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All Season 5 Episode

1. Episode 1


Dan is back with a second chance after surgery but his life is thrown into turmoil when he discovers Cathy is pregnant. It's a tumultuous start for the couple but they finally come together as one and look forward to their future. Cathy is now monitoring Clodagh's every step after her potentially life-threatening diagnosis and this causes tension for Clodagh. Daisy moves in with Conor and starts a relationship with Adam.

2. Episode 2


Liam's son Ian wants the morning after pill for a girl he had unprotected sex with but, when Liam calls her parents, he is stunned to hear that she claims Ian raped her. Meanwhile, Keelin returns to The Clinic from the U.S. a married woman. Julia's ex Harry arrives back on the scene and Ed changes his mind about selling his half of the building to Cathy and puts it on the market.

3. Episode 3


Julia is tempted by her ex-husband Harry's overtures to win her back - until she discovers that he has cancer. Dr. Lorcan O'Brien buys Ed's half of the practice and building which annoys Dan. Dan finally goes back to work at the Vico and repairs a knife wound scar on Keith Reid.

4. Episode 4


Clodagh's birth mother Carol comes to see her with news that her husband Tom is on the warpath and looking for Clodagh's father, Frederick - the man he believes to be responsible for ruining his life. Upset, Clodagh turns Carol away but later at The Clinic Tom shows up and won't leave until Clodagh hears him out. He becomes physically threatening and Lorcan has to step in to remove him from the premises. Carol returns to beg the shaken Clodagh not to get the Gardaí involved and, while Clodagh agrees to this request, she decides its best not to talk to Carol anymore.

5. Episode 5


Daisy's close friendship with Conor seems increasingly difficult for Adam to accept. But how will Daisy react when Conor admits that he is in love with her? Meanwhile, Cara marks some notes in the petty-cash box with nail polish to get to the bottom of who is stealing the cash. Elsewhere, Dan has another run-in with new doctor, Lorcan, over one of his methadone patients. Paul discovers he has Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) - a clogging of the arteries that could cause a heart attach at any time - a diagnosis that causes dis-harmony in Ronan and Keelin's ...

6. Episode 6


Liam dramatically kicks Cara out of the house when he finds out that she gave his son Ian's girlfriend Lucy the morning-after pill. Clodagh and Keelin are not on speaking terms because of Paul Dunne's legal action against Clodagh. Meanwhile, Cathy diagnosis Cara's friend Mary with clinical bulimia. Elsewhere, Aine is accused of taking petty cash causing her to step down as practice manager. Lorcan eventually finds out that the petty-cash culprit is actually his sister Alice who is back using again.

7. Episode 7


Daisy and Cara vie for the position of Practice Manager, while two suitors - Conor and Adam - compete for Daisy's affections. Meanwhile, Dan has an uncomfortable run-in with Emer - his nearly one-night stand - outside the Clinic and finds out that she is one of Lorcan's free-clinic patients. Elsewhere, Patrick asks Bernie to move in with him.

8. Episode 8


Bernie moves in with Patrick, but she soon realises that he isn't ready to co-habit. Meanwhile, new practice manager Cara struggles to cope without a receptionist and Kieran cannot cope without Molly and leaves baby Hope with Cathy. Elsewhere, Dan and Cathy look at a property in the country and Emer has delusions over her relationship with Dan.

9. Episode 9


Lorcan's sister Alice, who's back using drugs again, begs Lorcan to help her go 'cold turkey'. Although Lorcan knows it's ethically inadvisable to treat his own sister, he reluctantly agrees to help Alice - on condition that she be locked in the flat. No-one at The Clinic can find out what they are up to. Lorcan is so preoccupied with keeping the whole thing quite that he prescribes the wrong medication to a patient with almost disastrous results, not to mention what happens when Alice collapses at the reception desk.

10. Episode 10
