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All Season 51 Episode

1. Hunting for an Historical Hungarian Home


After being engaged in Turkey and married in Tanzania, travel loving Chicago couple Bill and Jamie are up for a new adventure. So when Jamie is awarded a Fullbright scholarship to teach and work in Budapest, Bill quickly finds a teaching job of his own, and they pack their bags. Once in Budapest they face an unexpected challenge. It's turning out to be harder than that thought to find a traditional Hungarian home without sacrificing comfort or blowing their budget. Will Jamie convince Bill to settle for a low cost but run-down apartment that will leave them with extra money to do the traveling they love? Can Bill convince Jamie that price is no object if they can live in an Historical abode on the banks of the Danube river? Find out when House Hunters International satisfies your hunger for Budapest, Hungary.

2. Two Dads Move their Family to London


After being together for 20 years, travel loving Maryland couple Jon and Charles jump at chance to move with their 3 children, 3 and under, to London England for Jon's Job. Once in London they realize that they each have very different ideas about the budget. While Jonathan is willing to spend $10,000 per month, Charles thinks they can handle 10,000 pounds (10,000 Pounds = approximately $16,000 UDS). Will Charles be able to convince Jon to hit the top of their budget in order to be in a beautiful home close to downtown? Will Jon persuade Charles to live in a roomy home further out of the city center? Find out when House Hunters International crosses the Pond to London England.

3. Different Desires in St. Kitts


Veterinary student Kelli Bogard moved to St Kitts to pursue her dream of being a vet. Now, her fiance Gavin is sacrificing everything to make the big move to be with her. But it's this couple's first time living under one roof and they're discovering different desires. Kelli wants room to study, but Gavin wants rooms with island views. Find out if they can agree on one point of view, when House Hunters International goes hog wild in St. Kitts.

4. What's Happiness Worth in Perth, Australia


Three years after their engagement lead them to live in relaxed Exmouth, Australia, Sinead and Paul are packing their bags to move into a settled future in her hometown of Perth. It's always been Sinead's dream to live in the city, but to make her dream a reality, it means not only navigating the area's booming market, but also her high class tastes and fiance Paul's practical priorities, as House Hunters International slides into Perth, Australia.

5. Socially Conscious in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua


Jonathon and Quinn leave everything behind in San Francisco to pursue their dream of opening a socially conscious business in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. But its Quinn's first time in Central America, and although her heart is in the right place, her head can't handle the thought of sacrificing the comforts of home. At odds with Jonathon who is trying to save most of their money for the business, will Quinn be able to splurge for some luxuries? Or will Jonathan wind up championing for just the bare necessities? Find out when House Hunters International lands in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua.

6. Chasing London Cool for a Growing Family


With a toddler and a new baby on the way, Johanna and Chris need to double their living space as they move from Paris to London for Chris's job in finance. The cool couple wants to find a family-friendly home that's also hip and close to the pubs and clubs. Their real estate agent navigates London's distinct neighborhoods, looking for a perfect balance between green space for the kids and nightlife for their parents. Can a happening family of four put down roots in trendy Shoreditch, or would the more sedate area of Islington be the better match for their new lifestyle? Find out as House Hunters International goes cool-hunting in London's most sought-after neighborhoods.

8. To Renovate or Not To Renovate in St. John, U.S Virgin Islands


After a Caribbean vacation, Rhode Islanders Rob and Ken decided St. John was where they wanted to be. So, they planned and saved for five years to make this dream come true. They're starting a new business so Rob wants a home near their pet shop, but real estate agent John McCann knows their $500,000 budget means they'll have to renovate if they want to be close to the city center. Ken is willing to roll up his sleeves if there is long term value, but Rob is unconvinced they can handle the challenges of rehabbing a home while starting a new life. See what happens when House Hunters International takes a risk in St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands.

9. Managing Paradise in St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands


John and Denise Obbagy have made frequent trips together to the U.S. Virgin Islands, and for them, there is no place better than St. John. Staying in St. John as often as they have, they've gotten to know the ins and outs of what it takes to make a vacation villa a success, so they decided to take a chance and try running one themselves. John sees this as a great opportunity to leave his construction business behind and live a simple life with Denise managing a move in ready investment property. Even with a one point three million dollar budget, finding a villa that satisfies Denise in tourist friendly and pricey Cruz Bay may not jibe with the stress free plan that John had in mind. Watch as Denise and John see the business side of being in paradise when House Hunters International sails to St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

10. Returning to Thai Roots


When John Mocny's company offered him a position in Thailand, he leapt at the chance to bring his wife and family back to her home country. But wife Sopa is discovering that much has changed in Thailand while she's been gone for 30 years. She wants a traditional Thai home, while John's hoping for modern comforts. Find out if these fish out of water can find common ground, when House Hunters International returns to Pattaya, Thailand.

11. Till Death Do Us Part, in Stuttgart, Germany


While Lindsay was singing with the Pittsburg Opera, she met and fell in love with a young patron named Linas. Shortly after, the love birds flew to his native Lithuania to live with his family and plan their wedding. One week after they tied the knot, the couple was en route to Stuttgart, Germany where Lindsay accepted a job at the city's Opera House. But, before she can begin work, the newlyweds must agree on an apartment that's quiet and close to public transit. With rentals hard to come by, will they be in for marital bliss or property pains? Find out, when House Hunters International takes the stage in Stuttgart, Germany.

12. Flash in the Panama


Roberto and Marla Diaz had been living a laid back life in Orange County California with their daughter Lily and Roberto's son Garrett, but a gradual decline in their children's book business led to Roberto seeking employment elsewhere. A new opportunity in Roberto's home country of Panama has led this family of surfing enthusiasts to head south towards the Panama Canal, but leaving California won't be as simple as packing their bags, as Roberto's son Garrett will be remaining in Orange County with his mother for school. Moving on to the next phase of their lives won't be easy without Garrett, and a conflicting set of priorities between Roberto and Marla will make this house hunt a challenge. Roberto wants to live near work to maximize his time with family, but Marla isn't leaving her life in California for a sterile high-rise apartment. She wants ample outdoor space in which to garden, practice yoga and play with her daughter.

13. The Weird Quirks of Wellington, NZ


Sharing a love for music and travel, Kevin and April met and fell in love with each other nine years ago in Reno. After seeing a struggling economy in Nevada they decided it was time to try life in a new country, so Kevin found a job in Wellington New Zealand. Kevin is set on finding a place with new views close to his work, while April wants the amenities she had back in America. Real Estate Agent Madeline struggles to get them both to appreciate the quirks in Kiwi housing when House Hunters International heads down to Wellington, New Zealand.

15. [There is no Episode 15 in Season 51]


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16. An American couple flees fast paced DC for the casual culture of Melbourne with their dog in tow


When Dana's career as a management consultant consumed his life in Washington, DC, his wife, Amy, insisted on an impromptu move to Melbourne, Australia. They can't wait to bask in Melbourne's casual-cafe culture, and they're thrilled to be bringing their beloved dog, Pella, with them down under, but they didn't consider the cost of seeking a dog friendly home. Dana and Amy, learn to sacrifice their precious pup, when House Hunters International travels to Melbourne, Australia.