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All Series 6 Episode

1. Episode 1


To raise money for charity, the San Antonio Spurs basketball team is miniaturised, injected into Iggy Pop's head and given just 60 minutes to find five living brain cells which it can challenge to a game of 'hoops'.

2. Episode 2


Thriller in which a man wakes to discover that his left kidney has been removed and replaced with a nuclear bomb set to go off at 1800 hours - exactly when he's supposed to be at his son's school concert.

3. Episode 3


During a sudden moon storm, a space baker is abandoned by his fellow astronauts. Talking to himself so we understand what he's thinking, the space baker must ration a single sachet of yeast to survive.

4. Episode 4


Haunted by the death of her refrigerator expansion valve, a young woman moves to Tuscany to begin a new life - only to discover that you can't escape your past (the broken expansion valve follows her there).

5. Episode 5


A dying man decides to embark on a 2000km road trip with his son to visit something or other one last time. But as a surprise, the son buys a pair of plane tickets, so they end up flying instead.

6. Episode 6


On a secret mission to kidnap a Nazi ocelot rumoured to know the codes to a submarine, a team of British commandos parachute into Berlin Zoo behind enemy lions.

7. Episode 7


A time-travelling scientist accidentally steps on a butterfly in the distant past. When he returns to 2016, he discovers to his horror that his tiny action has altered the future - he's married to a butterfly!

8. Episode 8


Investigating a string of murders in which the victims were all found bound in string, a detective wonders whether the deaths are the work of 'the String Killer'. Unsure, he retires.

9. Episode 9


On the anniversary or his wife's botched lobotomy, a lonely widower discovers that love has a funny way of turning up in the most unexpected places - like a toilet bowl, for example.

10. Episode 10


Biopic of Arun Singh, the Calcutta dust wrangler who taught Mother Teresa to box and, for a week in July 1963, was widely regarded as the handsomest man on Earth.

11. Episode 11


When a man accidentally runs over a gypsy's head, she places a terrible curse on him: for an entire year, he will urinate through his nose (after a year, it's back to the penis as normal).

12. Episode 12


Trapped underground, three miners keep their spirits up by playing songs to each other. In a twist ending, it turns out the miners have been dead all along & they're actually trapped underground in heaven.