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All Season 1 Episode

1. The Heir (1)


In New York, Nerio Winch, President of Group W, is assassinated. In Italy: Nerio's adopted son, Largo and Largo's best friend Simon, accompany Brother Maurice to recover a manuscript, where they are ambushed. They manage to escape, but are attacked later and the manuscript is stolen. Returning to headquarters of Group W with Simon, Largo learns of the death of Nerio and that he has inherited 385 billion dollars and is now the head of Group W, one of the largest multinational companies in the world. Largo initally rejects his inheritance. He then agrees to take the reins of Group W, determined to find the assassin of his father. To the chagrin of some of the board members, he also initiates some business changes... tying salary to safety issues instead of profit, insisting that questionable business deals be straightened out. With his life still in danger, Largo creates a special team. This unit includes his best friend Simon, Joy Arden, a former CIA agent specializing in clo

2. The Heir (2)


In New York, Nerio Winch, President of Group W, is assassinated. In Italy: Nerio's adopted son, Largo and Largo's best friend Simon, accompany Brother Maurice to recover a manuscript, where they are ambushed. They manage to escape, but are attacked later and the manuscript is stolen. Returning to headquarters of Group W with Simon, Largo learns of the death of Nerio and that he has inherited 385 billion dollars and is now the head of Group W, one of the largest multinational companies in the world. Largo initally rejects his inheritance. He then agrees to take the reins of Group W, determined to find the assassin of his father. To the chagrin of some of the board members, he also initiates some business changes... tying salary to safety issues instead of profit, insisting that questionable business deals be straightened out. With his life still in danger, Largo creates a special team. This unit includes his best friend Simon, Joy Arden, a former CIA agent specializing in clo

3. Legacy


Two weeks after Largo's arrival at Group W, the pressures have Largo running away to Atlantic City with Simon. Kerensky finds out what they are doing, but agrees not to tell, causing Joy to hunt Largo down herself and bring him back to headquarters. Largo decides to follow through with a group retreat that Nerio had scheduled to try to foster some co-operation. The session is cut short however, when Stella Gant from the brewery operation is attacked by two men. Largo and Simon manage to overpower the men. One of the men is the brother of Mafioso John Valance. Largo finds that Nerio was allowing Valance to launder money through the brewery division. Valance assigns his assistant, Scalese, to get rid of Largo. In the course of their investigation, Kerensky intercepts a video call between Scalese and his hired assassins and learns that Scalese is working for the Commission and plans on assassinating John Valance also so the Commission can take over Valance's operation as well as Gro

4. Just Cause


Largo is having dinner with Moira McKinna at Group W's penthouse when a group of Latin American soldiers take over the building. They take Moira away and tie Largo up, intending to force him to make a statement about Nerio's betrayal of their leader, Jacob Santos, in their fight for freedom. Meanwhile, Sullivan is in his office, having difficulty accessing some information, so he calls Kerensky who is home sick, and asks him to get the info. Kerensky gets cut off while downloading files and then can't get back in. He calls Joy, who's having dinner with Simon. She says she hasn't done anything to the computers, so Kerensky says he'll keep checking. Simon thinks Joy's invited him to dinner because she's interested in him, but she really wants to ask him about recent unusual computer activity where his security code was used. Kerensky manages to accesses cameras in a building across the street from Group W and is able to determine there are heavily armed forces inside. Joy and Simon he

5. Sins of the Father


A bomb explodes in a French Group W company. Largo soon finds himself in the middle of a fight for power between rival Japanese Yakuza clans. A lady from the past returns into Largo's life and a news seems to change it completely

6. Revenge


An ex-CIA agent seeks vengeance on Joy, who investigated him two years earlier for being a mole when she worked for the CIA in Washington.

7. Arctic Project


8. AKA: Vanessa


Simon finds his long-lost sister working as a hostess in a Moscow nightclub, and learns that she is wanted for the theft of a priceless Russian icon.

9. Blind Eye


Largo arrives at the W Group headoffice just at the moment the police is taking all files and documents of the company, which could prove Sullivan is involved in bribery for winning a guns contract. Confuse and irritated with the situation, Largo puts his staff to investigate the situation. But all evidences point to Sullivan's guilt. Joy wonders if senator Lenore Jarrett isn't accusing Sullivan just to promote herself, as it is an elections year.

10. Queen of Hearts


Largo tries to shield his royal visitors, and potential business partners, from assassins.

11. Sylvia


Largo attempts to rescue a kidnapped CEO who may be his long-lost mother.

12. Nuclear Family


""Gottwaldov Nuclear Power Plant - Czech Republic - 6:53am."" 3 people wearing masks enter the plant, although all the security system. ""7:27am."" Largo arrives the plant with asleep Simon and Joy. They came to check the facilities before the start up, which has been delayed because of a 4th level security system to the nucleo imposed by Largo. The intruders alarm is activated by the 2 men and the girl inside the plant, not before the girl, Tara, could reach the reactor's control room and spread all pappers and paint words against ""nukes"" on the glass and panels. In another part of the plant, the old man, Dr David Draiton, is trying to install a device in the control system, when a security man finds him, but is hit by Marko, who icys him deadly. The 3 of them have to run before Draiton is able to activate the device. The press makes a big store upon those events while Largo is flying back to NY, stating the plant was attacked by ecowarriors, what gives Cardinag the opportunity to once

13. Contessa Vanessa


14. Briefcase


Largo and Joy are out on a picknick. While Largo just wants to relax and enjoy some time off Joy wants to get him back to Groupe W for an appointment as fast as possible. Soon it appears his appointment has found him. A car out of control drives right into the field Largo and Joy have their picknick. The man recognizes Largo and hands him a briefcase and makes him promise to guard it. A handful of armed men appear and the two flee into the woods without money, cell-phone or Largo's shoes. An attempt to hand the briefcase to the police almost ends fatal and they have to face that the police is in on this. When Largo opens the briefcase to find out about it's important content he finds it empty....

15. Endgame


16. Redemption


17. Cheap Thrills


18. Blast from the Past


19. Dear Abbey


20. Forget Me Not


21. Flashback


22. Court of Last Resort


23. The Hunted


Largo is mistaken for a murderer when a journalist with information about Group W is killed. Shot, Largo scapes in the back of an old pick-up truck and ends falling up in the living room of an ex-model, Celine, who recognizes him from television and helps him get in touch with Simon and Joy. Largo recognizes Celina too. She used to be in many front pages of famous magazines in Europe, till she was attacked by a crazy man, who leaves a big scar on her face, which cannot be opperated. If she helped him hire from the police and recover from his wounds, he helps her get back into real life, when she finally makes love with him. Largo finds out the killer was a director of the French Group W site and that he was using the Container Division to smugle guns. With the local police help, they stop the operations forever and Largo gets free of the murder accusation.

24. Business as Usual


25. See You in Court


26. Revelations


Largo Winch is on the track of his father who was abducted by the Adriatic Commission. He seems to be in Berlin so he goes there with Simon and Joy. In the meantime an insider is spreading mistrust between the members of the team.