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All Season 2 Episode

1. WTF is an Accounting Operations Manager!?


After finishing up the annual audit and having a fun summer, the Sunryzer accounting team is on Cloud 9. Hunter still hasn't made a move on Sarah, but that's okay... he's getting there... right? With the company preparing to go public, they bring onboard a new SEC Reporting Manager who... well, just doesn't seem to always have the best of luck. Things really start to get shifty when the CFO opens a new position. Sarah eyes a career progression into a new role at the company: Accounting Operations Manager, which throws the whole team into a tizzy. Not to mention, the sales team, led by Lance and former taco maker Rico under the leadership of the VP of Sales, are actively choosing to make it difficult for the accounting team to do their jobs.

2. Accountants Have Feelings Too!


Since the Accounting Operations Manager works with other departments on improving operational efficiency and implementing new rollouts, Sarah is busy trying to improve her relationship with the sales team... but that comes at a cost to the relationship she has with accounting team. Her new interactive role leaves Hunter feeling lost and alone, and as though nothing can really bring him back to his true self. While Dave pouts in confusion, Makayla tries to utilize the classic prank target of Jamie to bring Hunter back to life. Unfortunately, with Sarah and Marty, the Sales Operations Manager, hitting it off right in front of his eyes, Hunter goes completely dark... as in accounting goes emo.

3. What Every Sales Bro Loves


In order to win the sales team over, Sarah tries to plan an outing to do their favorite thing: golf! However, when they find out it's only mini-golf, they can only justify staying by sprucing up the day with some fun "expenditures". Meanwhile Hunter tries to prove his value over Marty by beating him in a round of mini-golf, but Sarah seems preoccupied on the expense situation. When some massage therapists, hibachi chefs, and a live performance from the actual Holographic Tupac blow the day budget out of the water, Sarah has an ultimatum. As Lance says: you can't be a frugal baller! Accounting or sales, which is it gunna be?

4. Shawty's an Accountant


But art does not come without a price! As Hunter searches to replace Sarah, he finds even his reliable rap duo is falling apart as Makayla does a rework of he and Rico's "Shawty's An Accountant" rap song. Sarah, banished by her accounting team after blowing their T&E budget to impress the sales team, also finds herself searching for allies within the office. She thinks she has that in audit pal Lindsey - but Lindsey has her eyes on a more skeptical prize as she grills Sarah on her lack of internal controls. With the whole office seemingly falling apart, will Sarah be able to mend the relationships that she's tried so hard to balance?

5. The Curse of the Clawback


While everyone is dressing their part, there's still work that needs to get done. Lindsey is continuing to push the accounting team to the brink with her continuous discovery of control deficiencies, and finding of outlandish terms in the sales teams contracts, which could lead to the dreaded: clawback! Meanwhile Sarah and Hunter, not so subtlety, hash out their ongoing passive aggressive relationship battle as Marty continues to be his punny self. For Makayla, she has bigger fish to fry: her reputation. After a Tweet threating to expose and cancel her puts her on edge, she is on a mission to get ahead of the publicity before it's too late.

6. Queen of Ethics


Left with a critical decision of whether to deceive the client as ordered by her boss, or come forward with the truth about the outlandish sales contract, Sarah spins into existential crisis mode. With the sales team doing everything they can to keep the client pre-occupied to avoid discovering the truth, it takes the help of the entire accounting team to pull off the unthinkable contract revision and stall the conference long enough for Sarah to get to the General [the client] and hope he accepts the revised agreement terms. Meanwhile, this whole time, there was an undercover surprise that shocks everyone, but goes to show, you better always be on your best behavior, because some is always watching!