All Available Episode

All Series 6 Episode

1. Episode 1


Bradley Walsh hosts the game show that asks contestants - Kiera-Marie, Veronica, Mike and John - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

2. Episode 2


3. Episode 3


4. Episode 4


5. Episode 5


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Matt, Julie, Jan and Gary - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

6. Episode 6


7. Episode 7


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Mark, Laura, Rose and Sean - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

8. Episode 8


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Sara-Louise, Tom, Joan and Barrie - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

9. Episode 9


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Debra, Emily, Terry and Phil - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

10. Episode 10


11. Episode 11


12. Episode 12


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Khakan, Vera, Charlie and Helen - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

13. Episode 13


14. Episode 14


15. Episode 15


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Wayne, Andrew, Lynette and Lucy - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

16. Episode 16


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Joe, Viv, Donna and Mitch - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

17. Episode 17


18. Episode 18


19. Episode 19


Bradley Walsh hosts the game show that asks contestants - Peter, Iain, Robyn and Linda - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

20. Episode 20


Bradley Walsh hosts the game show that asks contestants - Craig, Charles, Sarah and Lisa - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

21. Episode 21


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Suzanne, Alex, James and Myra - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

22. Episode 22


23. Episode 23


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Neil, Nick, Gill and Lou - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

24. Episode 24


25. Episode 25


Bradley Walsh hosts the game show that asks contestants - Dave, Sandra, Charlie and Jo - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

26. Episode 26


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Beverly, David, Adelle and Brenda - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

27. Episode 27


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Malcolm, Joanne, Chris and Andrena - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

28. Episode 28


Bradley Walsh hosts the game show that asks contestants - Tina, Paul, Laura and Brian - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

29. Episode 29


30. Episode 30


Four people who have never met before work as a team in an attempt to outrun one of the country's finest quiz brains - but do Mike, Annette, Deborah and Roy have what it takes to beat the Chaser?

31. Episode 31


All that stands between Robin, Kate, Neil and Sue is the small matter of one of the country's finest quiz brains - the Chaser.

32. Episode 32


Bradley Walsh hosts the game show that asks contestants - Carol, Ian, James and Nicki - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

33. Episode 33


All that stands between Paul, Lauri, Daniel and Doreen is the small matter of one of the country's finest quiz brains - the Chaser.

34. Episode 34


35. Episode 35


Bradley Walsh hosts the game show that asks contestants - Dave, Helen, Tracy and Fraser - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

36. Episode 36


All that stands between Diane, Charles, Ria and Warren is the small matter of one of the country's finest quiz brains - the Chaser.

37. Episode 37


Bradley Walsh hosts the game show that asks contestants - Dom, Peter Jenni and Marcus - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

38. Episode 38


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Arthur, Laura, George and James - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

39. Episode 39


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Carol Dave Niall and Margaret - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

40. Episode 40


41. Episode 41


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Lee, Stella, Chris and Derek - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

42. Episode 42


Bradley Walsh hosts the game show that asks contestants - Rebecca, Scott, Steve and Ali - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

43. Episode 43


Bradley Walsh hosts the game show that asks contestants - Dani, Viki, Dave and Glen - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

44. Episode 44


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Ross, Stephanie, Jess and Larry - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

45. Episode 45


Bradley Walsh hosts the game show that asks contestants - Gina, Joel, Morag and Colin - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

46. Episode 46


47. Episode 47


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - John, Alex, Linda and Rik - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

48. Episode 48


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - James, Lauren, Graham and Jude - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

49. Episode 49


50. Episode 50


Bradley Walsh hosts the game show that asks contestants - Tony, Tess, Spencer and Karen - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

51. Episode 51


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Becky, Martyn, Linda and Matt - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

52. Episode 52


53. Episode 53


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Angela, Stuart, Heather and Barry - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

54. Episode 54


Bradley Walsh hosts the game show that asks contestants - Dena, Trev, David and Judith - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

55. Episode 55


56. Episode 56


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Matt, Jo, Tony and Elaine - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

57. Episode 57


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Carole, Felix, Sam and Rachel - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

58. Episode 58


Bradley Walsh hosts the game show that asks contestants - Darren, James, Lyn and Sian - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

59. Episode 59


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Sharon, Chris, Laura and Pete - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

60. Episode 60


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Mark, Emma, John and Rosemary - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

61. Episode 61


62. Episode 62


Bradley Walsh host the game show that asks contestants - Dave, Michelle, Adam and Kathryn - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

63. Episode 63


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Jen, Pete, Jacky and Mike - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

64. Episode 64


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Sally, Sam, Bob and Mandy - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

65. Episode 65


Four people who have never met before work as a team in an attempt to outrun one of the country's finest quiz brains - but do Paul, Mary, Katherine and Stewart have what it takes to beat the Chaser?

66. Episode 66


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Andrew, Natalie, John and Caz - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

67. Episode 67


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Haley, Sarah, George and Steve - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

68. Episode 68


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Catriona, Jenn, Gav and Clive - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

69. Episode 69


70. Episode 70


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - William, Luke, Anne and Andrea - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

71. Episode 71


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Steve, Lauren, Peter and Calvin - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

72. Episode 72


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Sophie, Jenny, Damon and David - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

73. Episode 73


Bradley Walsh hosts the game show that asks contestants - Pete, Carol, Debbie and Roy - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

74. Episode 74


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Richard, Kevin, Ellie and Nicola - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

75. Episode 75


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Andrew, Zoe, Jeff and Scarlett - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

76. Episode 76


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Michael, Matie, John and Vicky - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

77. Episode 77


Bradley Walsh hosts the game show that asks contestants - Sharon, Phil, Marion and Kristina - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

78. Episode 78


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Richard, Geo, Sarah and Catherine - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

79. Episode 79


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Phillip, Jo, Elaine and Dave - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

80. Episode 80


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Christian, Lynn, John and Louise - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

81. Episode 81


82. Episode 82


83. Episode 83


84. Episode 84


85. Episode 85


86. Episode 86


87. Episode 87


88. Episode 88


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Andy, Kerry, Steve and Kay - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

89. Episode 89


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Mags, Paul, Dave and Elaine - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

91. Mel, Denise, Graham and Brian


92. Simon, Steve, Mary and Lindsay


Bradley Walsh hosts the game show that asks contestants - Lindsay, Mary, Steve and Simon - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

93. Episode 93


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Allan, Lucy, Cath and Amanda - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

94. Episode 94


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Will, Chris, Catherine and Julie - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

95. Episode 95


Bradley Walsh hosts the game show that asks contestants - Kate, Greig, Owen and Helen - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

96. Lorraine, Alan, Tom and Debbie


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Debbie, Tom, Alan and Lorraine - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

97. Dave, Joe, Zoe and Dee


Bradley Walsh hosts the game show that asks contestants - Dee, Zoe, Joe and Dave - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

98. June, Nick, Sorcha and Barry


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Barry, Sorcha, Nick and June - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

99. Sheila, Phil, Pam and Paul


Bradley Walsh hosts the game show that asks contestants - Paul, Pam, Phil and Sheila - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

100. Otis, Alanna, Anna and Steve


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Steve, Anna, Alanna and Otis - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

101. Ryan, Chris, Phenetia, Kim


102. Paul, Ann, Jo and Jamie


103. Dee, Neil, Louise and Terry


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Terry, Louise, Neil and Dee - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

104. Mary, Debbie, Will and Mike


Bradley Walsh hosts the game show that asks contestants - Mike, Will, Debbie and Mary - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

105. Diane, Mark, Angie and Gary


Bradley Walsh hosts the game show that asks contestants - Gary, Annie, Mark and Diane - to complete a series of general knowledge questions faster than the Chaser.

106. Julie, Ralph, Joey and Meryl


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Meryl, Joey, Ralph and Julie - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

107. Steve, Justin, Becky and Helen


108. Maureen, Garry, Jim and Helen


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Helen, Jim, Garry and Maureen - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

109. John, Shaun, Georgie and Bernard


110. Jill, Ed, Jonny and Jo


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Jo, Jonny, Ed and Jill - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

111. Annabel, Glyn, Gary and Kathy


Bradley Walsh presents as contestants - Kathy, Gary, Glyn and Annabel - pit their wits against one of the ruthless Chasers in the hope of winning a potential prize pot worth thousands of pounds. They work as a team and play strategically to answer general knowledge questions against the clock and race down the game board to the exit without being caught.

121. Lesley, Ian, Justine and Paul


122. Nina, Daniel, Yvonne and Tony


123. Chris, George, Lindsay and Barney


124. Kim, Neil, Steve and Ali


125. Matthew, Alun, Yvonne and Joy


126. Mandy, Dean, Matt and Cathy


127. Sarah, Simon, Lindsay and John


128. Michelle, Martin, Simon and Anna


129. Rob, Donna, Tara and Sue


130. Julian, Mairi, Jenny and Tim


131. Babs, Phil, Liz and Mark


132. Roy, Richard, Mark and Catherine


133. Karen, Elva, Luke and Paul


134. Cathy, Brian, Tonia, Ben


135. Jen, Stuart, Drew and Dee


136. Tahryn, Martin, Alison and Lewis


137. Clifton, Chris, Siobhan and Alison


138. Tahryn, Martin, Alison and Lewis


139. Catriona, Rich, Sue and Diane


140. Wayne, Jack, Marion and Matty


141. Karen, Brian, Emma and Andrew


142. Chris, Sue, Richard and Jan


143. Lauren, Pip, Jason and Nick


144. Jono, Val, Craig and Claire


145. Jim, Ian, Christine and Haeme


146. Billy, Shelagh, Paul and Karen


147. Sheila, Tony, Craig and Sally


148. Karen, Chase, Caroline and Nigel


149. Colin, Dave, Eleanor and Sylvia
