All Available Episode
All Season 6 Episode
1. Episode 1
Kit out your house for next to nothing, Binoculars with Chris Ryan, The Critical List - mobile phones.
2. Episode 2
Free WiFi for all, the campaign continues, What's on TV?, The Critical List - DAB radios, Digital bridge cameras
3. Episode 3
Working party - on compact HiFis, MP3s - 'Tested to destruction', The Critical List - toys!, It's all in the Mindwriter
4. Episode 4
Wild Challenge, The Critical List - MP3s.
5. Episode 5
iTrip, Spy Gadgets - the hunt for PS3, HDD camcorders, The Critical List - sounds creative.
6. Episode 6
Laptops - PC vs. Mac, Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin, The Critical List - juicers.
7. Episode 7
Queueing for the PS3, Digital SLR cameras, Razors - it's a cut-throat business, The Critical List - toy weaponry.
8. Episode 8
Gaming PCs vs. Consoles, iPod Shuffle, The Critical List - watches, Live search maps.
9. Episode 9
Skateboarding, Digital DJ, Microsoft Vista, The Critical List - 'smart' clothing.
10. Episode 10
Camcorders - 'Tested to destruction', Surround-sound headphones, The Critial List - digital cameras.