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All Season 1 Episode

1. Umbrella Umbrella


In this debut episode, Pocoyo and his friends try to find out how to use an umbrella.

2. Drum Roll Please


In this cartoon video children will learn, as well as their favorite cartoons, to play melodies with musical instruments.

3. Swept Away


Pocoyo shows us that tidying can be fun too: a broom can be a horse, a guitar, or even a hockey stick!

4. Who's On The Phone?


Pocoyo finds a telephone and tries to work out what it's for.

5. Fetch Loula Fetch!


While playing fetch with Loula, Pocoyo learns about shapes, colors, and sizes.

6. A Little Cloud


Pocoyo is followed by a lonely little cloud who wants to play with him.

7. A Present For Elly


Pocoyo decides to make a very special birthday present for Elly. Can you guess what it is?

8. Pocoyo Dance


Pocoyo and Pato find a radio, but the former has some trouble dancing.

9. The Big Sneeze


Elly has a cold and her sneezes keep knocking Pocoyo's block tower down.

10. A Mystery Most Puzzling


Pocoyo has to follow the clues in a series of photographs to work out who got his camera.

11. Hush


Pocoyo finda a butterfly but every time he says hello to it, it flies away.

12. Double Bubble


Pocoyo enjoys blowing bubbles for Loula but Elly wants a turn too.

13. The Key to It All


Pocoyo finds a key and invites Pato and Elly to join with him to find the treasure.

14. Keep Going Pocoyo!


Pato and Elly are jumping rope and Pocoyo wants to join in too but cannot get the knack going.

15. Sleepy Bird's Surprise


Sleepy Bird's egg runs away and Pocoyo and Pato need to get it back to her nest just in time for it to hatch.

16. Where's Pocoyo?


Pocoyo plays hide and seek with the Narrator.

17. Drummer Boy


Pocoyo wants to drum, but his friends are all busy playing different things. Pocoyo learns that sometimes his friends don't want to do exactly the same things as him.

18. The Great Race


Pocoyo and Elly want to have a race, but another one of their friends joins in and eventually wins the race.

19. Don't Touch


Elly builds a beautiful castle out of blocks, but has forgotten her flag. Pocoyo agrees to protect the castle and not allow anyone to touch it while she goes and gets a flag, but who will protect the castle from Pocoyo?

20. Mystery Footprints


Pocoyo and his friends are scared when they see some huge footprints. Follow the footprints with Pocoyo and his friends.

21. Magical Watering Can


Pocoyo gives the last drop of water from his watering can to his friends instead of using it to feed his musical flowers.

22. Table for Fun


Pocoyo and Elly play restaurants, but their unwilling guest, Pato, doesn't understand that it's just a game.

23. Twinkle Twinkle


Elly finds a star that fell from night sky, and she decides she wants to keep it, but Pocoyo thinks it should be shared with everyone.

24. Hiccup


Pocoyo, Elly and Loula try to surprise Pato when he gets the hiccups.

25. Pato's Postal Service


Pocoyo wants to send a letter, so Pato becomes a postman for the day.

26. Puppy Love


Pocoyo finds a toy dog to play with, but Loula gets upset that Pocoyo isn't playing with her.

27. Bat and Ball


Pocoyo, Elly and Pato play Bat and Ball with Fred. Pocoyo wants to go first but he is angry that Pato & Elly get to go before him.

28. Elly Spots


Elly is stricken with a case of the elephant spots and Pocoyo and Pato have to forsake their picnic to look after her.

29. Up Up and Away


When Elly loses Pocoyo's new toy airplane, they all go on a fantastic adventure and meet new friends who help them find it.

30. A Surprise for Pocoyo


Pato, Elly, Loula, & Sleepy Bird are preparing a surprise party for Pocoyo but they need the Narrator to distract Pocoyo or it will ruin the surprise if he finds out.

31. Having a Ball


Baby Bird wants to play ball with Pocoyo & Pato but they say he's too little. So, he steals their ball and takes it with him to outer space.

32. Super Pocoyo


Pocoyo is pretending to be a superhero and wants to help others. However, his beliefs of trouble around them upset his friends.

33. Let's Go Camping


Pocoyo & his friends are going camping but their supplies are too much for the vamoosh to carry.

34. Pocoyo, Pocoyo


Pocoyo can't find his friends, but he finds a new friend: his echo.

35. Elly's Big Chase


Pocoyo & Pato want to show Elly their new balloons but she is asleep. When she floats away because of them, they have to save her before she wakes up.

36. Pocoyo Gets It Right


Pocoyo wants to play golf with Elly but he doesn't want her help. However, without her help, he cannot hit the golf ball in the hole.

37. Juggling Balls


Pocoyo wants to learn how to juggle after watching Elly perform. He visits the juggling sensei, Octopus, who puts Pocoyo through an odd training program.

38. Fussy Duck


Pato wants to stay clean after taking four showers, but his cleanliness is no match for his friends' messy act.

39. A Dog's Life


Pocoyo pretends to be a duck, elephant, and dog like his friends but he soon learns how to be happy with himself in the end.

40. Pocoyolympics


Pocoyo, Pato, and Elly compete in three Pocoyo-lympic sports: running in circles, putting toys in a box, and giggling.

41. Picture This


To Pato and Elly's amusement, Pocoyo draws a fish living in the sky and one playing in the forest.

42. Whale's Birthday


Pocoyo & his friends have presents for Whale on her birthday but they end up getting popped, eaten by a fish, or destroyed by water.

43. Pocoyo's Little Friend


Pocoyo finds a little caterpillar and feeds it a lot of food.

44. Colour My World


Pocoyo finds a new toy, a remote control that changes the colours of the things around him. It's great fun, until he changes the colours of his friends. So, he has to put things back to the way they were.

45. Bedtime


It's time for bed for Pocoyo & Pato but Pocoyo isn't tired and wants to stay up to keep playing but keeps Pato from going to sleep.

46. A Little Something Between Friends


Pocoyo and Pato have a fight, refuse to make up, and build a wall against each other. So, Elly has to get them to be friends again.

47. Giggle Bug


Pocoyo & his friends are in a bad mood so Octopus decides to make them happy again.

48. What's In The Box?


Pocoyo is playing with a box but he does not see Loula going into it.

49. Musical Blocks


Pocoyo & Pato find some blocks that can sense different types of music.

50. Paint Me a Picture!


Pocoyo is painting his friends but he cannot keep them still for him to paint.

51. Elly's Doll


Pocoyo accidentally breaks Elly's doll but he does not want to tell Elly so he pretends to be her doll.

52. Wackily Ever After


Pocoyo and his friends act out a fairy tale but end up acting like their normal selves in the end.