All Available Episode

All Impel Down & Marineford Episode

422. A Deadly Infiltration! The Underwater Prison Impel Down


Luffy and Boa arrive at Impel Down, but only thirty-three hours remain until Ace's execution. To save him, the Snake Princess must find a way to hide Luffy during her full-body search!

423. A Reunion in Hell?! The Man Who Ate the Chop-Chop Fruit!


Time is running out on Ace, so Luffy teams up with a scoundrel who's going to pieces trying to escape Impel Down. There's no love lost between Buggy the Clown and the Straw Hat captain, but they'd better work together if they want to survive.

424. Break Through the Crimson Hell! Buggy's Chaos-Inducing Plan


Luffy must part ways with a priceless treasure map before Buggy the Clown agrees to lead him through the bloody tangle of Blade Trees and Spike Needle Grass that make up Impel Down's Crimson Hell!

425. The Strongest Man in the Prison! Poison Man Magellan Appears


Luffy and Buggy the Clown could end up as hippo food if they aren’t careful in Impel Down’s Wild Beast Hell. Of course, the rubberman might find that a better fate than dealing with the prison’s putrid warden!

426. A Special Presentation Related to the Movie! A Gold Lion's Ambition on the Move


A special flashback episode to prepare for the movie release! The countdown is on to Luffy's showdown with Shiki the Golden Lion! It all begins when the Straw Hat crew tails a large, mysterious beetle to an even more interesting island!

427. A Special Presentation Related to the Movie! Little East Blue in Danger


The citizens of Little East Blue throw a feast in honor of the Straw Hats, but when the Amigo Pirates try to capture Boss the beetle, Luffy and his crew will have to defend their new friends.

428. A Special Presentation Related to the Movie! The Fierce Onslaught of the Amigo Pirates


Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji prepare to do battle on behalf of Boss the beetle, but Captain Largo of the Amigo Pirates counters with a deadly arsenal of nets to put the Straw Hat brawlers on lock down!

429. A Special Presentation Related to the Movie! The Battle Is On! Luffy vs. Largo


Luffy kicks into second gear for his rematch with Largo, and Nami leads the islanders as they lay waste to the Amigo Pirates. Boss the Beetle may be safe for now, but someone sinister lurks behind the scenes.

430. A Warlord in Prison! Jimbei, the Honorable Pirate


Luffy struggles to stay a step ahead of a prison patrol made up of hungry lions and poisonous scorpions! Meanwhile, Ace spends what could be his final hours swapping stories with a pirate who hates pirates.

431. Chief Guard Saldeath's Trap! Level 3 - Starvation Hell


While the guards struggle to squelch a violent prison uprising, Luffy and his fellow fugitives try to keep their cool in a level of Impel Down known as Starvation Hell!

432. The Unleashed Swan! A Reunion with Bon Clay


Boa Hancock uses her ample assets to buy some private time for a clandestine chat with Ace. Meanwhile, Luffy needs help from a graceful friend to escape the jaws of a hungry Sphinx!

433. Warden Magellan's Strategy! Straw Hat Entrapment Completed!


Luffy and Bon are on the verge of reaching Level 4, but they didn’t count on fighting a demonic, lightning-fast, devastatingly powerful Minotaur! To defeat this beast, they’ll need help from a human candle and a deranged clown!

434. All Forces Have Gathered! The Battle on Level 4, the Burning Heat Hell!


Luffy narrowly avoids a deadly dip in a boiling pool of blood, only to find himself face to face with Warden Magellan. Meanwhile, outside the prison walls, the marine fleet prepares for Whitebeard’s onslaught!

435. Mighty Magellan! Bon Clay Bugs Out


Warden Magellan is a monster of a man with a penchant for poisoning prisoners. To rescue Ace, Luffy must go toe to toe with this toxic terror, but how do you defeat a foe who's deadly to the touch?

436. The Showdown Has Come! Luffy's Desperate Last Attack!


Luffy’s daring assault on the venomous warden of Impel Down leaves him struggling to stand up, but despite the lethal poison breaking down his body, the rubber-man kicks his rescue mission into second gear!

437. For His Friend! Bon Clay Goes to the Deadly Rescue!


While Luffy hovers perilously on the verge of death, Bon Clay embarks on a suicidal rescue mission plagued by sub-zero temperatures and bloodthirsty wolves with a supremely savage disposition!

438. A Paradise in Hell! Impel Down Level 5.5!


No existing antidote can save Luffy from the poison coursing through his veins, yet Bon Clay refuses to give up. His final, fleeting hope is a mysterious miracle-worker rumored to have vanished into the Gates of Hell!

439. Luffy's Treatment Begins! Ivan-san's Miraculous Power!


Bon is overjoyed to hear that Luffy is still alive, but his happiness quickly turns to shock when he learns that Ivan’s agonizingly painful “Healing Hormones” will cost the rubber-man ten years of his life!

440. Believe in Miracles! Bon Clay's Cries from the Heart


Ace is scheduled to be executed in a matter of hours, and Luffy’s still hovering on the verge of death. It will take a miracle to save them both, but Bon would rather die than give up on his friend!

441. Luffy's Back! Ivan-san Begins the Breakout Plan!


Luffy miraculously survived his brush with death, but he’s far too weak to finish rescuing Ace. Ivan is reluctant to lend a hormonal hand to the doomed rescue mission – until he learns of Luffy’s lineage!

442. Ace's Convoy Begins! Battle on the Lowest Floor, Level 6!


The quest to rescue Ace tuckers out thanks to a blast of sleeping gas! Ivan’s scissor-handed sidekick puts an end to nap time, but Luffy will have to join forces with a scar-faced foe from the past if he wants to complete his mission!

443. The Ultimate Team Has Formed! Shaking Impel Down!


Luffy’s desperate attempt to rescue Ace is bolstered by two powerful new allies: the murderous Crocodile and the honorable fishman Jinbei. Meanwhile, Ivan sparks a prison riot to create a diversion for the rubber-man.

444. Even More Chaos! Here Comes Blackbeard Teech!


Luffy and his gang of outlaws cause a commotion on Level Four, Blackbeard’s arrival leads to the release of the prison’s most feared inmate, and Ace gazes upon the great blue sky for what could be the very last time!

445. The Dangerous Encounter! Blackbeard and Shiryu of the Rain!


Three battles are raging throughout Impel Down - Luffy tackles the demon guards, Ivankov squares off against Sadie-chan, and Shiryu reaches the gate of Impel Down to meet Blackbeard and his crew. But are things really as they seem? Meanwhile, Buggy's bright ideas are close to freeing him and Mr. 3 from Impel Down.

446. No Price Too High! Serious Hannyabal!


Luffy’s bone-crushing battle with the Vice Warden of Impel Down is interrupted by the sudden appearance of Blackbeard. When the rubber-man hears what the warlord has to say – heads will roll!

447. Jet Pistol of Anger! Luffy vs. Blackbeard!


Even in Second Gear, Luffy is no match for Blackbeard’s vortex, but the rubber-man rebounds by knocking out a Demon Guard with one ferocious pistol-punch. Elsewhere, Warden Magellan vows to finish Luffy once and for all!

448. Stop Magellan! Ivan-san's Esoteric Technique Explodes


Ace is to be executed in a matter of hours, and Magellan’s toxic breath is singeing the back of Luffy’s neck. Ivan uses a devastating Death Wink to buy some time, but the warden’s Poison Hydra may be more than he can handle!

449. Magellan's Tricky Move! A Foiled Escape Plan!


Buggy and the others can taste freedom on just the other side of the door to Impel Down, but their escape is thwarted by Magellan's secret plan. Meanwhile, Luffy has a chance to face Magellan again - and avenge the Ivankov and Inazuma.

450. The Escapee Team in Trouble! The Forbidden Move: Venom Demon!


Magellan takes his toxic attack to the next level by unleashing the hideous and deadly Venom Demon! If Jimbei and Crocodile don’t return with a rescue ship soon, Luffy won’t survive long enough to save Ace!

451. Come, Final Miracle! Break Through the Gate of Justice!


Luffy and his merry band of escapees are safely onboard the rescue ship, but they’re not out hot water just yet. A fleet of marines is bombarding them with cannon balls, and an impenetrable gate looms on the horizon!

452. To the Navy Headquarters! Off to Rescue Ace!


Luffy and Ivan mourn the loss of Bon Clay, and Captain Buggy’s reputation gets a boost when a phone call from the Marines reveals the secrets of his past.

453. The Friends' Whereabouts! The Weatheria Report and the Cyborg Animals!


While Luffy continues his rescue mission, Nami learns a lesson about how to turn rain into cash, and Franky wakes up in a freezing forest full of ferocious cyborg animals!

454. The Friends' Whereabouts! A Cheeper of Giant Birds and a Pink Showdown!


Sanji tries to fight his way off a most peculiar island, but his frilly battle costume threatens to awaken his inner maiden. Elsewhere, Chopper tries to avoid being served in a hot pot!

455. The Friends' Whereabouts! Revolutionaries and the Gorging Forest's Trap!


Nico Robin lends her many hands to an overmatched gang of revolutionaries in a frigid land of eternal suffering, and Usopp bulks up to avoid becoming a snack for a hungry, hungry island!

456. The Friends' Whereabouts! A Huge Tomb and the Panty Debt!


Zoro’s attempt to reunite with his friends leads him a massive tomb and a host of shadowy swordsmen. Elsewhere, Brook uses his status as Satan to get an eyeful of undergarments!

457. A Special Retrospective Before Marineford! The Vow of the Brotherhood!


While the marines prepare for Ace’s execution, Luffy looks back on all the good times he shared with his brother, and Jimbei reveals the shocking details of the day Fire Fist Ace went down in defeat!

458. A Special Retrospective Before Marineford! The Three Navy Admirals Come Together!


Luffy and his gang continue on their way to Marineford, but once he arrives, the rubber-man must defeat both Navy Admirals and Warlords of the Sea before he can save Ace!

459. Ticking Down to the Time of Battle! The Navy's Strongest Lineup in Position!


Citizens and soldiers alike prepare for all-out war as Ace is led to the site of his execution. While the world watches, the true identity of the condemned man’s father is shockingly revealed!

460. A Vast Fleet Appears! Here Come the Whitebeard Pirates!


Flashbacks reveal the agonizing sacrifice made by Ace’s mother in order save his life – and the secret behind his connection to Luffy. Back in the present, Whitebeard makes an unexpected entrance!

461. The Beginning of the War! Ace and Whitebeard's Past!


As a massive seaquake rocks Marineford, Ace recalls the ups and downs of his life as a pirate, including his first encounter with Whitebeard – and the unthinkable betrayal that led to his capture!

462. The Force That Could Destroy the World! The Power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit!


Whitebeard begins his attack with a tsunami-spawning sea quake, but the marines counter with a blast of frigid air that turns the tidal wave into an iceberg! Will Luffy and his crew arrive in time to join the battle?

463. An All-Consuming Inferno!! Admiral Akainu's Power!


Fire meets ice as mythical warriors, erupting admirals, legendary pirates, and a giant giant go head to head in the biggest, baddest battle of all time! There’s only one thing missing: Monkey D. Luffy!

464. A Descendent of the Beast! Little Oars Jr. - Full Speed Ahead!


A towering giant of a giant known as Little Oars Jr. carves a path of death and destruction as he fights to save Ace. The monstrous mauler is within arm’s reach of his friend when he’s intercepted by the seven warlords of the sea!

465. Justice for the Winners! Sengoku's Strategy in Action!


In the wake of Little Oars Junior’s tragic defeat, Admiral Sengoku hatches a devious plan to speed up the countdown to Ace’s execution. The situation looks beyond bleak until a hero enters the fray from on high!

466. Straw Hat Team Arrives! Tension Grows at the Battlefield


Luffy appears on the field of battle with a ferocious sense of urgency. Ace could be executed at any minute, and the rubber-man’s refusal to back down impresses even the most feared men in all the world!

467. Even If It Means Death! Luffy vs. the Navy; The Battle Starts!


Luffy leaps into action, attacking the Naval forces with a frantic display of brutality. Meanwhile, Ace watches in horror as an army of zombies rises up to attack his brother!

468. Hard Battles, One After Another! Devil Fruit Eaters vs. Devil Fruit Eaters!


Supernatural powers take center stage in the battle to save Ace as Luffy and his uniquely talented allies throw down with the Navy’s own arsenal of Devil Fruit Eaters!

469. Kuma's Transformation! Ivan-san's Blow of Anger!


A gift from Boa Hancock and Ivan-san’s Galaxy Wink get Luffy closer to Ace than ever, but a sword-wielding foe from the past threatens to derail the rescue mission!

470. The Great Swordsman Mihawk! Luffy Comes Under the Attack of the Black Sword!


Luffy runs into a lethal roadblock in the form of Hawk-Eye Mihawk. The legendary swordsman is determined to halt Luffy’s onslaught, but Ivan-san, Boa Hancock, and Jimbei aren’t ready to give up the fight!

471. The Extermination Strategy in Action! The Power of the Pacifistas!


Luffy and his pirate brethren have their hands full with an ominous army of unbeatable Kumas! While the inhuman minions march onward, Whitebeard encounters a former ally!

472. Akainu's Plot! Whitebeard Entrapped!


Whitebeard is betrayed – and brutally stabbed – by one of his own men! In the wake of this unthinkable act of treason, allegations about the legendary pirate bring the battle to a halt!

473. The Encircling Walls Activated! The Whitebeard Pirates backed into a corner!


Whitebeard shrugs off his injuries and leads a ferocious charge into the heart of the enemy’s defenses, but three deadly Admirals join forces to silence his shock wave attack as the pirates find themselves surrounded by impenetrable walls!

474. Execution Order Issued! Break Through the Encircling Walls!


With the ice melting beneath his feet, Luffy begins a desperate final charge towards his soon-to-be-executed brother. Should his rescue attempt fail, death will surely embrace them both!

475. Moving into the Final Phase! Whitebeard's Trump Card for Recovery!


Crocodile’s unexpected assistance creates and opening for Luffy to advance, and Whitebeard has a surprise lurking beneath the ice that might swing the momentum in favor of the pirates!

476. Luffy at the End of His Tether! An All-out Battle at the Oris Plaza!


The battle rages on and the bodies pile up as Whitebeard squares off against an Admiral, Luffy gets knocked cold, and the legendary Vice-Admiral Garp finally enters the fray!

477. The Power That Will Shorten One's Life! Energy Hormone, Redux!


While awaiting his execution, Ace flashes back to a trouble youth spent seeking the truth about his father. Meanwhile, Luffy begs Ivan for a potentially-deadly treatment that will allow him to continue fighting!

478. To Live Up to a Promise! Luffy and Coby Collide!


Luffy makes short work of face from his past, and Whitebeard struggles to withstand the full force of the Marine onslaught. With the executioner’s swords hovering above Ace’s head, Straw Hat Luffy discovers a new ability!

479. The Scaffold at Last! The Way to Ace Has Opened!


Whitebeard orders his men to help Luffy clear a path to the execution scaffold, but someone close to the Rubber-man rises up to derail the rescue mission at the last second!

480. Each on Different Paths! Luffy vs. Garp!


Luffy must defeat the man who taught him how to fight – his own grandfather – in order to save Ace. Battling his own flesh and blood won’t be easy, but a waxy ally is there to provide back up!

481. Ace Rescued! Whitebeard's Final Order!


Ace is finally free from the execution scaffold! Luffy and his brother make a fearsome team as they blaze a path toward salvation. Ravaged by the war, Whitebeard wistfully commands his men to make the journey to the New World without him!

482. The Power That Can Burn Even Fire! Akainu's Ruthless Pursuit!


Despite Whitebeard’s order to retreat, Ace is drawn back to the battlefield by the cruel taunts of a Marine adversary. Luffy watches in horror as his brother makes what could be his last stand!

483. Looking for the Answer! Fire Fist Ace Dies on the Battlefield!


n eerie silence falls over the battlefield as Luffy and Ace share a heartbreaking final moment together. With his dying breath, Ace begs his brother to convey a message to his fellow pirates.

484. The Navy Headquarters Falls! Whitebeard's Unspeakable Wrath!


Anguished cries echo across the battlefield in the wake of Ace’s tragic death. Luffy – paralyzed by grief – must be carried to safety, but Whitebeard summons the strength for one last ferocious attack!

485. Ending the Matter! Whitebeard vs. The Blackbeard Pirates!


Whitebeard’s children watch in horror as the old man faces off against the villainous Blackbeard pirates. Though his injuries are mounting and the odds are stacked against him, Whitebeard never, ever runs away from a fight!

486. The Show Begins! Blackbeard's Plot is Revealed!


The world reacts to Whitebeard’s death with shock and awe. Meanwhile, Jimbei risks his life to save Luffy and Blackbeard reveals the depraved depths of his nefarious nature!

487. Akainu's Tenacity! The Fist of Magma Attacks Luffy


While Blackbeard and his men seek to sink Marineford, Jimbei and Luffy’s desperate attempt to flee is thwarted by Akainu’s fiery fists. The situation appears dire until a former enemy lends a sandy hand!

488. The Desperate Scream! Courageous Moments that Will Change the Future


Trafalgar Law and the Heart Pirates offer Luffy a submarine escape route, Blackbeard continues his reckless rampage, and a puny pink-hair marine changes the world with a scream!

489. Here Comes Shanks! The War of the Best is Finally Over!


The Heart Pirates head for the bottom of the ocean as Trafalgar Law prepares to operate on Luffy and Jimbei. Meanwhile, the arrival of Shanks brings the bloodshed to a sudden halt!

490. Mighty Leaders Face Each Other Down! Heralding the 'New Era'!


The world rejoices in the wake of Whitebeard’s death, and a host of powerful pirates vie for his position. Meanwhile, Luffy’s friends fear that Ace’s death may be more than the rubber-man can handle – if he ever wakes up!

491. Landing at the Maiden Island! The Harsh Reality Falls upon Luffy!


Power-hungry pirates terrorize innocent citizens once protected by Whitebeard, and Luffy’s nightmarish awakening sends him on a reckless rampage that could land him in an early grave!

492. The Strongest Tag-Team! Luffy and Toriko's Hard Struggle!


After eating the Hungrila Bird that they captured, Luffy and Toriko team up again to save Nami and Komatsu who have been kidnapped by the Cocoalas.

493. Luffy and Ace! The Story of How the Brothers Met!


A flashback to the younger days of Luffy and Ace reveals their unusual upbringing under the not-so-watchful eye of villainous mountain bandits!

494. Here Comes Sabo! The Boy at the Gray Terminal!


The flashback continues as Ace robs a ruthless gang of pirates, and Luffy is left to take the fall! Will Ace and his friend Sabo let Luffy be tortured to death – or will they risk their high seas dreams to save him!

495. I Won't Run! Ace's Desperate Rescue Operation!


Ace and Sabo race to rescue Luffy from the clutches of a murderous gang of pirates! Sabo wants to grab Luffy and make a break for it, but Ace refuses to back down from a fight – even when he’s outnumbered!

496. To The Sea Someday! The Pledge of the Three Brats!


When a nobleman recognizes Sabo in the streets, Luffy and Ace learn the painful secret of their friend’s past. As a sign of solidarity, the three boys pledge to become pirates, and hoist a toast to brotherhood!

497. Leaving the Dadan Family for Good?! The Kids' Hideout Has Been Built!


After another beating from Garp, Luffy and his friends take to the jungle and build a pirate hideout at the top of an enormous tree. First order of business: booby trap the new place!

498. Luffy Becoming an Apprentice?! A Man Who Fought Against the King of the Pirates!


Luffy and his friends vow to defeat the giant tiger that’s been stealing their food, Ace gets angry when his father’s identity is revealed, and Sabo’s parents hire pirates to track down their son!

499. The Battle against the Big Tiger! Who is Going to be Captain?!


Luffy, Ace, and Sabo take pirate lessons from a mysterious old scallywag who just might know the secret to defeating the big tiger – and becoming a good captain!

500. Freedom Taken Away! The Nobles' Plot Closing in on the Brothers!


The brothers are captured by a gang of pirates, and Sabo is handed over to his noble father, where the boy quickly discovers a sinister plot to destroy Gray Terminal forever!

501. The Fire Has Been Set! The Gray Terminal in Crisis!


While flames spread across Gray Terminal, Sabo makes a desperate attempt to escape the trappings of his noble birth and save his brothers. Meanwhile, Luffy and Ace must fight to avoid an untimely end!

502. Where can freedom be found? A Sad Departure of a Boy!


Luffy is spared from a fiery death by an unlikely rescuer, but Ace refuses to leave Gray Terminal until he settles the score with Bluejam. Meanwhile, Sabo makes waves with a last ditch escape attempt!

503. Take Good Care of Him! A Letter from the Brother!


Luffy and Ace receive troubling reports of a Celestial attack on Sabo’s ship. Ace is eager to seek out the responsible parties and extract revenge, but a letter from his absent brother tempers his eagerness to fight!

504. To Live Up to the Promise! Departures of Their Own!


Through all the trials and tribulations of their life in the Goa Kingdom; East Blue, the brother Ace and Luffy are finally set to go out on their own. Have they gained the strength they need? With the ghost of Sabo looking on, the two begin the next chapter in their life!

505. I Want to See Them! Luffy's Mournful Cry!


After the War of the Best, Garp finds that he has to answer to Dadan for not having been able to stop Ace’s death, while Luffy, who has lost his will to fight on, is reminded by a close ally that he still has something worth fighting for!!

506. Straw Hats in Shock! The Bad News Has Reached Them!


Luffy finally realizes that, though he has lost his brother, Ace, he still has a lot to live for! Meanwhile, other members of the Straw Hat crew begin to hear news of the tragic events of the War of the Best -- and their thoughts turn immediately to Luffy!

507. Reunited with Dark King Rayleigh! Decision Time for Luffy!


Luffy is determined to reassemble his scattered crew, but a powerful old friend forces him to rethink his plans. Meanwhile, Usopp fights to escape an island that wants to have him for lunch!

508. Back to Our Captain! A Jail Break at the Sky Island and the Incident on the Winter Island!


Nami tries to escape the Sky Island - Weatheria in order to be reunited with Luffy, but it proves more difficult than she planned. Meanwhile Franky tries to escape Winter Island, but there is only one boat to take…

509. Encounter! The Great Swordsman Mihawk! Zoro's Self-Willed Deadly Struggle!


Zoro’s escape attempt is thwarted by a gang of sword-slinging baboon bullies, and Brook uses music to end a feud between irate islanders with unequal arms!

510. A Disaster for Sanji! The Queen's Return to the Kingdom!


Chopper hitches a ride on a giant bird, Luffy makes a shocking return to Marineford, and Sanji finds himself fighting the most beautiful man he’s ever seen!

511. Unexpected Relanding! Luffy, to Marineford!


Luffy, along with Jimbei and Dark King Rayleigh, causes quite the commotion upon his return to Marineford. Meanwhile, powerful pirates all across the globe wreak havoc on the innocent!

512. With Hopes It Will Reach My Friends! Big News Spreading Fast!


Luffy hopes to send a message to his mates by way of a clue hidden in a newspaper article. Meanwhile, the Flying Fish Riders protect the Straw Hat’s ship from scandalous scavengers!

513. Pirates Get on the Move! Astounding New World!


Trafalgar Law waits for the right moment to make his move, Blackbeard is pursued by powerful marines, and Chopper makes a surprising return to the land of gargantuan birds!

514. Living through Hell! Sanji's Fight for His Manhood!


Nami uses her feminine charms to learn about the New World weather, Franky moves into Dr. Vegapunk’s laboratory, and Sanji must fight to stay out of a cute dress!

515. I Will Get Much, Much Stronger! Zoro's Pledge to His Captain!


The Straw Hats continue preparations for their voyage to the New World as Robin heads for a meeting with the Revolutionary Dragon, Usopp aspires to become King of the Snipers, and Zoro begs his mortal enemy to train him!

516. Luffy's Training Begins! To the Place We Promised in 2 Years!


Dark King Rayleigh takes Luffy to a deadly, deserted island for two years of intense battle training! If the Straw Hat captain wants to survive in the New World, he’ll have to hone his hidden powers!

517. The Beginning of The New Chapter! The Straw Hats Reunited!


After two years of rigorous training, the new and improved Straw Hats make their way to Sabaody Archipelago, but their long-awaited reunion is spoiled by a villainous gang of imposters!

518. An Explosive Situation! Luffy vs. Fake Luffy!


Luffy picks a fight with himself, Chopper falls in with a dubious crowd of imitation pirates, and Zoro causes a commotion when he falls asleep on the wrong ship!

519. The Navy Has Set Out! The Straw Hats in Danger!


Chopper struggles to make sense of the changes his “friends” have undergone in the last two years, and the Navy mobilizes in an attempt to stop the pirate posers. Will the real Straw Hats please stand up?

520. Big Guns Assembled! The Danger of the Fake Straw Hats!


Chopper and Usopp flip over Franky’s new body, Brook must choose between rock-n-roll stardom and the life of a pirate, and Luffy wanders into a very dangerous crowd!

521. The Battle is on! Show Them What You Got From Training!


Things get pretty hectic as the Navy finally confronts Fake Luffy's amassed pirate army - and the real Straw Hats prepare to set sail! Things don't go smoothly for either, however, and the real Luffy gets to show off what he has learned in the past two years!

522. Everyone Together! Luffy, Setting Out for the New World!


Luffy and his crew are finally reunited, but before they can set sail, they’ll need help from Dark King Rayleigh, Boa Hancock, and all the friends they’ve made in the last two years!