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All Season 3 Episode

1. Kerryellen Kelly


Kerryellen, a computer programming expert, believes in wearing comfortable baggy clothing, arguing that since she spends most of her time crawling underneath desks fixing other employee's machines, she shouldn't wear nicer clothing that will get dirty while she's on her hands and knees. Kerryellen's friends and family think she has a self esteem issue and doesn't like to show off her body. Stacy and Clinton help her come out of her shell a little more and find outfits for work and off hours that are flattering and practical. On the grooming front, Kerryellen freaks out when Nick decides to tone down her blonde locks and dyes them a dark reddish brown, which she hates. In a show first, after the reveal to Stacy and Clinton, but before she goes home to her family, Kerryellen goes to Nick's salon and insists that he make her a blonde again.

2. Will Russell


Will is a 25-year-old from Alabama who needs to drop his hillbilly fashion tendencies for a sharper, more professional look, especially to be able to cut it in his new job. At 6' 3"" and 180 pounds, Will is tall and lean; however, his clothes are certainly not. Stacy and Clinton have to convince Will that his extra-large polo shirts and oversized pants are not the way for the new guy at the office to look. Will also has a sock problem: all his socks are white and athletic — and he's wearing them with dark leather shoes! Last, to make sure that Will can make a great first impression, the WNTW team introduces him to an etiquette instructor who teaches him the subtleties of the proper business handshake, the confident walk and the memorable introduction.

4. Melanie Lapatton


Melanie, 44, is a former world champion ballroom dancer who now runs the Dance Times Square Studio in New York City. Vogue magazine has described this studio as ""the most fashionable place to learn to dance in New York."" While the venue may be fashionable, Melanie certainly isn't. She left fashion behind when she stopped competing, and now wears ill-fitting clothes — some too tight and some too baggy. And worst of all, she only wears one color — black! In this special episode of What Not to Wear, Melanie was surprised live on air! Clinton and Stacy will have one week to bring the sparkle and color back into her wardrobe, and to convince monochromatic Melanie that stepping off the competitive dance floor doesn't have to mean stepping off the fashion catwalk.

5. Matt Harris


Matt, a rowdy, flamboyant radio talk show host, HATES pants, and insists that it's okay that he wears shorts all the time because he has a job where nobody sees him. Clinton & Stacy point out times when wearing pants are more appropriate, and coax him into getting a wardrobe that looks good when he's off the air and out with family and friends. Nick gives him a polished haircut, while Carmindy treats him to a spa facial.

6. Kelly Denhart


Kelly, a stay at home mom, is stuck in the 1980's. In an interview, she claims to be inspired by Erica Kane from ""All My Children,"" but her appearance suggests Peg Bundy from ""Married With Children,"" with a beehive hairdo hairsprayed in place and gold lame stirrup pants. Stacy and Clinton try to pull her out of her outdated rut, while Nick and Carmindy prove that changing her hair and makeup can make Kelly look much younger.

7. Jennifer Freeman


Jennifer, 25, is a new mother and a successful, full-time nurse. With a great husband and a loving family, why is Jennifer still dressing like she is 14? Perhaps it has something to do with her love of shopping in the juniors section; maybe it's her habit of wearing clothes that are so big she drowns in them, or outfits so small that her daughter could soon start wearing them. Whatever it is, Stacy and Clinton have to help this young lady's wardrobe catch up with the rest of her life, while Nick takes care of some overgrowth on the top of her head. With so much change in the works, the only question that still remains is whether this Southern belle is ready to part with her familiar ways and learn What Not To Wear.

8. Chris Love


Chris, a 25-year-old aspiring actor, has adopted a style that punk-rock icons might be proud of: his rebellious fashion sense is stitched together with safety pins, holey clothes and pieces thrown together from a grab bag at the local Salvation Army. But his parents are desperate for him to ""grow out"" of his grungy fashion shell, and they've called on Stacy and Clinton to help. Stacy and Clinton need to develop a look for Chris that makes him presentable while retaining his individual style, and they need to persuade him to try it on. Chris' hair is receding, but with a good cut stylist Nick Arrojo is sure he can make it look thicker.

9. Tish Merrill


Drama is the word that best describes Tish, a 47-year-old blonde bombshell. Her clothes, however, are anything but dramatic. This North Carolina actress-turned-director is addicted to black clothing; in fact, she thinks that you have to wear black to be taken seriously. Stacy and Clinton have their work cut out for them, trying to convince Tish that the world is much better in Technicolor. While they're bringing a little va-va-voom to her wardrobe, Nick and Carmindy are bringing a little Hollywood glamour to our drama queen. Nick gives Tish a haircut that's sleek and slimming, while Carmindy shows her how to transform her day makeup into a sexy evening look. There will be comedy and tragedy as Tish learns What Not to Wear.

10. Delia Espinoza


Twenty-six-year-old Delia, a recent M.B.A. graduate, favors quirky outfits more suited to a club kid than a professional executive. Stacy and Clinton have to convince this ex-Miami resident that there's more to looking young and fashionable than glitter and pink clothing. Hairstylist Nick Arrojo gives Delia's curly brown mane more volume. Makeup artist Carmindy steps in with a new routine to include colors that highlight her olive complexion. Watch this makeover transformation as Delia learns What Not to Wear!

11. Charlie Hughes


Charlie is obsessed with purple clothes, and prefers to wear his casual, paint stained sweat clothes all the time. His argument for grunge wear is that his job as a boat restorer requires him to get dirty, so he wears clothing that's already worn and messy. Stacy and Clinton counter that Charlie should have some professional suits for meetings with clients and taking his family out to dinner. On the grooming front, Nick is appalled to hear Charlie confess that he washes his hair with soap! He tames the massive mop of unruly hair, while Carmindy gives advice on shaving properly and treating his sun damaged skin.

12. Sohni Sing


Sohni has a funky '80's retro style that includes slicing up her shirts with scissors, which she calls ""her best friends."" (I still don't know how she smuggled them through airport security on the trip from Chicago-- maybe she took a bus?) Sohni aspires to attend law school, but her current wardrobe is more like a prostitute's than a prosecutor's. The team tries to lead her into selecting a more mature style of clothing that can still reflect her unique style for her leisure time, and respect her need for an ""individual"" look.

13. Eddie Wren


Chicago, Ill., is home to short-order cook Eddie and his charity-case style poached from thrift stores. Despite ripped-up pajama pants, a plethora of polyester and natty bedroom slippers as footwear — Eddie is utterly convinced that his style rocks. It seems that Clinton and Stacy may have finally met their match. Tension builds as they attempt to make this misguided fashionista shift from thrift to success.

14. Laura Mousetess


Laura is a 33-year-old accountant from Chicago. She's a hardworking mother of four who's also studying for her master's degree in the evening. But while she may be in charge of her company's finances, she's definitely not in charge of her style. She wears clothes that belong to both her 13-year-old daughter and her 56-year-old mother … and she thinks that comedy T-shirts are a good look at the office. For her, dressing like an adult means looking old. When Stacy and Clinton conduct their own style audit on Laura, can they persuade her that wearing stylish and age-appropriate fashions will help her both climb the corporate ladder and show off her true beauty?

15. Mia Brant


As communications director for UNICEF, 40-something Mia has to be in the field making films about UNICEF's work, and on the red carpet welcoming celebrity UNICEF ambassadors to fund-raising events. But her colleagues say she wears the same oversized casual clothing wherever she is, and it doesn't fit with her high-profile position. Stacy and Clinton want to persuade this busy mother of three she can look the part without looking corporate or losing her sense of self. But can they get this charity worker to stop looking like a charity case?

16. Nancy Herton


Nancy, 44, is an Irish step dance instructor whose fashion sense is badly out of sync. With a vast wardrobe of T-shirts, sweatshirts and leggings, Nancy dresses for comfort — not for style. Lords of the fashion dance, Stacy London and Clinton Kelly will try to teach Nancy to jig to the beat of a new, chic drum. But will Nancy's record $4,000 clothing haul on her first day of shopping follow their rules? And watch Nick Arrojo get his moves on as he gives her a very short haircut, while Carmindy ditches Nancy's 1980s makeup for a more updated look. Let's hope Nancy's Irish eyes are smiling as she learns What Not to Wear.

17. Ed Madisevic


Ed is a former teacher now working as an insurance agent, but his look is anything but office professional. Ed's wife remarks that his wild colorful outfits cause people to think Ed is a Vegas lounge singer; his closet looks like he mugged Austin Powers and forgot the last 20 years. He also makes up original names for colors, preferring ""bubblegum blush"" over pink, and ""toasted mango"" instead of orange. The team may be at their wit's end with the wildest candidate yet.

18. Melanie Artz


Melanie, a 27-year-old marketing executive, loves bold rainbow colors and considers her look eclectic. Her co-workers are afraid to take her to meetings because her style is too casual and loud. Stacy and Clinton try to help her find appropriate work attire that will help her get promoted. Nick gives her a more managable style, while Carmindy shows her how to clean up her makeup and treat her skin for cold Boston weather. Melanie definately needs to rework her understanding of styles-- she enjoys wearing floor-length skirts, then says a knee-length skirt Stacy and Clinton recommend will make her look ""like a grandma.""

19. Maria Merchado


Maria was taught by her mother that wearing black clothing was only for mourning, so she always wears bold, bright solid colors from head to toe. To that end, she has over 40 pairs of multi-colored matching shoes. Clinton and Stacy help Maria to understand that colors and patterns can be mixed and matched to create a bold style that isn't so loud. Maria complains to Nick that she has difficulty controling her frizzy afro style hair, so he gives her a shorter more manageable style hairdo.

20. Laurie Pratt


Laurie's from Plymouth, MA who works at a landscaping company. She wears baggy clothes and wears a hairstyle that she hasn't cut in 15 years. Laurie's lack of style isn't just a lack of interest, the last eight years, she's cared for her sick grandmother.

21. Amy Ernst


22. Alana Clinka


Alana is a graphic design student whose outfits reflect that of a poor college student-- she likes baggy, comfortable worn clothes that she's even modified with scissors and safety pins to make them fit better. Stacy and Clinton point out that now that Alana is graduating soon, she's going to need a more professional wardrobe to be taken seriously for her work. After the makeover, the team is so pleased with Alana's new look that they help arrange a job interview for her.

23. Jeanine Garrity


Jeanine is a full time RN who also works part time as an Anna Nicole Smith impersonator. She says her wardrobe consists of work scrubs, Anna outfits, and her comfort wear, which is mostly baggy oversized sweatsuits. Stacy and Clinton try to help her find clothes that can fit in a more professional manner to wear anytime, while Carmindy tones down Jeanine's makeup to wear when she isn't ""Anna.""

24. Tanya Dwyer


25. Ana Wyatt


26. Jenny Eames


27. Belinda Tenothred


28. Kristy Hennessey


29. Mimi Miller


Independent film producer Mimi believes in staying unnotice behind the camera, so she tends to dress in black sweatsuits and comfortable outfits. Stacy and Clinton must convince her that she would make a more lucrative impression on potential backers if she looked more professional. Mimi attempts to adopt the ""Hollywood producer"" image while still retaining her own unique personality.

30. Kristen Regan


Aspiring photographer Kristen likes a Goth style to assert her individuality, but her friends claim the dark look may be costing her jobs. The WNTW team gets her to dithc the combat boot and blakc dresses for more professional clothes.

31. Raina Daley


Minnesota native Raina moved to California to join her boyfriend in LA, but she can't seem to give up wearing hooded sweatsuits all the time, even to work as a youth counselor. Raina argues that her short stature hinders her from finding pants that fit properly; if they fit around her waist, they tend to pool up around her feet. Stacy and Clinton help to get Raina some outfits for work and for fun to help her shed her shy self image. Calling Nikki Boyer!! Raina gets another surprise at the end of the episode when the team helps her boyfriend propose as well.

37. Michaela Krecks


Michaela, an aspiring character actress, tends to get roies of bikers and tough women, and her wardrobe reflects that, with her obsession with leopard prints and flame patterns on almost all her outfits. Stacy and Clinton try to help Michaela design outfits that will impress producers for all kinds of parts and prevent her from being typecast.

39. Naima Jones


29 year old Naima is about to graduate with a degree in political science, but her hip-hop wardrobe certainly doesn't convey an image of a future leader of the country. Can the team help her find a professional look that still allows Naima to reflect her funky personality?

40. Courtney Pitts


In another innovative idea for WNTW, women in the Boston area were invited to nominate themselves for the show, and were interviewed to plead why they deserved the makeover. Petite Courtney Pitts won out, explaining that her small frame made it difficut for her to find adult size clothing that fit, so even though she's 26, she often gets mistaken for 12. During her shopping spree, she's allowed to got to specialty stores that custom tailor her new clothes to fit just right.

42. What Not To Wear: Best of 2005


43. Tiffany


44. $50,000 Dream Wardrobe


45. The Wedding Episode


46. Best of What Not to Wear


47. Out on the Town


48. Worst-Dressed Couple in America
