All Available Episode

All Season 1 Episode

1. The Max Headroom Incident of 1987


On the night of Sunday, November 22nd, 1987, a mysterious figure in a Max Headroom mask hijacked two Chicago TV stations. Spoiler alert: The perpetrators were never found.

2. Emergency Broadcast Salute


An informal (not to mention, loose) history of Civil Defense Broadcasting in the U.S.

3. TV Sign-offs


Remember when TV stations used to go off the air late at night? Anyone?

4. Local TV Special


Interested in seeing a clown so laid-back, he forgets he's on camera? Now about a Hawaiian teen idol with a pen fetish? Maybe an American Bandstand ripoff with an evil spirit hosting? If you answered yes to any of these questions, watch this episode--then seek immediate professional help.

5. American EXXXtacy (and other C-band nastiness)


The Archive's most infamous episode--for some reason.

6. Conservative Folk Music


Meet the artists that made the likes of Joan Baez and Pete Seeger fear for their careers.

7. Format Wars


VHS or Beta? Laserdisc or CED? What the hell is a CED anyway? These burning questions (amongst others) answered in this episode!

8. 1-900-ARCHIVE


Join Ben as he launches his own 1-900 number. What could possibly go wrong?

9. Halloween Special 2012 (Strange VHS Endings)


We still get a lot of flack for this episode (did you really think there were 37 minutes of odd VHS endings out there?). Nonetheless, it's still a favorite.

10. Captain Midnight / Vrillon


An Archive double header: The two most famous occurrences of Broadcast Signal Hijacking (well, save for the Max Headroom Incident) are discussed here.

11. Pay TV (but not Cable or Satellite)


The Oddity Archive will now be switching to scrambled mode. Please turn on your (preferably, circa 1984) decoder box now.

12. Top (Thanksgiving) Turkeys of the (19)90's


Because we always like to go the extra mile (at least, when it's convenient), the Archive tackles TWO lists of the worst of the (19)90's: The top 4 Trendy Turkeys and the top 4 Technological Turkeys of the (again, 19)90's.

13. Local TV vol. 2 (Kiddie Show Hosts)


The 13th episode is a very unlucky one for Ben as he discusses some (all too often, rather off) U.S. Kiddie Show hosts from the early 1950's through the late 1990's.

14. Christmas Special (A Fair Use Christmas)


All Ben wanted for Christmas was a silent night...

15. Teletext Heaven (or Hell)


Ceefax and Keyfax, Nite-Owl and Cable Chuckles, oh my...

16. Intermission


It's movie day at the Archive! Unfortunately, due to copyright issues, you're not invited. But, at least you can join us for an intermission reel (conveniently containing all Public Domain footage!).

17. Prehistoric Television


Given how much we discuss TV on the Archive, a history lesson seemed in order.

18. gniksaM sdrawkcaB (Backwards Masking)


?segassem lanimilbus tahW ?huH Everyone knows there are no subliminal messages in music...(!slatrom nwod wob ,woN)

19. Valentine's Day Special (Dating Services)


Join Ben as he discusses some of the Dating Services of the 1980's to present. And, if you're good, maybe Ben will let you join him in his own quest for a date.

20. Local TV vol. 3 (Public Access)


Temporarily exiled from the big leagues of Internet TV, Ben (again, temporarily) sets up camp at his local Public Access outlet.

21. Protect & Survive


It's the feel-good episode of the year as Ben discusses the (in)famous British Nuclear War preparedness campaign.

22. Duck & Cover


Because you can (apparently) never have enough nukes...

23. Scary Logos (and other Nostalgic Video Terrors)


What is it about end logos and FBI Warnings that scared so many children of the VHS era?

24. Hell's Bells (The Dangers of Rock and Roll)


Can pure rock sound really hard-boil an egg? Of course not. It does make for some wicked "deviled" eggs though.

25. Employee Training Videos


Things have gotten so dire at The Archive that Ben's been forced to take a "real" job. Join him as he takes a look at his potential employers' training videos.

26. VHS Vault vol. 1 (Amvest Video)


Ever wanted to know the absolute root of the Oddity Archive? Well, it involves a creepy guy in a Hamster costume...