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All Survivor 5: Cambodia Episode

1. Episode 1


Who will take the first two Personal Immunity Totems that bring peace to the first tribal councils, how will Naga and Garuda fare in the first games, and which team will gain the early advantage?

2. Episode 2


How will the first matches between the representatives of the fans and the stars end? The stakes are huge - the winner will take his tribe to an equipped camp with certain amenities - shelter, food, materials and tools. The loser, together with his tribe, will go to a lonely island, where he will find only the bare necessities for his survival. However, will the defeated tribe calmly accept the outcome of the game after the optimistic request of the "culprit": "We have lost a battle, but we have not lost the war... It begins now."?

3. Episode 3


Who will leave Garuda after the first tribal council? Coalitions are already forming, but not all expectations are realistic. After two games, the stars' attitude toward the rookies is still dismissive. And that's exactly the attitude fans are hoping for. The Naga tribe is motivated and rallying with continuous training, adapting to the hardships of life and progressing with the camp. Rosen Vangelov's time on the Island of the Outcasts is not so pleasant. Glimpses of hope as he understands his role in the game and the rules that he will have to face each Naga and Garuda banished in one-on-one combat to stay on the island are replaced by utter despair. Even his pet and only company - the monkey Mr. Sock, does not help him.

4. Episode 4


The Garuda debrief after the first tribal council. Agonseva is satisfied with the result, while Zanev is very disappointed by the "betrayal" of some of the women in the tribe. And in typical style, he will raise the tension level to critical levels. But while Svetlin's thin coalition is worried about the departure of its advocate, for the 23rd participant Rosen Vangelov, the arrival of the first evicted is a real blessing. How will the relationship between the two develop on "Outcast Island" and will it affect how they play in the upcoming duel to stay on Survivor? Because after a contested test of patience and self-control, one of them will leave the island forever.

5. Episode 5


The wars in both tribes are raging in full force. In Garuda, Zanev declares a firm opposition against Agonsevi, while his close friend Silvia Dimitrova sees salvation in a coalition with all the stars united by the married couple. At the same time, the veterans recognize in Svetlin the cause of tension in the tribe and losses in the games. The Nagas, for their part, isolate Vasil. The young people seem to naturally repel the diver, and he expects a negative vote from Marcho's group and the four girls.

6. Episode 6


Garuda prepares for a second tribal council. And despite the loss due to Iva Pranjeva, Zanev will be the target of the entire tribe. But before they name the person they're going to evict, the Stars have one more chance to turn the game around — and it's far from tasty. Personal immunity will be given to those who manage to swallow delicacies such as aged chicken embryo, frogs, fish eyes, silkworms, sea snails and raw Cambodian rat. But Vlado Karamazov will serve them another surprise - someone will be able to give up and choose real delicacies, while his teammates struggle with disgusting smells and textures. What will Garuda choose and how will they try to break the rules?

7. Episode 7


8. Episode 8


In Garuda, the veterans are increasingly turning against Zanev. Under Burkanichkov's skillful guidance, they hatch cunning plans to remove him from the game, while the sailor is convinced that the tribe appreciates his role in future victories. There is also the next Tribal Immunity game, in which a lot of hope and enthusiasm is invested. The stars try to show a sense of humor, offering fans to see what it's like at the tribal council out of curiosity, but internally they are very worried about the potential loss of a third of their own.

9. Episode 9


An old incident in Naga will bring to the tribal camp Dr. Kostadin Angelov - Executive Director of Aleksandrovska Hospital and the doctor of all the participants in the Bulgarian format so far. An unpleasant surprise awaits Vasko - according to the results of the tests that will be conducted, it will be decided whether he will return to the game or leave it for medical reasons. The Garudas receive mail about the upcoming Personal Immunity Trial. This game is extremely important for Survivor veterans, as it can guarantee them salvation at the third, consecutive, Tribal Council. Veterans will once again taste the harsh Khmer training – they will have to harness all their strength and endurance to stay above the water. But will the victory be fairly won, or will the stars once again trample the rules of the great game?

10. Episode 10


Everyone at Garuda is happy with Zanev's ouster. Veterans believe that without the pressure he brings to the team, the game will change. At the same time, the sailor is ready for anything to use his golden chance to return and take revenge on everyone. Before the prize game, the Nagas will have to decide whether to allow Vasco to return to their ranks. However, will the fans exercise their right to remove the self-isolating diver or will they prefer to maintain the numerical superiority of the tribe? Winning the challenge could bring Naga and Garuda a rather tempting reward – a bowl of spaghetti and wine for the tribe, but also something else. The team that wins the game will send one of their own to loot the losers camp. The messenger will be able to take three items from the enemies, but will he limit himself to that or will he destroy their camp?

11. Episode 11


On the Isle of Banished Kings, solitude and pragmatic thinking. Because there are two options for the winner of the duel - even if he beats all the outcasts, the one left there will have to either return to the Garuda enemies or be an absolute novice among the Nagas. In the tribe of fans, the morning starts with a song, because the day is special for Vanja Jeferovic - it's his daughter Leia's birthday. The football player will get an unexpected surprise. Meanwhile, Yori shares his suspicions that Merlina is a double agent helping the enemy. The challenge will test the speed, coordination and gymnastic skills of all Survivor contestants so that Vlado Karamozov can hand the immunity totem to the stronger tribe. What will it be and who will keep their full lineup for three more days?

12. Episode 12


The Naga women openly attack Merlina. The reason is her unnatural joy for the victories of the veterans, which has been making an increasingly strong impression lately. Passions flare, and the businesswoman uses Yori's visits to a psychologist as a weapon against her most outspoken critic. But despite her firm belief that the only attacks on her come from the environmentalist, the entire tribe is suspicious of the bodybuilder. In Garuda there is calmness and a keen hunger for victories. On the veterans' first game-free day, they will focus on improving living conditions. Survivor fans, for the first time since the game began, will not be a team, but will fight for their own salvation. In the first personal immunity challenge, they will have to put their memory and quick reaction to the test.

13. Episode 13


How to celebrate St. Valentine in Cambodia? Far from romance and tenderness will be the prize game on Valentine's Day. Before she begins, one of the most experienced partners in love - Diyana Agonseva, will present her husband with a love necklace on the occasion of the holiday. After that, the battle for the afternoon matinee by the seaside will begin. One couple from each tribe will have the opportunity to celebrate the holiday properly with a love picnic on the beach. Agontsevi from Garuda and Nadezhda and Marcho from Naga will indulge in sweet talk about love, strategies and Survivor participants. Individual play isn't the hardest game in Survivor, but on Outcast Island it's crucial. Vasko and Zanev will fight to stay in the game as a tower of wooden blocks will decide their fate. Choosing the right strategy will bring food and supplies to the winner, and the other will take the road home.

14. Episode 14


The quest for the upcoming duel between the tribes causes controversy in Garuda. Fans and veterans alike will have to field their most patient members to battle it out for a double vote and prize. The more important challenge for the Nagas and Garudas lies ahead – the Tribal Immunity Game. Both teams will need to demonstrate speed, barracks coordination and balance to win. A bloody incident with Vanja Jeferovic will make the obstacles seem even scarier and more complicated, but it will not break the will to win the survivors. Which tribe will prove to be faster and more agile and save itself from tribal council? And more - why does Merlina look at Agontsev as "1000 marks in total", is the flame of Garuda burning, what surprise does Iva Pranjeva expect on the occasion of her holiday and what threes are possible between the tribes?

15. Episode 15


In the personal immunity game, the survivors will have to demonstrate complex qualities - speed, flexibility, self-control and quick thinking. A traditional Cambodian apsara dancer will bring luck and peace to one of them by adorning him with the priceless necklace. Before tribal council, everyone will fill out an anonymous survey to declare sentiments and coalitions. How will your teammates fare against the categories of overt and covert leader, unifier, most annoying and biggest schemer, least fit and most worthy of winning Survivor, most charismatic, weak-willed, hypocrite? Meanwhile, on Outcast Island, Zanev strategizes to meet and defeat the next outcast. Having completely forgotten loneliness, the sailor is highly motivated to return to the united tribe in search of revenge against Garuda.

16. Episode 16


Garuda will break the rules of the game. Although they have a certain territory they cannot leave, three of the veterans will enter the jungles of Cambodia at night. As the participants worry about what might happen to them and the production team conducts a search mission, the fugitives return to the camp by boat. What are the risks and what will be the consequences for them? Meanwhile, Zanev welcomes the next outcast to Outcast Island. It turns out that the sailor has quite detailed information about the coalitions, intrigues and sympathies in the two tribes. But he has another fight coming up that could bring him closer to the unification of the tribes. Naga and Garuda will compete in a contest for a prize. And it will be quite tempting - barbecue and cold wine for the winner.

17. Episode 17


Damiana will admit her crush on Sycamore. The memories of the first touch between them will be supplemented by the impressions of others in Naga about their nightly closeness and comments about how adequate it is to allow romantic feelings in the game. Meanwhile, a new coalition is forming among the outsiders in the tribe, which draws schemes to counter the "magnificent five" and marks the next victim. The selection of representatives for the prize duel and double vote strained relations in Garuda. The tension of the extraordinary meeting with Vlado Karamazov and the confusion will shake the nerves of the players. How will these emotions affect the outcome of the duel and who will walk away with sweet treats for the team? The two tribes prepare for the decisive clash for tribal immunity. In a classic game of strength, endurance and strategic planning, Naga and Garuda will chase each other briefly, but to the last breath.

18. Episode 18


Yori's intolerance of Desi will escalate. Small household commitments will become an occasion for open attacks, but it turns out that the model causes negative emotions in Nadia and Vanja Dzaferovic as well. Accused of scheming and jealous of her attempts to get closer to Marcho, she is targeted as the next cast out of the tribe. Survivor will present another surprise to fans – on their day off, they will receive an unexpected mail with shocking news. Recruits will prepare for change by packing up and boarding the boat. But what awaits them? Meanwhile, the Garudas will fight for personal immunity before tribal council. They will have to test their stamina and patience to fight for the necklace and the peace of mind that they will have three more days left in the game. But even veterans will be surprised by Naga's sudden appearance. They will have to make a tough decision that destroys coalitions but also creates new alliances.

19. Episode 19


20. Episode 20


21. Episode 21


22. Episode 22


23. Episode 23


In a matter of days, Desi managed to arouse the undisguised sympathy of two of the veterans. Mitko and Findo highly appreciate both the physical and emotional qualities of the model, while the others begin to worry about the restructuring of coalitions. In Naga, plans and strategies hatched since the early days of Survivor come to light. Yori and Vanya are satisfied with the fact that they have equalized the forces in the tribe, although Yavor, Nadia and Damiana categorically refuse to forgive the betrayal. And this can lead to boycotts and loss of games. Regardless of the lack of communication, Survivor teams will once again have to select players for a one-on-one duel. And in addition to the liquid chocolate and the double vote bracelet, it becomes more and more valuable to the survivors. The challenge will turn into a real spectacle that will astound and laugh both Vlado Karamazov and the witnesses of the battle.

24. Episode 24


Resentment and divisiveness still rule the Nagas. Yori and Vanya secretly hope to attract Nadia to their coalition, relying on her more balanced attitude towards the two groups. She herself faces a moral dilemma as she considers the risk to herself of Yavor and Damiana's growing closeness. But he will also get the unique chance to discuss the difficult decision with one of the people closest to his heart - the No. 1 footballer for Bulgaria for 2013, Ivan Ivanov. On the Island of the Outcasts, or as it has recently been called "Zanev's Island", the sailor takes stock of the past and makes bold plans for the future. He is ambitious to return to the united tribe to get his revenge against the veterans. In a battle for the privacy necklace, the survivors will have to recall strategies from previous challenges. But only one will be safe at Tribal Council.

25. Episode 25


A turning point is coming in Survivor - the union of Naga and Garuda. Before that, however, two players will face off in a decisive duel that will challenge their logic with the Tower of Brahma and determine the forces and coalitions going forward. And while after the end of the competition, some are happy and others lose heart, others will see the situation as a sign that they should reach the final. The survivors of the three islands will be tasked with destroying the camps, packing up and setting out on a new path. And he goes through pleasures such as bathing, makeup, festive clothes and waiting for a celebration. But the veterans are worried because they cannot guess in what format the unification will happen. The number of those who will enter the new tribe should be equal, and at the moment they are one person more.

26. Episode 26


27. Episode 27


A major topic in Khmer is the possible outcasts at the upcoming tribal council. Zanev creates new alliances with Vanya and Nadya, counts the potential votes with Burkanichkov, plans against whom to target the negative vote and whom he can defeat in the challenges. The 13 survivors will face each other in a one-handed battle for the precious Kawaha Amulet. For Cambodians, it is a symbol of the protection that ancient wars expected from the gods. And for the Bulgarians, in addition to the security of the tribal council, it will also bring the right to a double vote. Who will win this power, who will be the four nominees and will the plans of the strategists go awry?

28. Episode 28


Khmer are preparing to celebrate a birthday. Parting with another participant, they do not feel regret, but sincerely have fun with songs and jokes about Yori. At the same time, Zanev gradually becomes the new Marcho for Nadia, and this changes the attitude of the others. The Khmers are to fill out an anonymous survey in which they will characterize each one of the tribe. They will then have to guess whose name is most often associated with the said quality, and the one who is most aware of the opinion of his teammates will bathe in the luxury of one of the most beautiful hotels in Cambodia, frequented by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Also, he will determine who will be the next to go to Exile Island. Who pulls the strings in the tribe, who is capable of backstabbing, who communicates best with others, who cries the most, who is the dumbest, who knows the most secrets, who is the weakest at games, who is the most annoying?

29. Episode 29


Enemies on the Isle of Exiles will wake up embraced. With laughter and banter on intimate topics, they will prepare for the upcoming duel. The winner will have the right to choose a strategy - whether to return to the island or to the tribe. But regardless of the outcome of the game, Vlado Karamazov will be tasked with the special task of handing Burkanichkov a personal gift from Yori. Stories about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's apartment will lift the spirits of the united tribe as well. In fact, on the 29th day of the game, the survivors are already ready to do anything to achieve a personal victory, and their nerves are stretched to the limit. Recognizing the ambition and the threat, both "old" and "new" plan complex moves. Before the privacy test, the Khmer will welcome the returnee from Exile Island. In the battle for the right to nominations, the survivors will overcome a number of obstacles, and one of them will break the rules of the game in an unprecedented way.

30. Episode 30


31. Episode 31


32. Episode 32


Khmer are again divided into camps. One part is unpleasantly surprised and greatly worried by the course of events, while for others everything is moving according to plan. Extreme situations lead to desperate actions, and hope for survival is transformed into denial of truth and self-delusion. Hypocrisy, treachery, lies and foul play will be discovered in everyone and everything. Meanwhile, Yori awaits his next "guest" on Exile Island. For certain people she prepares a soft bed, and for others - scorpions. However, there are only two people in Khmer willing to visit this heavenly place. An auction of open and closed items will determine whether their will will be honored.

33. Episode 33


34. Episode 34


Agontsev convenes a meeting of all the veterans for whom he has prepared a motivational speech. He will try to win the support and votes of the stars with the arguments of loyalty to the "old" and the numerical advantage that can decide the game. How will the others react to the attempt to unite? For the first time, the tribal council will be attended by a member of the jury - Svetoslav Burkanichkov. This begs the question of what are the most important qualities that the finalists must possess - morality, honor, strength, honesty, cunning, hypocrisy. And what are the main driving forces of Survivors – the prize, the prestige of being a finalist, the pride of victory? For the first time, the topic of money and personal willingness to compromise will be raised. But who will be the four nominees, whose campaign will prove more effective and who will become the second member of the jury?

35. Episode 35


Khmer will take stock after kicking out another participant. The distribution of power is changing and the players are becoming increasingly distrustful of each other. On the 35th day of the adventure, they will receive personal items, but even this joy will bring to the fore old conflicts and sincere intolerance. On Exile Island, Yori will go through the whole palette of emotions when he receives his personal item. The photo of her son Dimitar will throw her off balance, but will also give her an incentive to continue the game until the end. The tactical offensive continues with planning for the next one to join Yori on the Island. Survivors will have another, no less tempting motivation to win the upcoming game – a meeting on a luxury yacht with Miss Cambodia, delicacies from Bulgarian cuisine and a bottle of brandy. But will prearrangements work, how important is knowing languages, and does one of the most beautiful Khmer women like brandy?

36. Episode 36


Khmer will have to check what their weight is after a month's stay in Cambodia. Whoever guesses exactly how many pounds they lost will receive a prize, and the results will be used in the upcoming immunity game. The exiles from the Island will meet in a duel to measure their strength and one will return to the tribe. The reception will not be particularly welcoming, but it will provide the opportunity to win personal immunity and the right to nominations. And the battle promises to be tough, because the survivors will have to defeat themselves first in order to prevail over others. Meanwhile, Zanev's injured hand worsens. The swelling is getting bigger and the medical team recommends rest before the necessary puncture. But the sailor refuses to miss the game and, fully aware of the risks he's taking, embarks on one of the toughest tests in Survivor. Will the human spirit prevail over pain and fatigue?

37. Episode 37


Agontsev provoked an increasing dislike for himself. Talks about money, prize distribution and promises that "there will be something for everyone" irritate both stars and fans. And the balance between reason and feelings, sincerity and hypocrisy, good and evil turns out to be more and more difficult and important. Khmers will have to go under and over a series of obstacles and free themselves from a rope to earn the personal immunity amulet. The initial advantage will turn out to be only apparent, and persistence and methodicality will lead to a successful final one of them. The tribal council will begin with the impressive arrival of the two jury members - Krum and Burkanchkov. Relatives, loved ones and friends will delight the survivors with a live connection from Sofia to give them courage and support on the 38th day of the game. Parents and children, brothers and ex-wives will reveal unsuspected emotions and gossip from the participants.

38. Episode 38


39. Episode 39


Yori's manipulations continue in full force. With another intrigue, she will try to break the last alliances in the former Garuda. Will her next strategic move work and against whom she "shares the same tactics"? At the same time, Zanev is depressed. Pain in the hand and a conflict with Nadia will disturb his peace and distract the constant attention in the game. But he will not give up and will again fight for his inner harmony. On "Exile Island" Iva will receive only part of the message intended for her. She will face a man who claims for himself that he can adapt to everything and everyone. The match between them will be classic, but both will easily score own goals. Who will remain in exile and miss tribal council? In the game for immunity, Khmer will face three tough tests to earn the right to the nominations. In a contested battle, two of the contenders for leadership in the tribe will meet.

40. Episode 40


The deceptive tranquility of Khmer will be disturbed by a prophetic dream, its possible explanations and interpretations. The strategies discussed for the next evictee are controversial because they are based on different motives. But the upcoming personal immunity and double vote game will shed more light on the possible scenarios. In a race for the Kavaha Khmer amulet, they will have to recall everything they know about Cambodia - the country's history, geography and traditions. In the camp of the tribe, the topic of the bought votes of the jury and the preliminary arrangements for the distribution of money in Survivor is on the agenda again. In addition to confirming the claims of other players, Vanya will take on the role of an undercover agent, put on a microphone and a hidden camera and give conclusive evidence on the case. And what shocking confessions and plans will come to light?

41. Episode 41


42. Episode 42


43. Episode 43


44. Episode 44


45. Episode 45


46. Episode 46


After 45 days in the game, Khmer are in good spirits. A major theme for the tribe is Mitko's escape from coalition sanction by escaping to Exile Island. Serious hopes are placed on Nadia, who must beat him in a duel and bring him back for tribal council. If this does not happen, others will fall victim. Zanev and Iva return to the tribe after the great adventure to share impressions and emotions about Cambodia. They describe in detail the adrenaline-fueled two-hour helicopter flight over the whole country, the incredible views, combined with the kindness and responsiveness of the people who live in rather harsh living conditions. But the topic again turns to the big question of the day - will Nadya break her neck or will Mitko slip through the eye of a needle again? In addition to the balance and speed of the duel between the two, trust and strategy will also prove to be decisive for the further course of the game.

47. Episode 47


Over the course of 4 and a half hours, the members of Khmer will battle through pain to win immunity and the right to nominations. But apart from the physical challenge, they will have to overcome irritation and bitter truths exchanged to set a world record in the great game. After the stunning victory, the Khmer are discussing options for the upcoming tribal council. Doctor Emo will share his views on Nadia's strategy, which are in stark contrast to his philosophy of life. According to him, the amoral-vulgar skills she uses to get ahead have no place in a character game. Around the tribal council campfire, Survivors will acknowledge the true motivations behind their heroic endurance in the day's game, what in their behavior has brought them to this point in the game, and give an objective assessment of their personal merits for their place.

48. Episode 48


Emotions trump strategy after Tribal Council. The clash between the players and the jury will increase the tension, and the injuries after the 4-hour game will threaten the chances of the survivors in the upcoming challenges. Meanwhile, Vanya celebrates his 31st birthday 9 thousand kilometers from his loved ones - in melancholy, but in good company. On Exile Island, construction is bubbling, and Mitko feels wonderfully alone and at peace. From the pedestal of his throne, the director relies on the fish head and makes predictions about Khmer's next move. The rewards in Survivor keep getting bigger and more tempting. Khmer will fight for a helicopter excursion to one of the most beautiful places in the world, the wonder of Asia - the temple complex of Angkor Wat. The balance and passage of the water obstacles will make it difficult for the injured, but will not deny them the battle for victory.

49. Episode 49


Two people will violate Nadia's personal space and read her diary. The thoughts and plans described in it will cause ridicule and lead to revealing provocative intimate details of coexistence in the camp. Meanwhile, everyone is thinking to themselves who will be the next to leave the game. Ambitious to fight until the end for a place in the final five, the survivors will come up with all sorts of reasons to oust their competitors. Satisfied and bright-eyed, two will return from Angkor Wat to try their hand at the next challenge of balance and accuracy, which will reward them with immunity. A gravity-defying test will prove crucial to Mitko's stay on Exile Island. The self-centered idyll that the director has tried in solitude can easily collapse under the pressure of delusions and nefarious plans. Will he be able to fight for his heavenly peace until the semi-finals?

50. Episode 50


Severe leg pain will once again make Yori the center of attention. The Khmers begin to doubt her sincerity and explain her limp as a good strategy to undervalue her and allow her into the final five. Meanwhile, Mitko reflects on the version of Zanev's expulsion that Iva presented to him and is on the verge of debunking the lie. On their way to another immunity game and a double vote, the Khmer five consider the options before them. Concentration, stability and balance will answer the main question – who will be the new member of the jury.

51. Episode 51


The discussion of the "Zanevi" case continues. Svetlin feels offended by the fact that the others underestimate him and think that Nadia turned his head to win protection. Just days before the grand final, one of the strongest players is down, and the Khmers continue to believe that love is the worst possible strategy in the game. It's time for decisive battles in "Survivor" and the end of solitude on Exile Island. Mitko will have to destroy his throne and return to the tribe for the decisive duels. And there he will find hostility, insult, arguments, ridicule, psychic attacks, even isolation from the tribe. The upcoming game will determine the first of three "Survivor" finalists. And the requirements for him are getting higher and higher - speed, balance, memory, concentration and mathematics will bring triumph and a chance for the title of "sole survivor" of the best of all.

52. Episode 52


Mitko will compensate for the isolation with exercises for the mind and body to direct all his concentration to the upcoming battle for the second place in the final. None of the four in Khmer feel an iota of regret for the slighting of the director. But this does not prevent him from feeling victorious and pointing out the weaknesses of his competitors. One step away from the grand finale in "Survivor", four participants will test their strength and motivation in a tough game over water. Driven by sports passion and strong emotions, some are ready to go beyond their limits, and others - to give up just before the end. But who will win second place in the finale? The most important, final battle is yet to come. This one for the last finalist. The three contenders for the title will have to gather all their remaining strength, all their mental resilience, in order to finish the adventure with dignity and crown themselves with victory.

53. Episode 53


It's time to take stock and say goodbye to the camp. And this is invariably topped with pride, disappointment, joy, sadness, hugs. It's also time for the closing ritual in "Survivor" to pay respect to all the fallen. On the path of memories, merits and sins, unfulfilled plans and apologies for wrong decisions will be recognized. But despite the comments about the eliminated 18 Bulgarians, the jury has the final word in the game. The latest council campfire gathering in the Kingdom of Cambodia will kick off with assessments of the past 52 days on "Survivor." Coalitions, influences, sex - everything will be mercilessly unraveled by the jury. After 73 games and 17 tribal councils, three people will participate in a trial that will determine the final finalist. Classic for the ancient Khmer, a duel of nerves, with which they tested the patience and self-control of wars, will prove to be decisive for one of the contenders for the title of "last survivor". Who will he be?

54. Episode 54 - Final
