All Available Episode

All Season 5 Episode

1. How I Spent My Summer III (Super Betamax/Software-Defined Radio/ Talking House Transmitter)


A little success, a little failure, a little intrigue, a little frustration. In other words, your standard between-season break for Ben.

2. Record Ripoffs Vol. 6 (98% 70's-free!)


…dragging the Record Ripoff concept kicking and screaming out of the 70’s. What the hell was I thinking?!?

3. Home Shopping Channels


Have your credit cards handy because we're about to launch our own Home-Shopping-type channel! What could possibly go wrong?

4. LaserKaraoke Vol. 4 (+ VHS Karaoke Vol. 1)


Crank it up and sing along! The madness will naturally follow.

5. Ben's Random Audiocassette Haul


Oddity Archive®: Now in ULTRA lo-fi!

6. Talking House Transmitter Redux (or, Part 15 Microbroadcasting: The Final Chapter?)


Oddity Archive: Your home for absurd, costly and borderline-useless “broadcast” experiments since 2015!

7. The Official Oddity Archive Guide To Retro A/V


…because I haven’t REALLY opened myself up to mass criticism for a long time now.

8. Betamax


The Archive takes it to the max--the Betamax, that is.

9. Conelrad (Halloween Special 2016)


This is your Civil Defense announcer speaking (er, typing) with a VERY important message. But first, this nearly 27-minute Oddity Archive episode. NOTE: Yes, I’m well aware that the LP’s discussed in the video have nothing to do with the Conelrad broadcasting stuff—just humor me, will ya?

10. VHS Vault Vol. 10 (Learning With The Stars)


…because as we all know, learning is most fun with famous people.

11. Top 10 Gaming Turkeys (of the 80's & 90's)


Another Thanksgiving episode? Must be time to unload some more proverbial turkeys (now more cynically than ever)!

12. The Official Oddity Archive® Idiot’s Guide To A/V Transfer


The second (and hopefully final) installment in the Archive’s “Idiot’s Guide” how-to series.

13. Christmas Special 2016 (A Musical Masochist's Christmas)


The most deep-hurtingest Christmas ever!

14. VideoGuide (+2 other early Interactive Program Guides)


Looking at the Interactive Program Guide’s especially awkward adolescence.

15. Local TV Vol. 5 (More Local Commercials)


Bargain Bennie is having his all-time biggest sale on local (and regional) TV commercials! Get ‘em before they’re gone!

16. VHS Vault Vol. 11(D-I-V-O-R-C-E)


‘Tis the season for love—and love gone down the garbage disposer.

17. Random Kiddie Records


Crank up the Fisher-Price turntable!

18. Minidisc


It’s (100% showtune-free) Musical March (read: Audio Geek March, “Musical March” is just a lot catchier) in Archiveland! Let’s kick it off with a little reevaluation of a format that I’ve bashed in the past.

19. Ben Vs. The Reel-To-Reel


Oddity Archive®: Now with new Superlife® coating!

20. DBX Noise Reduction System


And welcome to the Oddity Archive…the show that rapidly contracts and expands—but clearly not rapidly enough.

21. Ben's Random Reel-To-Reel Haul


A mere 5 years in the making! You’d never know it though…

22. Useless VHS Tapes


No, this isn’t about those 100 million (or more) copies of “Titanic” and “Jerry Maguire”—useless as they are.

23. Going (Proto-)Mobile! (Sony Data Discman & Apple Newton)


With all this talk of so-called “mobile devices” these days, it seemed worth taking a look into.

24. Video Magazines (or, Oddity Archive: Issue #126)


And welcome to the Oddity Ar-ar-ar-ar-ar-arc-arch-(SLAP)-Archive!