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All Season 2 Episode

1. Oakie Doke and the Wheelbarrow Nut


Oakie helps Root plant a nut at the allotment, but Dave and Denzil take the opportunity to trick Root into thinking a wheelbarrow has grown from the nut. Doke finds out about this and decides, with the help of Root, to catch the two of them.

2. Oakie Doke and the Missing Mouse


Root has lost his cuddly toy mouse with the bell on, so he and Doke become detectives for the day in order to search for it.

3. Oakie Doke and the Little Helpers


Doke is tired today and falls asleep, missing his chores. The village children attempt to do the chores themselves instead.

4. Oakie Doke and the Burnt Pizzas


When the village children play a game in Oakie's house, Root ends up stuck at the top and can't go down Oakie's slide, as Oakie told him not to. Meanwhile, Granddad Albert and Oakie Doke try to figure out what to do with Rose's burnt pizzas. Granny Annie's pram's wheels have fallen off, which gives Oakie an idea – he can use the burnt pizzas as substitute wheels.

5. Oakie Doke and the Talking Stone


In the middle of the Oakie Hollows Painting Contest, Dave and Denzil, the judges, give a painted stone a monstrous expression, scaring the village children. Doke finds out about this and gives Dave and Denzil such a fright that they won't want to do it again.

6. Oakie Doke and the New Pet


Root wants a new pet, while Doke can't get his breakfast as he has a lot of jobs to do. After much searching for the both of them, Root gets a pet rock whilst Doke gets his breakfast at the Moles' place.

7. Oakie Doke and the Birthday Surprise


It's Granny Annie's birthday, and whilst the rest of the Toad family try to keep it a secret, Oakie proposes that the Oakie Hollows Orchestra reunite to perform a special birthday song for her.

8. Oakie Doke and the Runaway Bowls


The day after a thunderstorm, Doke helps Rufus and Rain repair their chimney. Meanwhile, Root thinks he can hear giants, and thanks to Hickory and Snoot, there are now several bowls rolling around the woods, causing chaos wherever they go.

9. Oakie Doke and the Oakie Doke Hollows Fete


Everyone in Oakie Hollows is having an Oakie Hollows Fete, with Granny Annie in charge of fortune telling, Root trying his hand at the ring toss, Rufus in charge of the Acorn Alley game and Dave and Denzil in charge of security.

10. Oakie Doke and the Helpful Mouse


The Corncrackers are helping get a surprise party ready for Rose. Root doesn't turn out to be very useful - until Oakie Doke shows up. Together, they gather flowers, groundling berries and jam tarts (with the help of Root's tail).

11. Oakie Doke and the Go Cart Race


When Oakie sees Moses and Neptune's go carts, he decides to hold a go cart race. The prize is a big cake, which Dave and Denzil are determined to have for themselves.

12. Oakie Doke and the Messy Day


Oakie Doke babysits Moses and Neptune while Granny Annie is out, but Moses and Neptune turn out to be very messy.

13. Oakie Doke and the Shooting Star


The Corncrackers spot a shooting star in the night sky. Scoot and Hickory trick Root with a pretend flying saucer, so Root tricks them with a spaceman costume.