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All Season 20 Episode

2001. Dream Apartments in Tel Aviv, Israel


Family comes first for Carolyn and Irene Hodes, two adventurous sisters from Illinois looking to reconnect with their heritage and settle down in metropolitan Tel Aviv. Carolyn, a writer, and Irene, an archeology student, want to pursue their dreams in a perfect apartment that will remain in the family for generations. Realtor Mati Bortnick helps the girls navigate the intricacies of Tel Aviv's housing market, but with pressure coming from Mom and fewer options than they anticipated, the sisters are finding the "land of milk and honey" to be far from sweet. Will they find their dream apartment, or will the obstacles prove too much to handle? Find out when House Hunters travels to Tel Aviv, Israel.

2002. Period Properties in Buckinghamshire, England


After keeping up a long-distance relationship for three years, Sarah and Carl Day married and moved to Sarah's home state of California, a far departure from Carl's native England. Ten years later, the couple has decided to give up the sun and surf to give England a try. Though Carl looks forward to reconnecting with his family, the drastic change in lifestyle is weighing on both of them. After selling their modern-style home in the US, the couple looks for a period property with lots of character and a garden, and enlists the help of realtor Brian Russell. But is the extreme change in lifestyle too much for the couple to deal with? Find out, as House Hunters heads across the pond to Buckinghamshire, England.

2003. Spacious Apartments in Amsterdam


Outdoors enthusiast Kate Cox fell in love with Amsterdam when she vacationed in the Netherlands two years ago. When a job offer in the city came up, Kate jumped at the chance to start her new career in Amsterdam, and now wants to buy her first home in the country. Realtor Charles Grayson is there to help Kate navigate Amsterdam's small housing market, but has his work cut out for him trying to find an apartment with the outdoor space for Kate's active lifestyle (and her two dogs!), all while sticking to a strict $400,000 budget. Will Kate find the right place to settle down, or will this adventure take a turn for the worse? Find out when House Hunters ventures to the heart of Amsterdam.

2004. Second Home in Slovenia


Penny and Graham Meigh both work from home in the UK, and are looking for the perfect place to spend quality time with their three children while also being able to work when the need arises. After a vacation in the Eastern European country of Slovenia, the family decides to look for a second home where they can balance work and play in an outdoorsy environment. With the help of realtor Dan Bendall, the family navigates the highly localized housing market of Slovenia. But in a country where real estate is often passed down through family ties, do the Meighs have any chance at finding their ideal home? Find out when House Hunters heads to Slovenia.

2005. Classic Palaces in Marrakesh, Morocco


Maryam and Chris have traveled the world with their two children, and feel the time has come to settle down and purchase their first home in Marrakesh, Morocco. They love the idea of living in a riad, a traditional Moroccan palace with an interior garden. Realtor Soulaimaine Alaoui heads up the search, but many of the riads are older homes, with DIY problems the family is not prepared to face. Is their vision of a Mediterranean palace simply a mirage in the sand? Find out when House Hunters heads to Marrakesh, Morocco.

2006. Urban Homes in Bangalore, India


Newlyweds Malika and Vir are ready to leave their cramped Manhattan apartment and start a new life together in Bangalore, India's "Silicon Valley". With the help of realtor Jinoo Cherian, Malika and Vir search for a two/three bedroom home that offers some needed leg room while also offering an easy commute to their jobs in the city. Despite the 8,300 mile difference, the couple encounters the same problems with small living spaces and long commutes that they hoped to escape from. Can Malika and Vir find the peace and quiet they need without sacrificing location? Find out when House Hunters hits the bustling city of Bangalore.

2007. Traditional Living in Brittany, France


Edward and Nova Gilmour have always wanted to leave the UK for a more family-oriented lifestyle in the province of Brittany, in France. The search is on for the perfect place to raise their three young children. Edward, a musician, is also looking for an outbuilding which he can use as a music studio. Realtor Nicola Grey helps the family in their search through the beautiful countryside of France. But after spending twenty years in a small town, will the culture shock deter their efforts? Find out, when House Hunters travels to Brittany, France.

2008. Rural Living in South France


A family wants to sell everything and start a new life in France.

2009. Modern Homes in Odense, Denmark


Brittany and Coen Elemans are two biologists from Utah that moved to Odense after Coen took a job opportunity in Denmark. Disillusioned with their drafty rental, the Elemans are ready to move into a larger, more modern home with room to grow. With the help of realtor Thomas Kildemoes, the family looks for a three bedroom home for around 200 to 300 thousand dollars. But houses on the cold, windy flatlands easily fall prey to mold and structural issues. Can the Elemans find the perfect modern home to expand their family? Find out when House Hunters flies out to Odense, Denmark.

2010. New Home in Okinawa, Japan


Sarah Pugh was born and raised in Oklahoma. Her husband, Adam, has lived abroad while serving in the military. When Adam takes a job in Okinawa, Japan as a government contractor for the Airforce, it's time for Sarah to venture out of the heartland and into the vibrant city of Okinawa. The couple is looking for a home in a great neighborhood by the beach, within easy reach of Adam's base. Realtor Roberto Harding helps the couple search the market, but lack of storage space and tiny kitchens are putting a damper on the hunt. Will Sarah and Adam find the right home for their new life? Find out when House Hunters heads to the colorful city of Okinawa, Japan.

2011. Homes in Downtown Dubai


Jon Evenson's job in Dubai kept him away from his wife, Suzanne, and their daughter for weeks at a time. When his company offered him a permanent office in the UAE, it was time to relocate from their small town in Illinois, and settle down in the cultural melting pot of Dubai. Jon and Suzanne are searching for a two bedroom home with a large living area, in keeping with a $4000 monthly housing stipend from Jon's job. Realtor Nicolas Winter guides the family through the Dubai housing market, helping them to find a place close to the action downtown. Join the excitement, when House Hunters International travels to Dubai.

2012. Rural Homes in Krakow, Poland


Stuggling with three-hour commutes and a lack of steady work in Canada, Mike and Marketa Glenn finally get a break with two job offers from a school in Poland. They jump at the opportunity, and start looking for a rural home that will allow them more time with their two young children. With the assistance of realtor Tom Leach, the couple sets out to buy their first home, ideally with three or more bedrooms. However, the relaxed lifestyle of rural Krakow comes with some downsides as well, including less than desirable pig farms right next door. Can the family find the right home in their ideal neighborhood? Find out when House Hunters travels to Krakow, Poland.

2013. Spacious Homes in Jerusalem


Hayley Gerszberg is following her dream of finding a home in the Holy Land, in the center of Jewish heritage and culture. Realtor Sima Menora helps Hayley in the search for a home that will accommodate her four children--and the many guests she intends to entertain while in Israel. Even with a budget of $1-2 million dollars, finding the right home in Jerusalem's high-priced market is no easy feat. Will Hayley be able to snag the home she's dreamed of? Find out, when House Hunters travels to Jerusalem.