All Available Episode

All Series 1 Episode

1. The Storm


The boys find their abandoned Suzuki post-cyclone. A massive tree has fallen on it. They cut the tree off, spark up the Suzi and hit the road.

2. Fishin' Mission


The boys borrow a dinghy from Uncle Oppy. They promise to bring back lots of fish. On their way to the water they cut a harpoon and repair an ailing trailer.

3. Bye Bye Suzi


While launching the dinghy Joe manages to drown it and it is now irretrievable while the tide is high. They retreat to the shade of the mangroves and wait for the tide to recede.

4. Dreamy Time


The boys wait for the tide to go out. Meanwhile they get a feed of crabs and Jerome has a strange dream.

5. Dinghy Push


After a feed and a sleep the tide has gone out. So it's time to save the Suzi but it’s stuck in the mud along with Oppy’s trailer. The boys leave it and after a massive effort pushing their dinghy across the mud they head out to sea.

6. Happy Hunting


The boys head up a massive tidal river and hunt for crocs. They cook some lunch and then head off for the island.

7. Island of Plenty


After arriving at the island the boys catch enough fish to fill the esky. They go exploring around the small island. Along the way they find a turtle. It is turned over to prevent it escaping.

8. Bottle of Piss


On the island exploration Jerome finds an empty grog bottle. He pisses in it then back at camp presents it to the boys. They are pissed off and then settle in for the night around the fire.

9. The Getaway


In the morning the boys discover they have no water. They go to collect the turtle but it has escaped. Disappointed the boys load up the dinghy and head off back to the mainland.

10. Trouble At Sea


On their way back home, the engine on the dinghy breaks down. The boys try desperately to start it but have no luck. They are now adrift with no drinking water.

11. Adrift


The boys are adrift at sea. They resort to drinking the urine in the bottle and try paddling with whatever they can lay their hands on.

12. Lost


The broken down dinghy has drifted into some mangroves, somewhere along the coast. The boys are lost and thirsty! They head off in search of water.

13. Water


Tired and thirsty, the boys now head for Mangbirri, a remote outstation to get help. They rest near some paperbark trees and find they are full of water.

14. Bright Spark


After filling up on muddy water it's time to make camp and cook the crocs but no matches! Chico produces an electric toothbrush and with some gunpowder from a shotgun cartridge. They get a fire going, cook diner and settle into their camp.

15. Tin Canoes


Faced with having to cross a croc infested billabong, the boys make canoes out of tin.

16. Help Yourselves


At last, the boys reach cyclone ravaged Mangbirri ouststion, but its deserted. They decide to cook their Kangaroo. Joe finds a jerry can of water.

17. Pimp My Wheels


The boys manage to spark up a trashed car and hit the road once again.

18. Suzi Rescue


The boys return to retrieve the Suzuki and Oppys trailer. They manage to pull both out but the Suzuki is trashed.

19. Suzi Send-off


The poor old Suzuki is cremated and gets a traditional send-off. The boys lament its passing and reflect on what a legendary car it was.

20. Trailer Failure


The boys go on the hunt for for Oppy's dinghy.

21. The Lost Boat


The dinghy has disappeared from where the boys left it. They blame evil sprits for stealing it.

22. Trailer Battle


It takes all their strength and ingenuity for the boys to pull the trailer with the dinghy out of the tidal river.

23. Spring Clean


At last, the boys are on their way home but realize they stink and need a wash.

24. Homecoming


The boys finally limp home and return the dinghy to Oppy who is not only unimpressed but also mad as hell.