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All Season 48 Episode

1. Bunking with the Bossman in Mossman, Australia


Cowgirl Julia is saddling up to a new career in Mossman, Australia. She's looking for a change of pace from her urban life in Hamburg, Germany and quickly realizes to afford a place in this expensive rural hideaway, she must find a roommate and quick. Luckily, her boss Kirsten is looking to move closer to the cattle ranch, but searching a home together could either be a dream come true or a second job for this odd couple. Watch as House Hunters finds a home on the range in Mossman, Australia.

2. Finding a Home for Furry Friends in Finland


Best friends, hockey fanatics, and pet lovers Kae and Sarah want to experience the world while they're still young and single and decide on Finland, a 'hockey nation' similar to Canada. While finding jobs overseas was easy, relocating three cats and a large dog pose quite a challenge as they discover homes are smaller and more expensive than expected. Can Kae and Sarah find a Scandinavian home that will also please their pets? Watch when House Hunters International is unleashed in Helsinki, Finland.

3. Student Gets Schooled in Glasgow, Scotland


After completing his undergraduate degree in urban planning, Ryan Sandwick is ready for graduate school and has chosen a program in Scotland. Ryan is used to the San Diego, Canlifornia sunshine and moving to Glasgow will be a big adjustment. Hoping he can find something his style within his budget, Ryan gets help from his friend Gabe Teague and real estate agent Iain Williamson. Watch as Ryan weathers the move as House Hunters International gets schooled in Glasgow, Scotland.

4. It's a Dog's Life on St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands


John and Stacey Alvarado live the good life with their young son, Andrew, on the island of St. Thomas. It's all a day at the beach until John gets a job on neighboring St. John, adding an extended commute via ferry across islands. Motivated to regain the lost family time and invest in their future, John and Stacey decide to relocate to St. John, but there's an added perk that comes with the move. They can bring their beloved dogs after deciding to take the plunge and purchase a home, since most St. John rentals don't allow four legged tenants. Investing in their family, both human and furry, fuels the search for John, but Stacey's fear of hurricanes makes buying an island home a stormy experience.

5. Coping with Co-ops in Copenhagen


Michelle and Soren's world was turned upside down when her record label went under, killing Soren's American record contract. With his band finding success in Europe, Soren wants to move back to his home country of Denmark but Michelle's struggling to give up her life in New York. Find out if she can she cope with co-op living and communal bathrooms when House Hunters International makes sweet music in Copenhagen, Denmark.

6. Trading Prague for Nuremberg, Germany


Heather left Wisconsin for Prague in search of a European adventure. But her work as a teacher was sporadic, and noisy roommates made her home life a nightmare. Now she's moving to Germany with hopes of living alone, traveling, and enjoying the lifestyle. Watch as Heather and her best friend Courtney experience the surprises and pitfalls of the tight rental market when House Hunters International goes to Nuremberg, Germany.

7. Every Little Girl's Dream Comes True in Paris


Katherine is a successful Hollywood screenwriter who's aspired to live in Paris since learning of her French heritage as a child. Now a mother herself, Katherine wants to buy a home in her favorite city so she can explore her past, inspire her daughter's future, and show her aging father a glimpse of their family's roots. Katherine is looking for a space that embodies the Paris of her dreams: somewhere replete with the history, romance, and charm that has become the city's signature. Watch as House Hunters International makes every little girl's dream come true in Paris, France.

8. New Couple Takes a Huge Step to Strasbourg, France


It was not long after Felipe was living with his family in Orlando when he met Blandine who was working there as an au pair. For the new couple's career aspirations, Strasbourg seemed like an ideal city to set up shop after taking the giant leap from Felipe's parent's home in Orlando to Blandine's parent's house in Gouaix. Felipe and Blandine are gambling all their savings on a move to Strasbourg, France to further pursue their studies and careers in international affairs and law. These newlyweds are quickly finding out that these little pieces of paradise are pretty pricey for their pocketbooks of only $850 a month. Watch as this fresh new couple weaves their way to the storybook city of Strasbourg, France.

9. Living a Dream in Dublin, Ireland


While on vacation in Ireland, Maureen had a chance conversation with a peace activist that would inspire her to refocus her life. So to live her dream, she's packing up her quiet country existence in Massachusetts to return to school in lively Dublin. But her desire to buy a quiet home in the frenetic city presents a challenge to both her and real estate agent Jamie Douglas. With her modest student budget, he'll need the luck of the Irish to find Maureen a home in Dublin's pricy property market she's comfortable with. Watch when House Hunters International searches for a pot of gold in Dublin, Ireland.

10. Young Fasionista Pursues Dedication for Parisian Lifestyle


Lisa O'Rourke has left her high-powered fashion career behind for the chance at love and a new beginning. Her new boyfriend Aurelian is in the states to help Lisa pack up and bid her New York life adieu. With only Aurelian's income to support them, finding a space large enough to accommodate her trove of vintage clothing and passion for fashion is a tall order. Facing one of the world's priciest cities on a single salary, the need for compromise is at a high request. Watch as Lisa and Aurelian attempt to pursue a relationship as House Hunters International travels to Paris, France.

11. Dubai or Not Dubai


Jenny is currently a TV presenter on a home shopping network in London but her boyfriend, Pete, has just been recruited for a new job in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Living a comfortable lifestyle is not a problem when the two are both working, but when she moves to Dubai without having already secured a job, they'll have to figure out a way to live their champagne lifestyle on a beer budget. Pete is going to have to agree to break the budget to reward Jenny for following him thousands of miles across the globe, as Jenny will have to compromise some of what she wants in order to live comfortably within their means. Watch as House Hunters International takes a leap to Dubai.

12. Looking for the High Life Along Doha's Arabian Riviera


Colin suffers an Irishman's fate, he's addicted to sunnier climes. So when his best friend Gordon, an expat living in Doha, Qatar, started raving to him about the posh, outdoor lifestyle along the Arabian Riviera, that's all the convincing Colin needed. With the expertise of real estate agent Anna Figueiredo, these two hopeful roommates want a party pad where they can throw pool parties and have the time of their lives--that is, however, if they can afford it in one of the world's most expensive cities. Watch as Colin and Gordon try to find the high life in the sultry, desert playground of Doha, Qatar.

13. Looking for the Real Italy on an Ancestral Homecoming


Frequent world travelers Jennifer, Clint, and their six-year-old daughter Vivien are finally settling down. They're moving to Italy from Chicago to return to Jennifer's Italian roots, and to expand Vivien's horizons through living abroad. They've placed Vivien in an International School in Milan but have left themselves only one week to find an apartment before school begins. Milan's rental market is tight, and their schedule is even tighter, as the family chases the dream of going home again.