All Available Episode
All 2020 Episode
1. Holograms, Lasers & Boredom; the CED's march towards eventual invention (CED Part 4)
Alright, here it comes! The fourth part.
2. Old-fashioned rice cookers are extremely clever
Bet you didn't think a rice cooker was so interesting, did ya?
3. Race to the finish; RCA's final gamble (CED Part 5)
The end is near. The death knell approaches. What will become of RCA’s invention? And is this really the end? Would you like fries with that?
4. Brown; color is weird
This video discusses the color brown. Seriously.
5. Teleprompters are clever, simple, and also pretty neat
Yep. Teleprompters. That's what this video's about.
6. The Computer-free Automation of a Jukebox (Electromechanics)
Ever wonder how we made all these crazy machines do all their crazy machine things before computers came along? Wonder no more as we explore the inner workings of a Wurlitzer 3400 series jukebox from 1970!
7. The Selection Accumulator; a Jukebox's Brain
Today, we take a look at the selection accumulator; how it works, what it does, and how that relates to the rest of the machine. Strap in, folks!
8. Chest Freezers; What they tell us about designing for X
This video is super cool. We're talking about refrigeration, and how the design of a refrigerator affects its energy consumption. Freezers are the perfect place to see this in action, so let's take a look!
9. Coffee Percolators: An Explanation and Roast
Do you like your coffee to have a little kick? Then try a percolator! It's like tasting a shoe! Seriously. Why are these still a thing? I don't know but let's talk about them!
10. DVD+R and DVD-R; What was that about?
We're really looking at the plusses and minuses of this whole ordeal...
11. Fans; High is next to Off on purpose
This video is absolutely fantastic. Ever wonder why it goes Off-High-Medium-Low? Well, it has to do with motors and the ways we cheat with them.
12. Pulse Oximeters; An Amazing Use of Light
You might have been seeing a lot about these little devices lately. Have you ever wondered how they work? Well, let's find out!
13. How to design an actually good toaster with lessons from the 1940's
I love this toaster so dang much.
14. The US electrical system is not 120V
It's more than 120V. It's even more than the other 120V! It is the sum of the two (and sometimes a different two!) that makes us who we are. Learn about the US electrical system in this not-at-all snarky video!
15. Laptop Docks! They're pretty neat!
I know, my use of a laptop (and worse, that I like it!) makes me a truly terrible person.
16. Cassette adapters are remarkably simple
It's a real lost opportunity that we didn't call these Cassettepters. It's not-at-all difficult to say! OK, maybe Cassepter would be easier but isn't that, like, a sword or something? The descriptions are getting weird.
17. Personal "air conditioners" aren't what they seem
You know, it's one thing when a product has a limited scope and application. It's another when it's passed off as something greater than what it is. Learn why these fad devices are fad devices in this video.
18. The Impact Sprinkler - more clever than it seems!
It's that time again! Time to take a deep dive into the mundane to see what we can learn. Join me as we look at this sprinkler!
19. A record player that can play CDs: The Fisher DAC-145
Well now, what do we have here? It's a CD player... but also a turntable? Hmm... very interesting. But why? How? And is it actually a good idea? Lucky for you you've clicked on this video and will find out!
20. Retroreflectors; they're everywhere, and they cheat physics (sort of)
Road signage and other markings may be something you take for granted, but have you ever wondered how they can appear so brightly with just the output of your headlights? Find out how, and get a load of other trivia, in this video!
21. The touch lamp; a neat idea, and older than you'd think!
I think we really oughta make this fashionable again, don't you?
22. Electric car chargers aren't chargers at all – EVSE Explained
Catchy title! But it's mostly true! There's a pinned comment you might want to read, as well. But there's some links down here, too.
23. Forced-air Furnaces: The What, Why, and How
Let's not get too heated, this is after an inflammable subject. Frankly it's exhausting, but we gotta do it. We gotta explain how furnaces work! And soon, we'll talk about what will replace them. I'll try to remember to put a link here when that time comes!
24. Camera Tech from 1971: Match-needle exposure meter
Ever wonder how pro cameras from the 1970's worked? Learn about their single most important tool for the photographer (and lots else!) in this exposé.
25. The Antique Microwave Oven that's Better than Yours
Seriously. How is this so old and yet so advanced?
26. What exactly is the goop inside a lava lamp?
Yep! Gonna get questionably gloopy!
27. Bubble Lights: The Weirdest Christmas Light?
Yes indeed, these are silly! Very silly! But, mesmerizing.
28. Detergent packs are kinda wishy-washy (Dishwashers Explained)
Ever wonder how dishwashers work? Are you ever bummed by the performance of yours? Well, this video can answer your question and possibly provide you with a solution!