All Available Episode

All Season 2 Episode

1. Pisa


In Pisa, on Day 1, the party try some jet surfing and clay modelling.

2. Massa, Italy


The tour party head to Massa for a gymnastics class, paintball, and a fractious vote.

3. Sestri Levante, Italy


Day 3 finds the merry celebrity band doing some paddle board boxing and a cooking class with an amorous chef.

4. Genoa


The VIPs struggle at a farming workshop in Genoa. Everyone gets vocal in an opera singing class. But the evening vote leaves one of them speechless.

5. Savona, Italy


Some animal yoga gets Vicky's goat and a kayak game descends into predictable chaos.

6. Albenga, Italy


It's smiles all round as some special new arrivals join the party. But Brendan has 'equipment' issues while rock climbing.

7. San Remo, Italy


The group's scheming for survival goes into overdrive. And a late appearance at breakfast makes Brendan see red.

8. Nice


The celebrities arrive in France, bolstered by a So Solid addition to the crew. In Nice, an afternoon's flyboarding brings in the crowds.

9. Cannes


In glamorous Cannes, a couple of Real Housewives give the party a diva twist, the celebs go busking after a mime class, and there's drama at the vote.

10. The Finale - French Riviera


The party is on the French Riviera for the last day. As Brendan's budget-blowing activities get mixed reviews, the winners are crowned at a teary final vote.