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All Season 1 Episode

1. Nature's Mysteries


Trees covered from head to toe in spiders' webs, bees that make blue, green and red honey, and a golf course in Australia with sharks in the water hazard.

2. Bizarre Behaviour


Elks on the rampage in a quiet American town, a fish that can walk on dry land, and a strange breed of fainting goats.

3. Radical Relationships


A play date with a polar bear, a dolphin that thinks it is a sperm whale, and the ducklings with a cat for a mum.

4. Ice Ice Baby


A hailstone the size of a rugby ball that fell from the sky, a wall of ice that engulfed a town, and a frog which can freeze and unfreeze.

5. Animal Magic


An octopus who thinks he's Houdini, a stoat that hypnotises its prey, and a massive lake in America that disappeared.

6. Animal Oddities


The Suriname toad, which grows its babies on its back, foxes who like bouncing on trampolines, a two-headed snake who doesn't know which way to turn, and army ants on a march to the death.

7. Clever Critters


A team of dogs riding the rails on the Russian underground, a clever crow that uses a pedestrian crossing to crack a very tough problem, and a monstrous fish that has taken to the land to hunt pigeons.

8. The Love Show


A strange sound that's bewitched a town in America, mayflies on an intensive speed date, and a bug that loves nothing more than kissing us.

9. Uninvited Guests


A herd of elephants in a hotel, an ant that indulges in some truly shocking behaviour, and a body-snatching parasitic worm that is a master of mind control.

10. Tales of the Unexpected


A moose in Norway that got stuck in a tree, an elephant seal that turned up on a zebra crossing in Rio de Janeiro, and black bears taking a dip in a hot tub in America.

11. Freaky Phenomena


A mysterious web which covered an entire street, a sea in Australia that turned into a foam bath, a playground which disappeared overnight into an 80-metre-wide hole, and freaky-looking multicoloured lobsters.

12. Super Swarms


A plague of mice that invaded a farm in Australia, 150 million monarchs on a migration to Mexico, and a swarm of locusts of biblical proportions.

13. Alien Encounters


An alien-like snail with pulsating antennae, a deep-sea slimer that's got fishermen puzzled, and a mysterious ten-metre-long animal called a pyrosome.

14. Eerie Events


A dust storm that turned an entire city red, a remote tropical island invaded by 30 million crabs, and a cloud shaped like a UFO.

15. Horror Stories


A tree that bleeds, a fungus that likes to munch on ant brains, and a flesh-eating fly with a taste for humans.

16. Invading Armies


Sleepy suburbs invaded by ten million bugs, a Californian town under attack from moving plants, and a tropical island overrun by an army of venomous snakes and spiders.