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All Season 1 Episode
1. Cannonball Fall
Wayne visits a mechanic's shop in Brooklyn to demonstrate intelligent oil. Ben tricks people on the streets of Warsaw. Billy cons a group of martial artists. And James stops a falling cannonball crushing his hand.
2. Book Bungee
James Galea convinces a group of onlookers into thinking that they can crush a fuel tanker using telekinesis. As the crowd concentrates on the tanker, it dramatically implodes with a massive bang. Ben Hanlin and Billy Kidd team up in a London bar for a hidden camera hit in which Ben’s jacket is stained with wine, catches fire, and is put out with a fire extinguisher before emerging totally unscathed. Wayne Houchin is in East London performing a death-defying stunt in front of a nervous crowd. He’s about to bungee jump off a 160-ft crane, the equivalent of a 16-story building. However, Wayne has severed the bungee rope and is attempting to hold it together by interweaving the pages of two books. The crowd isn’t convinced. Wayne jumps, and amazingly, the two books hold his weight. The crowd is astounded.
3. Danger Drop
Wayne Houchin amazes New Yorkers with his Midas touch by turning a seemingly ordinary silver bracelet into a gold bracelet. Billy Kidd is in London, impressing passersby with her ability to read their minds. She asks the punter to write down an animal, a capital city, or their mother’s name. Amazingly, Billy is then able to write down the exact answer the punter was thinking of, leaving everyone completely baffled. In London, Ben Hanlin turns a seemingly normal cup of water into a handheld snow machine. James Galea puts his life on the line when he’s attached to the end of a rope dangling off a 50-foot scaffold tower – and puts his trust in a member of the public when the other end of the rope is released – will magic or science manage to save him and stop him from splatting on the ground?
4. Vortex Cannon
Ben performs a secret agent trick; Billy shifts gravity in Warsaw; Wayne makes a newspaper spontaneously combust; James uses superpowers to knock over a wall.
5. Tesla Coil
Wayne astounds New Yorkers at a famous deli; Ben and a 13 year old memory master play guess the date; Billy serves up coffee magic; Wayne becomes a human lightning rod.
6. Vampire
Billy suspends water; Ben makes a ship in a bottle disappear.
7. Voodoo Car
Wayne baffles an audience with his mind-reading skills; Ben tests his new invention, the Bicep Booster.
8. Dry Ice Bomb
Wayne impresses skaters with his explosive telekinesis; Billy tests out her own psychic abilities.
9. Anti Gravity Glass
Wayne and James reveal the design and preparation of its most dangerous scenes. Billy and Ben make use of the chemical to become magical waiters.