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All Season 16 Episode

1. The Pandavas are sent on Vanvaas


Dhritarashtra decides to return the Pandavas' kingdom to them. However, Duryodhan opposes this and Shakuni suggests they should be sent on Vanvaas for twelve years and Agyatvas for one year. Dhritarashtra agrees. Before leaving, the Pandava brothers promise that when they return, there will be the biggest war in history.

2. Yudhishthir punishes himself


Draupadi locks herself in a room. Bheem fails to break the door open. Krishna arrives at Indraprastha. He asks Draupadi to forgive the Pandavas and tells her the difference between revenge and justice. Later, Yudhishthir asks Bheem to burn his hands that sinned.

3. The Pandavas leave Hastinapur


Krishna tells Yudhishthir to prepare for a war as that is the only way to get justice. As the Pandavas leave for Vanvaas, Krishna declares this war to be the beginning of a new era. At Hastinapur, Gandhari is worried about Draupadi's curse and Krishna's support to the Pandavas.

4. The Pandavas die


Nakul goes to a lake to bring water, but does not return. One by one, other brothers go in search of him and don't return. Yudhishthir is shocked on seeing them dead. How did they die and what will Yudhishthir do to revive them?

5. The Pandavas disguise themselves


Dharmraj blesses the Pandavas with a boon, which will help them in disguising themselves during their Agyatvas. The Pandavas separate themselves to achieve their goals. Arjun works hard to please Mahadev, while Bheem offers laddoos to Hanuman.

6. Durvasa visits Yudhishthir


Maharishi Durvasa and his disciples arrive at Yudhishthir's hut for food. Draupadi and Yudhishthir panic as they do not have enough food. Meanwhile, Krishna arrives at Yudhishthir's hut and consumes the last grain of rice. What will Draupadi and Yudhishthir serve the Maharishi and his disciples?

7. Pandavas head to Virat's kingdom


Krishna suggests the Pandavas spend their Agyatvas in Virat's kingdom. An animal tries to attack Arjun, but he kills it. The tribal leader takes the credit for killing the animal. He challenges Arjun to defeat him in archery and sword fight. Does Arjun know who he will be fighting with?

8. Jayadrath kidnaps Draupadi


Jayadrath kidnaps Draupadi. Arjun appears in front of him when he is about to meet Duryodhan. He takes Draupadi and Jayadrath away from Duryodhan's army. Yudhishthir instructs Bheem to kill Jayadrath but Arjun stops them.

9. Duryodhan looks for the Pandavas


Duryodhan sends his spies in search of the Pandavas. The Pandavas hide their weapons. Draupadi names Yudhishthir as Kank, so that he does not have to lie about his name. After eleven months, Duryodhan's spies return without any information. Where are the Pandava brothers?

10. Keechak offends Sairandhri


Kank suggests that Virat should not rely on Keechak for the security of his kingdom. On Virat's wife Sudeshna's instruction, Draupadi (Sairandhri) serves alcohol to Keechak in his room but he misbehaves with her. Meanwhile, Bheem sends laddoos to his brothers and Draupadi as a sign to meet him.

11. Keechak identifies Sairandhri


Duryodhan, Shakuni and Dushyasan visit Virat's assembly. Shakuni suspects the Pandavas are in his kingdom. Keechak assures Duryodhan that he will help him find the Pandavas. Later, Keechak identifies Sairandhri as Draupadi and begins to blackmail her.

12. Bheem kills Keechak


Bheem challenges Keechak to fight with him. But if he does, he will be recognised. Later, Duryodhan, Shakuni and Dushyasan find Keechak's dead body. Virat promises to punish Keechak's murderer. Then, he goes to the Pandavas and suggests that they escape as Duryodhan might attack his kingdom.

13. Arjun gets back his Gandiv


Matsya is under attack. The Pandavas and Virat fight together to keep it safe. Meanwhile, Shakuni informs Bhishma that Susharman, the King of Trigarta, has attacked Matsya from the other side. How does Arjun get back his Gandiv?

14. Bhishma asks Arjun to end fight


Arjun takes Bhishma's blessing and attacks Duryodhan, Dushyasan and Shakuni. On Duryodhan's insistence, Karna uses his Divyastra and Arjun retaliates with the same. Bhishma creates a wall between them and requests Arjun to stop the fight. Later, Bhishma informs Duryodhan that the Pandavas have completed their Agyatvas.