All Available Episode

All Season 4 Episode

1. Why is North up?


Why is north up? Has north always been up? What used to be up before north was up? Does it matter if a direction other than north is up? And have you ever been on a year five geography trip where you got lost in the woods and wet yourself in front of Mr. Dugdale?

2. Why British cities make no sense


Why is Reading, a massive settlement of 170,000 people, NOT a city, while the tiny Welsh village of St Davids IS a city? Is it something to do with cathedrals? Or universities? Or is it a surprisingly simple answer which only raises more questions about how city status works in the UK, and merits a ten minute video? (No, no, and yes.)

3. Internet Vs Ocean: the essential wires we never think about


Did you know that the internet is held together by a network of undersea cables? And did you also know that these cables can trace their origin back to 1850s? What has and hasn’t changed in the last 150 years may surprise you.

4. You'll never guess the most popular internet country code


Have you ever stopped to think why the two-letter country codes in the world's websites are what they are? We have*, and it turns out it's a fascinating tale with a lovely detailed map to stare at.

5. The Phantom Island of Google Maps


Why did Google Maps have a big black smudge before 2012? And why did it disappear? And what does it have to do with Captain Cook? And what is a phantom island?

6. There are NOT 195 countries


How many countries are there? Does the UN's official list of 195 include them all? Which ones are missing? Does Sealand count? Does England count for that matter? And why are Mark and Jay up a tree?