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All Season 6 Episode

1. Somebody's Watching


Jessica Heeringa is working the night shift at a gas station. When a customer arrives just before closing to find the store empty, investigators believe she's been abducted. It's a case that reveals Jessica's biggest secret and the many men who adored her

2. Against the Tide


25 year-old artist Tiffany Daniels never makes it home from work. When her car is found abandoned in a Pensacola Beach parking lot, it sets off a desperate search for the missing young woman...and dark speculation about her disappearance.

3. Road to Nowhere


The case of a college student who went missing while driving home to visit his parents.

4. Walk Into Darkness


Tammy Kingery suffers a mysterious illness and is bedridden at home. Her husband and children leave to run errands and, when they return, Kingery has disappeared. They find a note saying she's gone for a walk, but they live deep in the woods and she's taken nothing with her. Massive search efforts yield no signs of the 37-year-old nurse. On the surface it seems like she had everything she ever wanted - a loving family, a rewarding career, and a dream house - but an investigation reveals dark secrets leading to all kinds of theories about what may have happened to Kingery.

5. Off the Grid


Brian Histand, a 25-year-old nationally renowned BMX rider, was last seen wandering in an alfalfa field on the southern edge of Phoenix, Ariz. Police respond to reports of a naked man in the fields but determine that Histand doesn't pose an imminent threat to himself or others. Family and friends fear for his safety in the harsh Phoenix heat and, as they search, they learn that he's exhibited disconcerting behavior over the last few days. Histand never wore a helmet while biking despite his fondness for stunts and jumps. Could concussions from his risky bike moves have led to a dangerous state of confusion?

6. No Stone Unturned


Sixty-year old stonemason David Riemens has one final meeting to attend about a construction job before he drives from Tennessee to Michigan to visit family. But when he never returns home to collect his bags, and his truck is found abandoned in a local parking lot, friends immediately sound the alarm. Desperate to find him, investigators try locating the unknown construction site and look for clues in Riemens's unconventional off-the-grid lifestyle, but every avenue they explore leads to yet another dead end. The only indisputable evidence they have to go on is that Riemens has seemingly vanished into thin air.

7. California Leaving


Former Harlem Globetrotter Rico Harris is driving from LA to Seattle to move in with his fiancée, Jennifer Song. It's an 1,100-mile road trip, but Harris is determined to reach his new home in time for a job interview less than two days later. The 37-year old is in constant contact with Song and his mother from the road but, after he mentions a detour into the mountains, all communication ceases. When his car is found abandoned in a remote recreation area, investigators and his loved ones embark on a journey that grows more baffling with each clue that surfaces about Harris's possible fate.

8. A Family Man


Hoagland doesn't show up at the airport to pick up his wife Lori, she's frantic. No one knows where he is. Police find his car miles from home with his son Max, inside. He tells investigators that his Dad had a confrontation with some men at an abandoned factory a few days earlier. The more police investigate, the more the mystery deepens. Security video at a gas station shows Hoagland buying a map. But if he disappeared voluntarily, why did he leave everything he owned behind? Did Robert Hoagland walk away from his life or is he the victim of foul play?

9. Love Triangle


Waitress Brandy Hanna leaves work Friday afternoon for a weekend off. But Monday morning, when she doesn't show up for work, her mother is convinced Brandy is in trouble. Did she walk away from her rocky love life? Or was she the victim of a fatal crime?

10. Girl Interrupted


When recent college graduate Jennifer Kesse doesn't show up for work, her friends and family know something is wrong. Their worst fears are realized after her car is found empty and abandoned a mile from her apartment. Police immediately investigate the dozens of construction workers who are building Kesse's apartment complex at that time, however no clear suspect emerges. Surveillance footage of someone driving her car is recovered but, frustratingly, police are unable to identify the suspect. Almost a decade later, this mysterious case continues to baffle law enforcement and haunt her family.