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All Season 3 Episode

1. Episode 1


Maggie moves into a new house with Phil and the kids and endeavouring to make a fresh start. But not everything is back to normal - Maggie still doesn't feel ready to have sex with Phil yet. Encouraged by the girls in the travel agency, Maggie tries to re-ignite the flame, but their attempts keep getting thwarted - if it's not Brian interrupting them, it's the kids or the curtains setting on fire! Finally, it's an uncomfortable encounter with the next door neighbours that gets them laughing together again. With the barriers down, Maggie feels at ease and they rekindle their passion for one another. Things finally seem to be looking up for Maggie and Phil.

2. Episode 2


Maggie decides to leave her job as Phil is working so often and she wants to spend time with the children. A startling discovery makes her consider her options and elsewhere Brian has to sleep in the garage.

3. Episode 3


Maggie won't go on a day out as she has her suspicions that Phil is not being entirely faithful. Phil turns her around but further evidence leads her to believe she was right.

4. Episode 4


Maggie is starting to wonder if she and Phil did the right thing by getting back together, so Mia suggests that they find something new to do together – like the Spanish class that she's starting. Phil's not keen so Maggie decides to brave it without him. Meanwhile, Maggie agrees to help colleague Kevin by volunteering to baby-sit his nephew, which prompts Phil to latch onto the idea that they can save their marriage by having a baby! Can she be persuaded?

5. Episode 5


Maggie's got really bad morning sickness and is having doubts about keeping the baby. Helen drives her to the abortion clinic, but can she go through with it? And, how will she break the news to Phil either way? Later, Phil is sacked and, depressed over the loss of his job, turns to Nick the neighbouring therapist for help – who inspires him to set up on his own. It doesn't take long for him to secure Penny as his first client. Meanwhile, Jeff introduces the team to Aidan Trigg the new regional manager. Genevieve's got history with him – he's the father of her son. And there's more change when Jeff decides to sack Kevin because he had to make cutbacks – so Helen quits in protest!

6. Episode 6


Will cannot go travelling so Phil says he wants to go and as Mia is now single she says she will look after the kids. Everything looks like it will fall into place when Maggie's parents look set to move in next door, but will everything go to plan?