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All Season 2 Episode

1. When I Grow Up


Say "hello" to the little boy named Caillou. He lives with his mommy and daddy, sister Rosie and cat Gilbert and he is getting bigger every day. His imagination is also expanding with help from his stuffed friends Matthew Theodore Bear and Rexie the dinosaur. This episode is all about growing up. What will Caillou be when he grows up? WIll he be a pack-rat like his daddy? What's it like to ride the schoolbus? Does he have to grow up if that means that someday he will be TOO old? Caillou is pretending to be a pirate. He's at the park with Dad and Grandpa. Dad comments to Grandpa that he can't wait until Caillou's a bit older so that he can teach him how to play football. Dad takes Pirate Caillou home, although he doesn't want to go home yet because he hasn't found a treasure. When he gets home, he finds Mom upstairs in the attic. He se

2. Summertime


Caillou spends his summer doing many new things. While the family is on vacation, they go to the beach and camping in the woods. The cold water takes some getting used to but once he's in, it's alot of fun. While camping he gets to sleep outside in the hammock with daddy and even sees a moose. Once back at home, the family goes to a theme park and rides the log ride and eats cotton candy. On a really hot day, he and Rosie run through the sprinkler, then watch real kids run through the sprinkler and play in the pool.

3. I'm All Better


To stay healthy it takes alot of work. You have to wash, brush your teeth, eat good and get plenty of excercise. As Caillou finds out, you also have to go to the dentist and the doctor for regular check-ups. Even daddys get sick sometimes, unfortunately for Caillou it is on the day when daddy was going to take him to work. That's ok because Caillou has to help mommy take care of daddy. When Teddy gets sick he has Rexy and Gilbert to make him all better again. Those itchy bumps can mean only one thing...Caillou has the chicken pox!

4. Pets!


When you're a pet, you must go to the vet. Like humans, pets need to eat well and get exercise in order to stay healthy. Caillou and Gilbert learn that sometimes you even have to rescue your pet. Poor Gilbert gets stuck in a tree, but once he is safe and sound Caillou gets a ride in the fire truck and even gets a tour of the station house. As the family pet, Gilbert puts up with a lot, including playing dress-up, but in the end most of what he gets is love. Even Rexy enjoys the attention that comes with being Gilbert's pet.

5. My Sister Rosie


Caillou is a big help around the house, especially when it comes to helping to take care of Rosie.

6. Caillou Creates


This episode, Caillou spends being creative. With grandpa's help he makes a paper hat for his daddy. Later with grandma, he and Rosie make their own instruments so that they can play with grandma in her band. Real kids get get creative and draw, paint and make things out of clay. Caillou, Leo and Clementine put on a show at school. Caillou plays the very important part of the sun. Even Theodore Bear gets into the act, making a collage with things from the garden.

7. Caillou Cooks


Caillou is making a mess in the kitchen!

8. Food-a-Licious


Caillou gets to go with his neighbor, Mr. Hinkle to visit a farm and it turns out that "farmer Caillou" is a big help.

9. Traveling!


It's planes, trains and automobiles (plus a toy boat) for Caillou.

10. Puppy Love


Gilbert would not like this episode because it is all about puppies!

11. Best Behavior


It's Mother's Day and for mommy's special day, Caillou's family goes to a retaurant for brunch. Rexie learns from Teddy all about manners and how to behave properly. Caillou gets to be Sarah's little brother for a day and go to school with her. Caillou just wants to play by himself but Rosie won't let him.

12. Starry Night


Things that go bump in the night, and others that light up the sky, are on everyone's mind today. A family corn roast dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's under the star-studded sky prompts Grandpa to bring out his telescope and introduce Caillou to the constellations, planets, and moon. Grandpa discovers a new planetarium is opening and there's a prize for the best space costume. Caillou is thrilled when the winner turns out to be...a surprise! But fun turns to fear at bedtime when Caillou decides that a monster is lurking in his room. All's well when Mom and Dad unmask Caillou's monster as a tree branch on the window! Then, during a winter storm, the lights go out and Caillou is very afraid. Dad builds a fire in the fireplace and the family pretends they're camping. They even toast marshmallows!

13. Lost And Found


A day of new discoveries! Caillou loses his voice, finds a frog in his throat, and finds other neat ways to communicate, until the frog goes away. Later on, Caillou is missing one of his favorite socks. He searches the house, and accidentally locks himself in the basement. Daddy comes to the rescue - only he locks himself in the basement too. All is well when Mommy saves them both and finds the missing sock. Then, Caillou, Rosie and Julie, their babysitter, go on a scavenger hunt.

14. Just For Laughs


15. Caillou Helps Out


16. Imagine!


17. Big Brother Caillou


18. Words


19. I Can Do It!


20. My Family


In order: Say Cheese A New Member of the Family Caillou and Daddy Caillou Goes to the Zoo

21. Winter!


In order: Caillou's Snowman Downhill from Here Holiday Magic Caillou Learns to Skate

22. After Dark!


Contains: Things That Go Bump in the Night The Bad Dream Caillou is Afraid of the Dark Caillou Sleeps Over Puppet segments: Gilbert and Teddy moves around the garden in the dark. Meanwhile, Rexy imagines hunting down a spookindoodle - a ferocious albeit imaginary creature he's created, only to have the tables turned on him by his imagination and he starts running from the imaginary creature he created.

23. Nature


In order: Caillou Goes Birdwatching The Baby Bird Into the Woods (Out of the Woods) Caillou the Jungle Explorer

24. Knowing I'm Growing


In order: Caillou's New Shoes Caillou Wants to be Taller Caillou and the Tooth Fairy Caillou's Teddy Shirt

25. All Kinds of Weather


In order: One, Two, Boom! Caillou's Rainy Day Light's Out! Caillou Goes Shopping

26. Caillou Discovers


In order: The New Computer Big Rock Caillou Goes to Work Caillou Flies on a Plane

27. Friends


In order: Three's a Crowd A Friend in Need Caillou's Friends Caillou's Big Friend

28. Springtime!


In order: The Big Chill Spring Cleaning Caillou's Rainy Day Caillou's Picnic

29. All In A Day


In order: Caillou Gets Dressed Caillou Stays Up Late Caillou Helps with Lunch Caillou in the Bathtub

30. Celebrations


Caillou and the gang celebrate a number of different events, while the puppets are busy going about their business. Gilbert is trying to write an ode to a daisy, but can't think of anything that rhymes with ""great elation."" Teddy looks to be busy preparing some kind of fesitivity and Rexy's just around moping that Caillou is away and all of the other puppets seem to be too busy to play with him. ""The Piñata"" (A42 wip title: ""Xavier's Mexican Birthday Party"") Caillou gets up early because he's eager to receive an invitation in the mail to his friend Xavier's birthday party. The mail comes, but Rosie is also up and about and she snatches Caillou's letter and none of the rest of the mail, making it look like it didn't show up. Then Rosie appears with the letter and they realize what's happened. The letter mentions a pinata and Mom tells Caillou there's a special surprise inside the pinata. Caillou wants to know what it is, but he can't find out... until the party. ""Happy New Year"" (A42 wi

31. Games to Play


Fun ways to play are found by Caillou, Clementine and Leo. Also: Caillou, Rosie and babysitter Julie go on a scavenger hunt; Caillou's friend André visits; Caillou's plans to fly a kite, but it rains, so he creates a pirate ship in his living room.

32. Grown-Ups and Me


In order: Caillou's New Babysitter Too Many Cooks Caillou at Daycare

33. Try, Try Again


In order: New Leaf Try, Try Again Caillou Learns to Swim Caillou Hurts Himself

34. Adventure!


Contains: Caillou goes to a car wash with Daddy and Rosie; he travels to pretend places with Rosie and babysitter Julie. Also: Caillou wants to ride on the school bus; he goes to a theme park with his family.

35. Getting Along


In order: Caillou's Cross Word Caillou's Promise Caillou's New Friend Caillou's Quarrel

36. Caillou's Neighborhood


In order: Caillou is Not Afraid Anymore A Helping Hand New Kids on the Block

37. Old and New


Caillou finds a hiding place at his grandparents' home; it's where Daddy used to hide when he was Caillou's age. Also: he's excited about a rummage sale; he gets grape juice on his new shirt; he helps Mommy clean out the attic.

38. Vacations


In the puppet segments, Teddy is sad and has a broken heart because Caillou went on vacation to a warm and sunny beach with his family, but he got left behind. He was all ready to go, but Caillou's Mommy forgot him on the stairs. Rexy sees that Teddy is sad and enlists Gilbert's help to cheer him up. They decide to pretend that they too are on vacation. At first, Teddy won't join in, but when they use the subtle tactic of tossing a beach ball in his direction, he can't help but join in the fun. In the main program, Caillou enjoys some vacationing of his home and also experiences sadness when one of his friends goes away on their own vacation. ""Caillou Flies on a Plane"" Lifted from the original series. Caillou and his family are on a plane trip. Caillou is curious about everything, even his seatbelt. His Daddy tells him not to mess with it, as they're taking off. As the plane takes off, Caillou happily watches the disappearing ground. Once in the air, Caillou enjoys an airplane breakfas

39. Getting the Message


Caillou learns about a number of different ways of communicating. As for the puppets, Gilbert is working on another of his odes, whereas Teddy seems to be upset about something and doesn't want to talk about it. Gilbert and Rexy consult the ""appropriate reference text"" and learn that the only language Teddy bears truly understand is a hug. ""Caillou's Phone Call"" Lifted from the original series. Caillou has important stuff to tell Mommy. Rosie tore up a book and he drew her a picture and wants to show it to her. Every time he tries to speak to her though, he's interrupted by the ringing of the telephone and Mom's forced to ignore him. Then a call comes in and Mom hands the phone over to Caillou. It's Grandma. She comes over with a dog she regularly dogsits, Rover. When the phone rings, Rover goes nuts and Caillou discovers that he and Rover have something in common. ""Caillou's Secret"" (A42 wip title: ""Smile! You're on Caillou Camera"") Mom's birthday is coming up and Dad wants to ge

40. Caillou the Robot


Caillou and his friends pretend to be robots.

41. Fall is in the Air (L'automne est dans l'air)


Caillou and his friends pretend to be robots.

42. The Lost Whale Card


Caillou loses his whale card and his family help him find it.

43. Daddy's Baseball Game


Caillou and mommy go to watch daddy playing baseball.

44. Caillou the Magician


45. Caillou and the Kitten


46. Caillou and the Fight


47. Episode 47


48. Episode 48


49. Episode 49


50. Episode 50


51. Episode 51


52. Episode 52


97. Episode 97


98. Episode 98


99. Episode 99


100. Episode 100
