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All Season 2 Episode

1. A marriage proposal for Gandhari


King Subala prepares his army, thinking Bhishma has come to fight them. But Bhishma has come to King Subala with a marriage proposal for Gandhari with Dhritarashtra. This worries King Subala, but Bhishma convinces him by offering him Hastinapur.

2. King Subala fears Shakuni


Dhritarashtra fights against elephants to show his strength. Later, Vidura meets Dhritarashtra and Pandu; tells them only the righteous prince will be crowned the King of Hastinapur. This angers Dhritarashtra. In Gandhara, King Subala fears that Shakuni may object to Gandhari's marriage.

3. Shakuni is furious with Subala


As the marriage preparations begin, Dhritarashtra shares his desire to become King with Pandu. Shakuni becomes furious with King Subala's decision of marrying his daughter, Gandhari to Dhritarashtra.

4. Gandhari takes an oath


Gandhari is upset on learning about Dhritarashtra. Shakuni calls King Subala a cheat and tries to cancel the wedding, but Gandhari stops him. In her room, Gandhari blows out all lamps, to learn to live in darkness. To support her to-be-husband, Gandhari takes a decision that shocks everyone.

5. Dhritarashtra marries Gandhari


Gandhari takes an oath and blindfolds herself. Dhritarashtra refuses to marry her when he gets to know about her oath. Gandhari explains the reason for her decision and persuades him to marry her. For the welfare of Hastinapur, Dhritarashtra marries Gandhari, but will he accept her as his wife?

6. Dhritarashtra rejects Gandhari


Dhritarashtra humiliates Gandhari and orders her to remove her blindfold. She refuses. Enraged, he rejects her as his wife. Later, Bhishma tells Satyavati that Dhritarashtra wants to be the king to hide his imperfection. But Satyavati stays adamant. Vidura raises an objection.

7. Vidura: the voice of reason


Vidura stops Bhishma from handing over the throne to Dhritarashtra. Vidura tells Amba that a blind person cannot be a king. Dhritarashtra is upset on hearing this. He blames Pandu for conspiring against him. Now, who will be the King of Hastinapur?

8. Pandu becomes King of Hastinapur


On Bhishma's advice, Pandu becomes the King of Hastinapur. Dhritarashtra accuses Pandu of conspiring against him and taking over the throne. For Gandhari's sake, Shakuni lays a plan for Dhritarashtra to take the throne from Pandu.

9. Bhishma advises Satyavati


Pandu informs Dhritarashtra that he has decided to make him advisor to the King. An enraged Dhritarashtra refuses to accept the post. Later, Bhishma advises Satyavati to get Pandu married. Meanwhile, Kuntibhoj informs Kunti about a Swayamvar he has organised for her.

10. Kunti hides her past from Pandu


Kunti thinks about her past when Suryadev had blessed her with a boy, Karna. Hearing the story, Priyamvada tries to console her. At Kunti's Swayamvar, Kuntibhoj informs the kings that whoever answers Kunti's question will win her hand. Who will marry her?

11. Vidura welcomes Pandu and Kunti


Dhritarashtra asks Gandhari not to welcome Pandu and Kunti. Priyamvada asks Kunti to hide her past from Pandu. Radha tells Karna about Pandu and Kunti's arrival in Hastinapur. As Vidura welcomes them, Karna showers flowers on them with his bow. Is it time for Kunti to meet her son?

12. Shakuni provokes Dhritarashtra


While Gandhari welcomes Pandu and Kunti to Hastinapur, Shakuni provokes Dhritarashtra against them. Out of guilt, Kunti decides to reveal the truth about her past to Pandu. Karna tells his father that King Pandu will reward him after seeing his mastery over archery.

13. Pandu informs Kunti about the war


Satyavati tries to stop Pandu from going to war, but he refuses to change his decision. Dhritarashtra suggests that Pandu, being the king, take the lead. Pandu informs Kunti about the war and leaves Hastinapur. At the palace, Gandhari and Kunti begin to develop a special bond.

14. Pandu marries Madri


Vidura informs Satyavati that Pandu has won the war. She makes arrangements to welcome Pandu. She also learns that Pandu is returning to Hastinapur with his second wife, Madri. Kunti welcomes them. Madri apologises to Kunti for her mistake but also tells her things that shock Kunti.

15. Pandu kills Maharishi Kindam


Dhritarashtra decides to mend his relationship with Gandhari. While hunting, Pandu kills Maharishi Kindam and his wife by mistake. Before dying, Maharishi Kindam curses him. On returning, Satyavati informs Pandu about Gandhari's pregnancy and Pandu tells her about the incident in the forest.

16. Pandu steps down from the throne


As Pandu steps down from his position, Shakuni instigates Dhritarashtra to take his place. Gandhari disapproves of Shakuni's actions but is helpless. Pandu tells Kunti and Madri about Maharishi Kindam's curse. Kunti and Madri decide to accompany Pandu to the forest.

17. Kunti bears a son


Pandu leaves Hastinapur with Kunti and Madri. Dhritarashtra becomes the acting king of Hastinapur. To fulfil Pandu's desire to have a child, Kunti uses Rishi Durvasa’s boon. She bears a son from Lord Dharmraj. Pandu names the child Yudhishtir.

18. Gandhari's child shocks everyone


Vidura informs Dhritarashtra, Satyavati and Bhishma that Kunti has given birth to a son. Dhritarashtra decides to celebrate the occasion. Later, everybody is shocked on seeing what Gandhari has given birth to. Dhritarashtra expresses his displeasure and decides to hurt Gandhari.

19. Kunti gives birth to Bheem


Satyavati informs Dhritarashtra that Maharishi Vyasa can give life to his children. Maharishi Vyasa transforms the flesh delivered by Gandhari and tells her that she will become the mother of a hundred boys and a girl. Meanwhile, Kunti worships Vaayudev and gives birth to a boy, who is named Bheem.

20. Gandhari's first child is named Duryodhan


Extreme weather conditions prevail during the birth of Dhritarashtra's first child and Krupacharya suggests the baby should be sacrificed for the betterment of Hastinapur. But Dhritarashtra decides to keep the child and names him Duryodhan. Indradev blesses Kunti with a boy, who is named Arjun.