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All Season 3 Episode

1. Steamed


Anca and Paul needed a home that would be large enough for his two sons 11 and 13 and her daughter, 11. Losing out in three bidding wars may have made them a little more desperate to settle for this tired townhouse with a single shower for everyone. Still, the home inspector saw no major issues. Turns out there were a lot of things he didn’t see that has this family steamed. Mike will do a Holmes Inspection and Damon and the crew will Make it Right.

2. Below Grade


While Jaime and Vishal were house hunting, a family crisis occurred that meant Vishal’s mom needed a place to live too. A home inspector was hired to ensure they’d finally found an affordable home for everyone. As it turns out, he missed a lot of issues that would have made this family more comfortable. Mike Holmes will do a Holmes Inspection and Damon and the crew will bring this house up to Mike’s standards.

3. Bigger Bungle


Anna and Terry traded in their starter bungalow for a larger one, with a big front porch and a wild, untended backyard. Now the front porch that attracted them is falling apart and fixing the grading, as the home inspector suggested, went way over budget. Tackling the issues he missed is impossible on the budget they have left. Mike Holmes will do a Holmes Inspection, and Damon and the crew will Make it Right.

4. Minor Finds, Major Fixes


5. Trouble Overhead


Eiman and Benafsha originally decided to buy a condo downtown in which they could start their lives together as a couple. Then they found this charmingly renovated bungalow for almost the same price. Excited, they agreed to the seller’s condition that they skip the home inspection. Not a good idea. Mike will do a Holmes Inspection and show these two exactly how much more they could have known about what they were getting into. He and the crew will Make it Right?.

6. Bigger Not Better


Mitzi and Cory thought they were buying a big house in a nice neighbourhood. The home inspector found no major issues and delighted, they bought. At first they loved living in their big house, near the grandparents, but more and more issues have surfaced that have them worried for their daughter’s safety. Now they are counting on Mike to do a more thorough Holmes Inspection, and Damon and the crew to help Make it Right?. Mitzi and Cory bought a big suburban house in a nice neighbourhood near the grandparents. Mike Holmes will show them bigger is not always better.

7. Arctic Dealbreaker


Ross and Lisa foolishly allowed a family friend to do their home inspection for the price of a case of beer. While he told them a few things, he missed more than he saw. Among other things, he skipped that awkward climb into the attic, claiming there would be no deal breakers up there. Mike Holmes is here to prove him wrong. Damon and the crew are on hand to fix all the issues found on Mike’s much more thorough Holmes Inspection.

8. Stacked Against Us


Reza and Liz bought an eight-year-old house based on a home inspection that seemed to go well. That didn’t last long. Now they have had pipes freeze in the master bathroom, cracks have opened under their son’s bedroom window and water has started leaking into the kitchen below. They need Mike to do a Holmes Inspection, and show them the many issues their inspector missed. Damon and the crew will all have to help on this one.

9. Through the Roof


Newlyweds Tina and Jeff have three daughters between them and found a house with room for them all. It was not very modern, but it was safe and solid, according to the home inspection. When the money they had saved for their honeymoon unexpectedly went on replacing the hot water heater, and other surprises popped up, like freezing cold bedrooms, they knew they needed Mike Holmes. Damon and the crew will be on hand to help give this family a fresh start.

10. Moisture Madness


Kristen and Grant spent the top of their budget to buy a downtown storefront property that had been beautifully renovated. Happy with the sparkling kitchen and bath, they were blind to signs of trouble. Their home inspection did not help them to see the issues they might have with this unique house in the future. Well the future is here, but luckily so is Mike Holmes. He will do a Holmes Inspection, and Damon and the crew will make this urban space safe and sound.

11. Getting Hosed


Peter and Sharon decided with the birth of their third son, that they had better move out of their starter home and find a bit more space for their active family. Encouraged that this house was only eight years old and passed inspection, they bought. Now they are battling plumbing leaks, window leaks, and a foyer that floods every time it rains. They need Mike Holmes to do a Holmes Inspection, and Damon and the crew to keep them from getting hosed any longer.

12. Looks are Deceiving - Part 2


Sean and Carol have been out of their house for weeks now. Mike’s Holmes Inspection found structural issues, in addition to the many ways their cold, drafty thirty-year-old house had been invaded by pests of all shapes and sizes. Damon and the crew are all on hand to straighten this house out, and make it safe and warm for this small family’s return.

13. Looks are Deceiving - Part 1


Sean and Carol met overseas and came home to buy their dream home close to the grandparents. Now that dream has turned into an oversized nightmare. Baby Liam’s room is so cold they call it “the meat locker.” The roof is showing signs of wear and the living room is too cold for comfort. Mike Holmes will do a Holmes Inspection and show them they have even bigger issues than they thought.