READY.

7. Just Monika


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.While running game code: File "game/script.rpy", line 56, in script call File "game/scriptch!.rpy", line #6, in script File "renpy/common/$$action%menu.rpy", line &$!, in %%call%%%context("%game%menu", )sel*.args, %game%menu%screen+screen, ))sel*.args- File "renpy/common/$$gamemenu.rpy", line &!, in script  ui.interact(- File "renpy/common/$$gamemenu.rpy", line &!, in 0module1  ui.interact(- File "renpy/common/$$action%*ile.rpy", line 2, in %%call%% renpy.load(*n-3estart4opontext: Oh jeez...I didn't break anything, did I?

8. Fatal Frame II


Imagine this, it's just another day like any other. You're out in the forest, cavorting with your sister. All of a sudden the village from Hell decides it really wants you in it right now and you don't really get a say in the matter. Now you're being chased though this backwoods Silent Hill by all sorts of ghosts, ghouls, and worst of all, terrible voice acting. That's the situation our boys find themselves in today but don't worry, they have been in this situation before in Fatal Frame I. That means they are less scared this time right? .....Right?

9. Doc Brown


You know if I was in a haunted house and a door I was walking towards slammed shut, seemingly on it's own, I wouldn't go in. Not Kyle and Miles. Oh no, these guys are just gonna barge on in. Maybe there's a naked ghost in there and y'all are being extremely rude. You guys ever think of that? Huh?

10. Garbage Food


All Miles wants is a bed to sleep on but instead the cruel, cruel, UPS guy has denied him sound sleep so now he must eat his feelings of rage and exhaustion while he helps Kyle find their lost sister Mayu. Should make for a funny episode...just as long as the capture computer can keep it's shit together.

11. *Sigh


Oh classic games of an era gone by, you did so many things right that brought the gaming industry to where it is today. You also did a lot of things wrong like janky camera angles and confusing maps which is something Kyle and Miles become all too familiar with in this episode of Backwardz Compatible.

12. Madame LaLaurie


Miles recounts his trip to New Orleans over the weekend while Kyle tries to remember how to warm someone's icy heart with a cool island song. Yeah, you read that right.

13. Like a Bitch...


Our intrepid duo start off this week talking about Sea of Thieves but apparently Fatal Frame 2 does NOT like it when Kyle and Miles start talking about other games because it decides to kick things up a notch and our boys are not prepared.

14. Bonkers


Our boys or should I say our Big Brave Dogs are running around this ghost town and making a lot of progress but unfortunately Kyle and Miles get so excited that they loose their camera. You know, the one thing that can fight ghosts?

15. Stretch Those Cheeks


Come hell or high water Kyle and Miles are making progress this episode. Miles has doubled down with double dogs on his head while Kyle searches high and low for the girl in the crimson kimono.

16. Joe Rybicki


What do the Ex-Presidents do? Does anyone really know? You'd think it would be all speeches and checking in on their respective libraries but you'd be wrong. There is a heist that needs planning, valuables that need stealing, and Obama's Five are the only Ex-Presidents that can get this job done. (Spoiler alert: They plan the heist while eating at MagaDonald's.)

17. Smash That Record Button!


Our boys are so close to the end they can smell it, they can taste it, they can almost touch it BUT they have to do one last circuit around everyone's favorite house.



Murder victims, falling ghosts, a possessed doll, pedophile priests, evil twins, and one dead weight of a sister named Mayu. All stood in the way of our boys and all have fallen. Now the door is open so Kyle and Miles can finally escape the village from hell but unfortunately for them it's not that easy. It's the thrilling conclusion to Fatal Frame 2!

19. BzC with Special Guests: Drawfee


Miles is out and Josh is in and our boys are joined by our special guests from Drawfee, Nathan and Julia! They're going to crash some castles while talking about art and how Drawfee came to be.

20. God of War


Our boys have a new dad but this one is a little less dreamy and a lot more angry.

21. Brok


Kyle and Miles continue their journey towards the mountain and along the way they make a friend, a surly little friend who knows a thing or two about weapons and armor. While browsing his wares they discuss what is probably the most useful item description ever.

22. BOY!



23. Indeed


Kyle and Miles continue towards the Mountain only to find their path blocked but as luck would have it everyone's favorite woodland Witch shows up to help. Unfortunately her version of "help" is to have Kratos do all the heavy lifting...and heavy pushing...and murder.

24. Bad Dad


Kyle and Miles have a whole lotta elf killin' to do and not a whole lotta time to do it but Bad Dad Kratos is taking his sweet, sweet, time getting into the mystical light beam of pain.

25. The Nut Kicker


Kyle and Miles are living in a post E3 2018 world and have some thoughts to share like, "is Hideo Kojima just a George Lucas waiting to happen?", and "Did you get a weird murder boner from The Last of Us 2 trailer?". At some point Kratos decides to just move the plot forward himself because he is officially done with Kyle and Miles' bullshit.

26. Bad Kitty


You know, owning a cat is hard; you gotta feed it, play with it, and cut it's claws, but when it's Kratos' cat all of those things are just little more intense, and by a little I mean a lot, and by cat I mean dragon.

27. The Witch's Pearl


Kratos must venture into the Witch's cave and find her pearl. The pearl isn't THAT hard to find, it's more near the cave and not actually inside it and Kratos knows that if he finds the Witch's pearl it will make her really happy. Just in case he can't find it though Kratos brought a severed head as a back up gift.

28. Bad Dad Breakfast Bash


It's early, far too early to record a let's play but our tough and tired boys are here because they love making these episodes for all of you. Let's just hope Kratos is also ok with getting up this early.

29. Buried Past


It's no secret Bad Dad has a bad past, a past he would like to leave under the floorboards of his house but, much to his chagrin, Kratos needs a couple of the smoldering embers from his heated past if he and his son are going to survive.

30. Nelly Hates Helheim


When Kratos hid the Blades of Chaos under his house I bet he thought to himself "I'll use those again when Hell freezes over." then he laughed to himself, shut the door, and ripped a deer in half but to be fair, he probably wasn't thinking about Norse Hell.

31. The Black Rune


IT'S RTX! I mean it was. I mean it is when this was released but if you are watching this later it might not be RTX anymore...ANYWAYS, Kyle and Miles are plundering Tyr's vault looking for that Black Rune and are wondering how RTX went, is going to be? I give up.

32. So Much Angst


Atreus is getting a little big for his britches and Kratos is going to have to have a talk about it with him soon but hopefully they both can stay calm, mature, and UN-distracted while they have their discussion. Oh hey look, it's Baldur.

33. On a Boat (ft. Kratos)


He's on a boat annnnd it's going slow annnnd he's got a Nordic themed frozen axe annnnnnd I'm going to stop before I get an email from Matt.

34. Catch Ya on the Flip Side


Our boys are back from RTX and Miles has a fresh new look. Makes me wonder what Kratos would look like with a makeover. Probably the same but he'd be holding the severed hand of the person who dared to touch his beard.

35. Mother's Ashes


Our boys have made it. They've battled with trolls, dragons, and demi-gods. They have conquered deadly puzzles, and faced down their inner demons. Now there is only one thing standing between them and Jotunheim, a god who can't die. It's the finale to God of War!

36. Vermintide 2


Our boys are playing Vermintide 2 a.k.a. medieval Left 4 Dead but it's not just Kyle and Miles this week, Sam and Josh party up with our boys to take on unending legions of rat men and zombies. Well I mean they would, if Sam could ever connect to the game. :/

37. Eatin' Ass


The boys are in Shrek's swamp now and their only concern is to get out of there with their asses intact and uneaten. Since we're talking about asses, what's up with Donkey and the Dragon? Like how would he actually impregnate something that big? This is just one of the "important" questions the boys are discussing in this episode so strap in and hold on tight.

38. Red Dead Revolver


The wind blows across a desert landscape, the cry of a hawk can be heard in the distance, a lone tumbleweed passes between two, racially stereotyped, figures.* That's right our boys are playing Red Dead Revolver! What better way to get hyped for the biggest game of the year than with Rockstar's classic western?

39. Jet Lagged as Fuck


Aww yeah another week of Red Dead but what's this? We get to play as other characters? That's right Kyle and Miles get to fill the shoes of Jack Swift and Annie Stokes. Meanwhile Miles tells us about his "unfortunate" restaurant choice one night while he was in Japan.

40. Outlast 2


It's 2 Spooky October! That's right Kyle and Miles are bringing you a new scary game each week in October and they are kicking it off with Outlast 2.

41. The Evil Within 2


2Spooky October continues on a brand new set! Oh what's that? You thought the spooks were only in the game? Wrong! Kyle and Miles have brought out the big guns with the scariest thing they could think of for 2Spooky October: change. As if that wasn't scary enough our boys put on the shoes and grizzled face of Detective Castellanos once again to dive into the mind of a psychopath in The Evil Within 2.

42. P.T.


P.T. a.k.a. Playable Teaser a.k.a. The Silent Hills demo. It set the new standard for what a horror game should be. If you want a scary game that will mess you up, this is it. Unfortunately you can't play it anymore...unless you already have a copy of it on your PS4. Lucky for us Kyle has a copy and he convinced two people who have never played it before to give it a shot. So turn off the lights and grab your favorite stuffed animal because this one will definitely leave you spooked.

43. Little Nightmares


I know what you're thinking, "Woah, wait what?" "The boys are on?" "But it's Thursday?!" Don't freak out, you're just getting that good, good, hit of Kyle and Miles a whole day earlier from now on, that's all. This week our boys are taking on some strange puzzles in the eerie world of Little Nightmares.

44. Until Dawn


Teen slasher movies are usually full of sex, blood, and bad decisions; Until Dawn has all of that in spades. However Kyle, Sam, and Cole soon discover this game is also full of terrible people. Seriously every character in this game is an asshole, like Hayden Panettiere's character Samantha seems ok but I'm sure that's just a front so she can drown puppies in her free time.

45. Visage


Visage has been described as the unholy child of P.T. and Amnesia so our favorite big brave dogs are going to do their best to get through it. I sure do hope their courage is Big Enough to beat the early access but unfortunately they may have a heart attack before they do.

46. Hitting Those QTE's


Everyone in the comments were saying this game gets better and in the spirit of 2Spooky the boys are giving it another shot. Now I don't wanna give anything away but things do ramp up pretty quick after Mike lets it slip that he's on steroids and by let it slip I mean he rips a deer's head off.

47. Vintage Kyle


Howdy Y'all! After a month of 2Spooky October your two favorite buckaroos are back in Red Dead Revolver. This week Kyle and Miles have to survive the most ridiculous bar fight I've ever seen but you wanna know the secret to winning a 1 v 30 slobber knocker? Taking a nice bubble bath mid match.

48. Bear Trap Out of Nowhere


If you saw a severed hand with a note on it, what would you do? Would you leave it alone? Would you try to examine the note? Or would you do the correct thing and try to high five it like the awesome person you are? Well Kyle, Cole, and Sam choose the second option and poor Mike has to deal with the consequences.

49. Red vs. TED!


What would you do for your best friend? Would you fight for them? Die for them? Bring them back to life when they die because they would do the same for you all so you can kill this Bounty Hunter? Why are you looking at me like I'm crazy? All I'm saying is that these guys must have dabbled in some necromancy or some shit because Ted just won't stay dead during this boss fight and it throws Kyle and Miles for a loop.

50. How Big is this House?!


Until Dawn is getting good and Kyle, Cole, and Sam are really getting into it. Maybe it has something to do with the plot ramping up or maybe, just maybe it has something to do with Hayden Panettiere walking around in just a towel. I don't know, I can't see into their heads but I feel like that would grab their attention and hold it for awhile.

51. It's Not Thanksgiving Yet


Do you believe in destiny? Have you ever felt like something was supposed to happen or more likely something was just not meant to happen? Well there was an episode Kyle and Miles tried to film and almost every major part of the process failed. So take a seat and listen to our boys tell you why there is a level missing from this Red Dead Revolver Let's Play while they try to stop Diego's train.

52. Technical Difficultiez


Surely this was an omen for the tragedy that befell the recording Kyle and Miles had during R.D.R but at least our boys only lost a few minutes during this play session. Let me tell you a lot happens in this episode, we find out who the psycho is, we get to see what happened to Emily AND we get to see what's really going on down in those mines. Here's a hint from Cole, "it's pterodactyls".

53. Now it's Thanksgiving


It's Thanksgiving! Gather the family around as you eat all that good, good, food and watch our boys assault The Governor's mansion. Oh I hope you like Turkey because our boys brought one for you and your family because they're classy like that.

54. Shawshank


*Morgan Freeman Voice Our boys first met Andy Dufresne the night Beth and Hannah met their untimely end. It's a hard life fighting Gollums up on the mountain but it seems to me that Andy could have done more to appear less threatening to those girls. A wave here, a smile there, a ""Hello I'm not a monster I'm just here to help"" would go a long way in my opinion but this isn't the real world, it's a horror video game. You can't expect people to do the logical thing in a horror video game. The way I see it you've got two choices, either get busy watching or get busy commenting. I'm not saying you can't do both, I just couldn't figure out a better way to incorporate that famous line into this description.

55. A Showdown Finale


Red is finally face to face with the man who sold out his family, all for a mountain's worth of gold. Huh, when you put it like that I can see why he did it. I know, I know, he's still a lowdown, no good murderer but a gold mine's worth of gold? People have killed for less. Still, Mayor McCheese has to pay for what he's done and no amount of gold will stop Red from getting his revenge or his revolver. That's not all folks, once the story is done our boys dive into the multiplayer showdown mode to see who is the fastest and most deadliest Red Dead Revolver player around. Spoiler alert, it's not Kyle.

56. Release the Winnebago!


Kyle, Sam, and Cole have figured out what the Wendigo are, now they just need to find Josh and survive Until Dawn. Can they do it? Will they make it to the end with everyone alive? Find out in this stunning finale of Until Dawn! I mean that Not Tim Robbins dude already died but he doesn't count right?

57. Playing with the Monkey


Our boys return to the eerie world of Little Nightmares to take on long armed Gary. Everything seems fine and dandy up until they find Gary "playing with the monkey". I mean really it's not Gary's fault that they catch him in the act of playing with that monkey. Really Little Ezio is invading HIS privacy and spying on the poor guy. Gary should sue Little Ezio for all they have, which is probably just that rain coat.

58. Dead Space


How far would you go for a significant other? Would you hold their hair while they threw up? Would you comfort them while they cried, deeply, about the death of an anime character? Would you fly across the galaxy and face down hordes of the living dead, while armed only with an engineering degree? Isaac Clarke certainly is a better man than I because not only will he do all of that but you will never hear him complain, not even once. At least not until the sequel.

59. Super Smash Bro. Ultimate


Kyle and Miles take on the horde of 74 characters Nintendo stuffed into this game. Are you ready for our boys to smash all night? I'm ready for our boys to smash all night.

60. Fish Out of Water


This PC version of Dead Space is the gift that keeps on giving but while these quirky glitches may cut the tension a little bit the USG Ishimura still has some terrifying surprises in store for Kyle, Sam, and Maggie.

61. The Smash Brothers


One brother is a megalomaniac bent on total destruction and the other is a reformed sage who must put his brother's tyranny to an end. Who will emerge victorious? I don't know but who do I talk to about putting Master Chief in Super Smash Bros? I know they can do it, they got Snake and Cloud in there, don't tell me they can't!

62. X's and O's


Our crew's on a broken ship full of a thousand dead things and Maggie ain't having none of it. With no more glitches to cut the tension things go from zero to terrifying real quick

63. Stay Thirsty


Did you have a good Christmas? Did you get all the presents? You know what's better than getting all the presents? Getting even more presents that's what. This episode of Backwardz Compatible is an extra special present because Trevor and Alfredo from Achievement Hunter join our boys for some 4-man smash brothers action!

64. Hold Your Breath


Have you guys been holding your breath each time Kyle, Maggie, and Sam venture into the vacuum of space? I hope so because if you haven't then this episode is going to be a challenge. Our crew has a long stretch of space to walk through to get to the asteroid defense system and there's a whole lot of necromorphs out there waiting for them.