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All Season 4 Episode

1. To Fail Is To Die


Meet Jimi Falcon, who is prepping for a potential World War III. Jimi built his home to withstand the extreme climate of Montana. Next, meet Cindy Stewart, who began prepping for a foreign nuclear attack on the U.S. following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Cindy uses her taxidermy skills to create camouflaged IEDs. Lastly, get a close-up look inside Rod Godfrey's military-style command and control center he built in his home to protect himself from apocalyptic superstorms.

2. Be The Prep


After losing his job, Nick Klein began prepping for an economic collapse. Nick keeps rabbits that he believes will give him all the food, fuel and fertilizer he needs to survive. Patrick Troy began prepping for societal collapse caused by a catastrophic event after the birth of his only child. He is building a multi-tiered perimeter defense system around his house. Keith Ford is prepping for a second civil war that he believes will destroy American society.

3. Shepherds & Wolves


Roger Dougan lost his home in a fire seven years ago. He's working to become self-sufficient through prepping, so he never has to feel helpless again. Before the 2000 New Year, Curtis bought a generator and stocked up on food and water, but it occurred to him that if something serious did happen, he wasn't nearly as prepared as he should be — so he became a prepper. Karissa Baca lost her job during the 2008 financial crisis, causing her to realize how fragile the economy is and begin prepping.

4. Back To The Dark Ages


Chuck Vessey fears that an electromagnetic pulse will take out the power grid near his Texas home. He's concealing his goods in intricate spots around his house and building a wind turbine to generate electricity. Lisa Roulette preps for global climate change and teaches her sons the ways of living off the land. Tom and Beth Tailer prepare their land and community in rural Vermont for massive oil shortages by engineering a seemingly indestructible eco-dome shelter.

5. You Said It Was Non-Lethal


On their 53-acre property, Jane and Rick Austin prepare for an electromagnetic pulse disaster by disguising a greenhouse, food forest and gray water recycling system in what appears to be overgrown underbrush. Jim Lebus is prepping for an earthquake that he fears will paralyze the West Coast. In Virginia, a band of teenage boys, led by 16-year-old Jack Houston, join forces to test their wilderness survival skills.

6. There Will Be Chaos


Jerry McMullin, a retired risk assessment analyst, has put millions of dollars into his safe house. In case of a biological attack, Jerry has built an ultraviolet radiation chamber intended to disinfect the contaminated population, and will use solar panels and wind turbines to sustain power inside the safe house. The Jackling family will do everything in their power to protect their home and family from a wildfire they fear will ravage their Californian community.